"Starsha sestra?" Ukraine looked over as Sealand said her name. Her worry was brought about a tad as she heard the odd tone in his voice.

"Da? Vhat's vrong?" Sealand stepped aside and let her see what he had been standing in front of. Behind him lay his pet goat, Wendy. The nanny was usually a very energetic animal, bleating and trundling along proudly. However, at the moment, the she-goat was lying down, tongue lolling out of her mouth. Sealand was gently stroking his beloved goat's back, a worried expression on his face.

"I'm worried about Wendy." He prodded her stomach, which did seem to have shrunk in a length of time since Ukraine had first seen the goat. "She hasn't been eating lately, and I'm afraid something is wrong with her. I don't want her to starve to death." Ukraine looked at the animal thoughtfully, then to her adoptive younger brother. "What should we do? I don't know any goat doctors, or whatever you call them." To the young sailor's surprise, the platinum-haired woman smiled and patted him gently on the shoulder.

"Vell, don't you vorry, trochy morya. You may not know anyone who can care for goats, but your starsha sestra does." Sealand tilted his head to his adoptive sister, blinking his large blue eyes twice.

"Really? Who?"

The rolling scenery of the Swiss Alps were a thing of absolute beauty. Here and there, on the grassy plain the nation and micronation walked, goats were feeding from the rich, moist grass. Sealand 'ooh'ed in awe, staring around in the scenery. Ukraine smiled gently, patting him on the shoulder as they plodded along.

"Vell, vhat do you think?" Sealand grinned, staring around the landscape.

"It looks really neat! There's so many goats around here! And I think I can see Dom and Monte Rosa [1] over there." He looked to his goat, whom he was leading on a leash of rope. "See, Wendy? There's lots of other goats around here, just like you!" The nanny didn't seem interested by all of this, only trundling along behind the blonde boy. Sealand pursed his lips at the actions of his beloved goat, but went on following Ukraine, trusting that his adoptive big sister would know what to do. They finally reached their destination, a rather fine-looking Swiss Chalet. Ukraine patted him on the head, moving his sailor's hat a bit as she did so.

"Vait here just a moment, I vill be back in just a moment vith Miss Liechtenstein. She vill ask Mr. Svitzerland to take a look at Vendy for you. After that, I'm sure that she vill be good as new in no time." Ukraine opened up the door and held up a finger to him. "I'll be just a moment," she said softly. With this, she went around to the side door, where Liechtenstein had said she would meet her.

With his guardian and big sister gone, Sealand decided to take a seat down on the front step to wait. When he did, he decided to also untie Wendy's rope, so she could explore this great, vast field of a front yard they were in. He smiled as he saw Wendy, if not a little tiredly, trundle on over to the nearest bush and start sniffing the flowers there.

"'Atta girl, go on and enjoy yourself." He hummed a bit, leaning back against a support beam as he kicked his legs out into open air. The air was quiet, peaceful, broken only by the occasional bleating of one of the goats. Then, he heard a quiet click behind him.

"Thank you zo much for helping us vith this, Liech." The girl smiled gently, as was her way, at her Slavic friend.

"It's no problem, really," she responded sweetly. "I'm glad I can help a friend, and a friend's goat. Now we just have to find big bruder and I'll ask him to take a look at Vendy for you." Ukraine paused, looking at Liechtenstein suddenly.

"Vait, you didn't tell Svitzerland zat ve vould be coming here?" Liechtenstein shook her head.

"Vell, no. I didn't think about telling him. I thought I wouldn't need to, since he's always got his things to look at his goats around, so he didn't need to buy anything." Ukraine's brow furrowed, and her mouth thinned.

"Zat is... not the thing I vas vorried about, Liech." She was about to explain her reasons, but the sound of a gunshot from outside the house did it all for her. Both females whirled around, eyes wide.

"Oh dear."

Sealand cried out with terror as he ran, scarf flying out behind him and one hand clutching his cap against his head. He could hear the sounds of bullets hitting the ground behind his feet. He was familiar with gunfire, from his war days, just not to running away from people shooting at you on a grassy plain.

"Intruder! Get back here right now!" Switzerland ran along behind the intruder he had found, rifle firmly in his grip. In his fervor of getting this intruder off of his 'neutral' land [2], he didn't realize that it was only a child he was shooting at. "I know you heard me! Get back here!" Sealand let out a wail of terror as he ran.

"I didn't do anything, I swear! Please stop shooting at me! I only came here for Wendy!" The name 'Wendy' didn't mean much to Switzerland, but he paused nonetheless. His eyebrow went up, gun faltering.

"Wait, Wen-?" he never got to finish, as he suddenly felt something ram into his backside. He was sent tumbling head over heels, gun flying out of his hands and onto the nearby grass. Switzerland groaned as he sat up, rubbing the seat of his pants as he did so.

"Ouch," he muttered under his breath. A low bleating made him look up, and he found himself gazing right into the diamond-pupiled, yellow eyes of a goat. The man let out a cry of surprise, scrambling backwards into a sitting position as the goat continued to stare benignly at him. "A goat?" he wondered aloud.

"Big bruder!" Switzerland looked up, and saw Liechtenstein running up to him, Ukraine bouncing along right after her. He mentally wondered what an Eastern European would be doing here, though he vaguely remembered that Liechtenstein mentioned something about being friends with Ukraine. When his 'sister' finally reached him, she knelt next to him worriedly. "Big bruder, are you alright?" He nodded, pushing himself up to stand.

"Yes, I am, I suppose." He saw the goat still eyeing him evilly, watching his every move. "I was chasing out an intruder, when this goat rammed into me from behind and sent me onto the ground." He placed a hand on his hip, eyebrow raised. "It's odd, though, I don't think this is one of ours. I've never seen it around here before. He noted Liechtenstein fidgeting a bit, and was confused. "What? What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry bruder, this is all my fault! Miss Ukraine said that Sealand's goat vasn't feeling vell, so I told her they could bring it here so you could take a look at it. I didn't think about telling you beforehand, I'm sorry." Switzerland looked up again, and found that the one he had been chasing was, indeed, only little Sealand. The blond scratched his head and looked at him.

"Oh, it is just you. Ah... sorry about that. I just thought you were an intruder is all, I wouldn't have shot at you if I had known it was just you." Sealand just smiled good naturedly and petted Wendy on the head, trying to get her to stop glaring at the nation.

"It's alright, really it is. No need to worry about it." He looked at his goat and hugged her, around the neck. The animal licked her owner's face, causing him to giggle. Sealand looked appealingly at the 'neutral' country while patting his animal on the head. "So, could you please take a look at her?" Switzerland nodded as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Yes, well, I suppose I do owe you for shooting at you. Alright, bring her around the side of the house to the goat shed and I'll take a look." Sealand's face lit up, and he thanked the larger nation dozens of times before he was convinced to take up Wendy's rope leash and take her to the shed like he was told. Once inside, Switzerland had her all set up and sat down to take a look at her (though, he did notice that the goat took pains to make sure that her body was always between him and her master standing in the doorway). After a short while of examining the goat, he finally brought her back over to Sealand.

"Well, what is it? Do you know what's wrong with her?" Sealand asked with worry. He gazed up at the taller blond, and found relief when the older nodded.

"Yes, I know what's wrong. It's nothing life-threatening, your goat is just having a bad toothache." He knelt down next to Wendy and used his hands to open up her mouth. He used one finger to motion to her backmost teeth, where Sealand could see a tiny little oddly-colored spot on the tooth. "I can take care of that easy enough, then I can give you some medicine to keep giving her until the toothache is gone. It will take a bit of time, but she should be back to normal and well again once it's all done." He saw Sealand's face, and got a look of surprise when he saw how the micronation's eyes were shining so much.

"Really? Oh, thank you so much, Pan [3] Switzerland!" He then proceeded to throw himself at the older and hugged his leg. Switzerland looked very taken aback, but then just looked away from him, and the smiled on the faces of Liechtenstein and Ukraine.

"Yeah, sure thing. No problem... Now let go so I can go take care of your goat." Sealand released the man, then Switzerland went off to go and treat Wendy.

After having tea with Ukraine and Liechtenstein, talking for an hour or two, Switzerland re-appeared and said that Wendy was okay to go home. Along with his goat on her leash, Switzerland also gave Sealand a small paper bag.

"This has the medicine you'll need to keep that tooth numb, there's also a list of the types of food you'll be able to feed her until her tooth is completely healed. Just keep everything calm, give her what she needs, and she'll be feeling better within a couple of weeks. Ja?"

"Right~ Thanks again for all of your held, Pan Switzerland," Sealand smiled as he took the bag.

The two Germanic nations watched Ukarine and Sealand go on their way, Wendy trailing behind them slowly. After a short while, Liechtenstein looked up to Switzerland, a small smile on her sweet face.

"You vere very kind to them, big bruder. Thank you for helping vith his goat." Switzerland was quiet a moment or two, then looked away and sighed.

"Yeah, sure. You're welcome."

1- Monte Rosa and Dom – Two of the highest mountains on the Swiss Alps actually within Switzerland, with Monte Rosa going down at 4,634 feet, and Dom at 4,545.

2- It was already explained in the canon Hetalia, but Switzerland takes a stance of a sort of aggressive neutrality. A.K.A. They will use force to keep people out of their land and retain their neutrality through violence against others. At least, that was their policy in wartime. These days, you don't have to worry so much about your plane being shot out of the sky to keep you out if you decide to go to Switzerland.

3-Pan – Ukrainian for 'mister'.