Bonjour à tous. it has been a while. Now, our dear Hibari is going to meet the rest of his family. A touching reunion indeed. S'il vous plait…

Grandeur, splendor, extravagance, magnificence, those were the word to describe the palace where Dino resided. As Hibari and Dino walked down the gigantic corridor to the ballroom, Hibari couldn't help but look in awe at the expensive tapestry, ancient woodwork and intricate cornices. If he could steal one of those frames, for example, he would be able to live a life of luxury.

"Kyoya? What are you thinking about?" Dino asked, concern written on his handsome face.

"… nothing"

"Anyway, come along now, I want you to meet my family!" he said.

Pushing open the heavy and fanciful doors, the corridor opened up into a vast, cavernous space. The ceiling was high, supported by beams of marble. The floor was carpeted with thick velvet, and the walls were carved out of stone. Glided gold curtains adorned the wall, and the velvet floors made way for polished oak in the centre of the room. Everywhere, servants wearing suits scurried about, bringing in huge vases of flowers, and rolling in tables and chairs.

"Oh! It slipped my mind!" Dino exclaimed, slapping his forehead. "There is to be a masquerade ball tonight."

Motioning to one of the servants, Dino instructed her to take Hibari to the guest room, and give him the appropriate attire for the ball later.

"Kyoya, I have things to attend to now, so just make yourself comfortable in your room. I'll come pick you up for the ball, and then we can do introductions."

Slightly astounded by the lavish ways of the royalty, all Hibari could do was nod.

Following the maid that was supposed to direct him, Hibari made his way through endless corridors and spiraling staircases, before they arrived outside a rosewood door with a brass plaque that read "hospitium" from a bunch of keys at her waist, the maid unhooked a bass one with a carved key ring.

"Please sir, enjoy your room. I will have your attire brought up in a minute." She said, handing the key to Hibari.

Unlocking the door and pushing it open, Hibari entered the room.

The walls were painted an interesting shade of violet, with a large, silver framed four poster bed in the centre of the room. The heavy velvet curtains pulled apart to reveal a balcony that overlooked the large compound of the palace. A rosewood door with silver trimming opened to reveal a marble washroom, with a full length mirror, silver faucets and a large, two people Jacuzzi. Taking of his sandals, Hibari let his pale feet make contact with the cold marble. Stepping inside the Jacuzzi, he turned on the faucet.

Sitting in the large marble bath and pleasantly warm water rained down on him, Hibari couldn't help but feel as if all of this was a dream. Looking at the clock in the wall, he realized it was already evening. At this time, he would have been back in the Nidum, probably tied to something, 'servicing' one of his clients. Water ran down his lithe frame, his purple yukata darkening with water, clinging onto his form. Undoing his obi, he let the water caress his skin directly. Soaping himself with the liquid soap on the ledge, Hibari clutched his arms tightly.

What? What is this?

Why have I become so weak, to accept help from a rich herbivore?

Why is he helping me?

Taking me away from hell, only to throw me back into it later?

Is this pity?


Or genuine helpfulness?

What strings are attached to this?

What. WHAT does he want from me?

I .. I mustn't become weak and dependant.

I can't rely on such herbivores.

I can't let my guard down.

I can't, I can't expose my weaknesses.


But for now, I'll just enjoy this luxury.

After rinsing himself, Hibari stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel from the cupboard and started drying himself off.

Suddenly, he noticed something moving.

Turning around, he found himself face to face with his own naked reflection. Allowing his eyes to roam over his own body, he realized he was quite underweight. His neck was thin, shoulder blades and ribs were clearly visible. As his eyes traveled down, he spared an annoyed glance at his thin waist, a feature that always invited trouble. His hands followed, moving over protruding hipbones, and finally rested on thin, but muscled thighs. He also noted, much to his distaste, the red marks and scars around his wrists, ankles, neck and chest. Reaching out to his face in the reflection, he marveled at what sleep deprivation could do to one's countenance. He was deathly pale, and dark circles were visible under his dark eyes. Soft lips were only a faint shade of pink, a sign of anemia that has plagued him for years.

A bang suddenly jolted Hibari from his day-dreaming.

"Guest-san! Please open up! I'm here to give you your clothes!"

Shocked, Hibari immediately wrapped his towel around his chest, like a girl, as his boss, or rather ex-boss always said. Walking over to door, he opened it an fraction, to be greeted by a over-enthusiastic maid.

"Hello, guest-san, how are you feeling? Is the room to your liking? The palace sure has nice rooms, doesn't it? Were you brought back from the streets too? Oh, you have very nice skin, and hair, you're not local are you? Mistress Kyoko brought me back from the east of Elisiya, what about you? Where are you from? Oh, wait where are my manners? You must be someone of importance, how rude of me to assume you're from the streets!" She rambled.

Noticing Hibari's blank look, she stopped talking, and passes a bundle of clothes to him.

"please try these on, and see if it fits, bianchi-chan has a good eye for size, but you are a lot thinner than I expected, Oh what am I saying again, being thin is good, not plump like me, but my ma always said that plump girls will have lots of children, but I'm sure you will too, and I think…" She trailed off, as Hibari shot her a withering glare. He gritted his teeth, and had to use every ounce of self control to not punch the enthusiastic maid.

Grabbing the bundle of clothes, he closed the door, and hastily changed into the black dress pants and purple long sleeved shirt, putting on the black suit top and tie last. He looked at the offending piece of cloth around his neck. What was the use of wearing so many layers of garment anyway? In his old, *ahem* profession, the less you wore, the more convenient. Struggling to twist the tie into the shape that he saw on some of his clients, he failed miserably. Giving up, he walked to the door.

Opening the door, He was greeted by a string of rambling again.

"Oh, guest-san, you look very nice, very dashing, actually, I was wondering why they gave you a suit when frankly a dress is more seeming for a lady, don't you think so, but this looks very nice too. Of course I can't question your taste, but I think something with ruffles and some lace would look very nice, and I think a lighter colour would be more refreshing, and also, some hairpiece would be nice, too, I suggest you leave your hair long, you have nice hair, and Oh, your tie is undone, shall I help you tie it?" She asked, moving to tie Hibari's tie for him. "As I was saying, its nice to see someone with dark hair around here, all the maids all have light shades of hair, not that that is bad, I mean, to each their own, but frankly I like dark hair, like brown you know, and I think that it makes…."

She trailed off as her hands, which just finished tying Hibari's tie, came in contact with his chest.

Took her long enough. "… er, guest-san, I think its in-appropriate for me to ask this but, are you a guy or a girl?"

"… I am male." Hibari said, mentally strangling the girl for her insensitivity, and punching himself for his lack of masculinity.

"Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry, guest-san, I'm so stupid, but you're really-"

"Haru-chan, stop scaring my guest!"

Hibari turned, only to be greeted by the sight of Dino striding down the corridor, dressed in a opulent fur and velvet jacket, trimmed with gold thread and buttons, along with silk shirt, long pants tucked into heavy leather boots that were buckled up till his knees. Hibari couldn't help but notice that Dino was very well built, velvet jacket fitted around broad shoulders, knee high boots only serving to make Dino seem taller than he already was.

"S-sorry Cavallone-sama!" Haru blushed, bowing to both of them in turn before running off.

Turning to Hibari, Dino smiled, offering a gloved hand.

"Shall we go, Kyoya?"

Looking at the warm, open face, and outstretched palm, Hibari hesitated.

You can't trust him

You can't rely on this herbivore!

You can't be taken in by him!

But, looking at Dino's honest face, Hibari wanted, for once, to trust him.

You are weak.

Biting his lip, Hibari ignored the proclaimed hand and walked ahead of Dino.

"Hurry up, herbivore."

Sighm Hibari is being indecisive. Not that I can blame him though


omnis mundus- a whole new world

hospitium- guest