My name is Kari, to those of you that don't know me. This is my story that popped into my head the during the weekend, while I watched the opening credits for Breaking Dawn. Things you should know:
1. NO this IS NOT a vampire story. I don't much like fanfics where they change a main character into a vampire
2. NO I DON'T own Justice League. But,then, I haven't sent my wish list to santa yet. (Other shows that I wish I owned but don't are: Young Justice, Generator Rex, Regular Show, and... LOONEY TUNES SHOW!)
Tori: O.O... Kari are we talking about Dick and Wally, or me?
Kari: Meh... BOTH!
Wally: :D
Dick: *smirk*
Kari: *starry eyed* Yuppers...
1. Thanksgiving Break
Metropolis. Home to Superman. I'd been there a month and I still haven't seen him. But, with Thanksgiving break, I'd have my chance. I'd been waiting for a break so I could go hang out at the news paper place where my dad worked. Why there? Because they had the best coverage of the Man of Steel.
I liked it pretty okay in Metropolis. I'd been there visiting my uncle Johnny every other year since I was ten. But I'd never stayed so long.
I got through the last day of school just barely. The last bell was my hero. If only I could meet a REAL hero. Why did I want to? I wasn't sure. I'd always liked heroes. But I'd never thought I'd be living in the same city as one. The idea that I could have passed him a number of times a day made my fingers twitch.
I see a number of people on my way to school. I ride my bike to school because it's not very far from my house, er, condo.
The Daily Planet was about… ten blocks from my condo. My condo was about… three or four blocks away from the school. I raced off to the Daily Planet, not bothering to drop my bag off.
"Hey, watch out!" a man yelled as I zoomed past.
"Didn't see ya'! Sorry!"
"Slow down!"
"Where's the fire?"
"Chill out, kid!"
I apologized vaguely. But then I noticed an odd man. He was wearing a trench coat and a cap. I could see his face barely through the shadow the cap casted, but I was in a hurry and couldn't care less about the dude.
I pulled into the front of the Daily Planet and eyed the automatic revolving door. The person going in looked stunned as I drove my bike straight into the door and watched me in shock through the glass as I eased through and slowly peddled through the lobby and nodded at the secretary.
She said nothing. She was used to me doing the unexpected by now. I rode slowly through the halls, toward the elevator. I wheeled it in, here. I stood patiently in the middle of workers that just laughed at the situation. Except for the new lady. She looked startled.
"Hey." I said, nodding. She waved meekly.
I rode down the hall and saw one of the meeting rooms was in use. Weird. There were guards outside the door, but the walls around the meeting room where glass. A man saw me as I coasted by and pointed, looking outraged. A man farther away from me turned and started laughing.
I waved at him. "Hi, Daddy!"
He waved. But the snobby man was pointing at me. I rolled my eyes. Dropping my bike, I pointed back at the man and mocked him. A man suddenly appeared in front of me. His shadow casted over me through the glass, but I could tell that this guy was important. Oh boy.
He said something to Dad before waving me forward. I grimaced. Crap. I shuffled to the door and walked in. "-bikes in the building? What kind of madness is this?"
"Quiet, Frank." the important dude chided. "What's your name?"
"Tori… I'm in trouble, huh?" I said after a moment. "But, in my defense, there's no sign on the door with a slash through a bike, so, really, who's fault is that?"
"How rude!"
"Rude? Rude? You wanna talk about rude? Pointing is rude!"Since I'm me, and he was right there, I walked over to him and pointed my finger in his face. "Isn't that annoying? Doesn't it just make you want to scream? Don't you just hate me now? Huh? Huh? Huh?" I wiggled my finger in his face, waving it insesently at the annoying man.
"See how annoying that is? Don't ya just hate it? Couldn't you just slap me? Well, ya can't! 'Cuz that would be childish of a grown man to slap a little girl for pointing at him. But, guess what? I could slap you! Yup. I could slap you, and I'd get in less trouble than you would for slapping me. So, who's the loser here? Huh? Huh, Frank? Huh?" I paused and smiled sweetly at him. "You are." I poked his pointy nose. "Yes, you are Frank! That's right. You are."
I then saw Clark. "Hi, Mr. Clark!"
"Hi, Tori." He was fighting the urge to laugh.
"Nice day, huh?"
"Yes, it is."
"Yuppers. Beautiful…" I smiled at him, smiled a sickly-sweet smile at Frank, and skipped over to Dad. "Hi Daddy!"
"Hi, Sport." he managed to say through his laughter.
"Mr. Wayne, please! This child is being very snotty and I must request you send her on her way!"
"Please, Frank. Just please. She's a child!" I grinned at the man. "You're a grown man."
"Yeah, Frank. You're a grown man!"
The look on his face was priceless. I pulled my camera out of my bag and snapped a picture of him. His following expression was equally as priceless, so I took another. He was so outraged, he stood up and pointed at me.
"Now, Frank, before you make accusations, do you have any proof?"
"Everyone just saw you assaulting me!"
"Assault?" I gasped. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing! Why, I've never even popped a dog on the nose!"
"Frank. Enough."
I turned to the guy. "Hey." I said calmly. "I think I'll just, you know, go down town and look around…"
"Still looking to get that picture, huh, Tori?" Dad asked.
"Well, then. You might want to go find him before Mr. Wayne has you removed from the building."
We looked at each other very seriously. Then I wiggled my eyebrows. He had another fit of laughter. I turned to the dude.
"Yeah, he's probally right… I wish I could say I was sorry… but, honestly, I'm not. I enjoy messing with Frank. It's fun. He really makes it too easy… Just like snooty Sarah Baker. Now, I must go superhero hunting… Which would be far easier in Gotham." I sighed. "I swear, do you know how many kids on Facebook post pictures of Batman?"
The important guy didn't hesitate. "A lot?"
Awkward silence. "Sorry… I just REALLY want that picture…"
"I could have gotten you a picture, you know."
"Yes, Ms. Louis. But I want MY picture… I MUST TAKE THAT PICTURE WITH MY OWN CAMERA USING THIS CLICKY FINGURE! … This one right here." I held up my right pointer finger and wiggled it. "It's the only way! THE ONLYWAY!"
I turned to the dude. "So, anyway, Mr…"
"Wayne. Bruce Wayne."
"… HOLY CRAP! IT'S BRUCE WAYNE!" I yelled. "No freakin wonder there are big scary dudes outside!"
"Well then, Mr. Wayne, I've changed my mind. I AM sorry… but only for spazzing… Sorry, guys." I said. Everyone was too busy staring to notice. "Except you Frank! Your face makes me sad… It's so… plain. Why can't you be more like Mr. Wayne, Frank? Shame on you! Shame on you and your parents for raising such a prissy son."
"… She's banned for life, right?" Dad asked through his laughter.
"No. Tori, you remind me of my oldest ward, Richard." Mr. Wayne said to me. I stared at him for a moment, shifting my eyes to look at Clark and Louis. Clark gave me a thumbs up, so I assumed this to be a good thing.
"Um, thanks." I said slowly. "So, to be clear: I'm not in trouble for riding my bike down the hall; I'm not in trouble for mocking Frank; I'm not in trouble for sarcastically waving my finger in Frank's face; I'm not in trouble for entering your meeting and making noise; I'mnot in trouble for saying crap; I'm not in trouble for shaming Frank and his family; I'm not in trouble for exuberantly proclaiming my dedication to photographing Superman; I'm not in trouble for snapping pictures of Frank's stupid face; I'm not in trouble for telling Frank his face makes me sad; and I'm not in trouble for wishing a plague on both Frank's houses."
"Well… You didn't do that last one yet."
"No? Well, then, Frank: A plague upon both your houses."
"Urg." said Frank.
"Am I in trouble now?"
"… No."
"Sweetness! Does that mean I can slap Frank's face?"
"… Maybe."
"Oh…" I paused. I rubbed the back of my neck, unsure of what to do. "Meh, I should probably be going….."
"Or you couldgo outside and take pictures."
"But, Tori. Please don't pester Frank… And do your yelling elsewhere."
"Okay. Sorry. I get really excited after school lets out…" I trailed off. "Anyway, love you Daddy!" I kissed him on the cheek and waved at my friends. "Bye, guys! See you later!"
As I trotted out of the room a chorus of "Bye, Tori" followed me into the hall. I walked past the scary dudes and looked at them for a moment. I smiled.
"Good job, men. You make the Secret Service look… rather weak." I paused and then waved at them. "Keep up the good work! And tell Mr. Wayne…"
At the WatchTower
"And she told them to tell you what?" Superman asked.
"That she liked my business, but I should really hold anger management classes for 'people like Frank.'" Batman answered.
They were in the control room. Batman was typing something into the computer. "What are you doing?"
"Not now, Kent. I'm busy."
"Okay, fine. But you have to admit, Tori is adorable." Superman laughed. "If that was what she looked like when she found out who you were, imagine what she would look like if she ever met one of the League!"
"Hmm." Batman grunted.
"Like… Batman…"
"Metropolis is your district."
"Batman, please! Since when did that stop other heroes from saving the day in Gotham?"
"That doesn't. This does." Batglare.
"… Good point.
And, there it is folks! The first chapter of what I hope to be a long-lived series. I hope to get the next few chapters out quickly, but I make no promises. Depending on the reviews I get, I'll update faster. If you do me a great favor of kindness and review, then I shall try to have the next to chapters up. At least one review, people! Feed a starving artist!... Okay, I'm not starving. BUT I COULD BE AND YOU'D NEVER KNOW! Reviews are what makes the story live! Keep in mind that I have the next chapter already written and ready to post. Possibly. If you're nice to review! COOKIES AND BATARANGS FOR REVIEWS, RIGHT BATMAN?
Batman:... Sure. I guess. Review, or else.
Superman: Just remember, kids: Batman is scary and knows where you live.
Batman: Shut it Cl-(notices Tori staring at him in awe)-Superman. Or I'll melt the Fortress of Solitude.
Superman: O.O
Kari: Yikes. What the heck, Bats?
Superman: Not yet, Tori. Maybe later in the story.
Tori: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
Kari: OOOOOOOOkay then.
Robin: Review
Kari: Which Robin are you?
Robin: I can't tell you. There's a crazy girl with dark curly hair staring at me.
Kari: O.O Heel GIRL!
Tori: Awww...