Now this is not for all you Edward lovers out there but it is for all you sexy southern boy lovers out there ;) In this fic Bella is a bit more feisty and sassy but not too much I`ve tried to stay as close as possible to the actual characture`s. I hope. Hope you enjoy. This is in my opinion what should have happened in Twilight.


Did that really just happen? What was his problem; it`s not like I smell. Well I`m not so sure now since the face he made pulled conveyed otherwise. Oh well Im not even going to think of Edward Cullen.

Edward Cullen who I say.

Oh who am I kidding, Im going to have to sit next to him every Biolagy lesson and try to ignore is angry glances. I just wish I could go home; home as in Pheniox not this small town with a family of beautiful people and a bunch of other completely ordinary people who want to have a play with the new shiny toy, just like what that girl what was her name, oh yes Jessica said. But no, here I am walking in the carpark to my new truck (well new to me) trying to carry a bunch of text books that I won`t even need to read to pass since I`ve already gone through this section of the coursework at my old school. Stop being so negative Bella, Jesus it could could be worse stop moaning.

Now Im talking to myself, great. However with that thought I do stand up straighter and start to walk to my truck, determined not to think about anything to do with golden eyes turning a frightening shade of black looking hungerly at me and burning with a cold sense of hate and anger. Instantly cutting off my inter monalog something feeling strangly like a rope pulled me towards the other side of the car park; it was like I had to look up, when I did the sight alone made my body to automaticly freeze and stop mid-step; standing close to the surrounding forest was one of the Cullens.

His dirty blond hair was slightly damp from the drizzle and small strands clung to his forehead which was pinched into a deep frown; I instantly knew he was deep in thought like he was trying to think of something very complex and for some insane reason I wanted to smooth the worry lines with my finger and see him relax and the tenstion leave his body. His features were slightly more sharper then the average teenage boy with a strong jaw and high cheek bones. The shoulders were broad but fit with his lean frame, although covered, you could tell his arms were well built and his torso and legs were just like the rest of his body, lean, however if you looked long enough there was a undercover sense of power like he was much stronger then he looked. The clothes looked like they had been picked out for him and I wondered who would dress him up in something that clearly didn`t look right on him, my mind thought up an image of a cowboy dressed up in a suit and tie. Yet it wasn`t his body nor his face that made me want to gasp embarassingly out loud but his eyes. They were black not as black as the deadly ones that were glaring at me not that long ago, no not at all like Edward Cullens, these still had a distinct golden ring around the edges, but it was not the colour that made me fall into them, it was the emotions that seemed to swim in them expressive orbs like a cocktail of feelings running in and out of them a hundred miles an hour, and he was looking straight at me. Straight into my eyes like they he could see my soul or my very thoughts. His red lips seeming even more bright compared to his chalky white skin lifted into a small barely there smile which contradicted his tense body and face.

I gulped, a blush spreading across what felt like my entire body; and willed myself to look away no matter how hard it was. What was I doing? I should just walk away; walk away and forget about what was happening. But no matter what I said I couldn`t look away from his eyes; Jasper Cullens eyes. Not even the small pixie like woman with short black hair snarling and growling by his side could distract me.

So da daa how was it? I should be updating soon, however with school it may take a while :( Review please and I`ll try to put up another chapter as soon as possible so you can see what that little pixie does dun dun duuun! :) Oh and I must warn you there is going to be a bit of Alice and Edward bashing through this fic.

d. xx