Me: Hey guys I'm back :D :D Sorry for taking so long but I've been away for a couple of days getting some help because I was in a very dark place. I won't go into detals but I was away from my computer and ipod hell I was away from Internet for a couple of days but I'm back now :D :D Anyway If you want to know the results of TLC and last weeks raw just Check out Carrie's page on my Homepage and it's there. Enjoy everyone :D :D

Chapter 5 December 26, 2011

FF A Few Weeks Later

"Hey Guys how was Christmas?" Carrie asked Chelsea and Laura as she walked in Redemption's locker room

"Great John and I had an Awesome first Christmas together." Laura smiled

"Mine was awesome I spent time with mom, David, Megan and Stephen (Sheamus)." Chelsea smiled

"Stephen?" Carrie asked raising an eyebrow

"Yeah he wanted to spend Christmas with me and I told him he could." Chelsea said "He scared David and Megan at first but they got used to him. Oh apparently he asked mom permission to go out with me and she said yeah."

"What did you say as soon as he asked you?" Laura asked her

"I told him no guy who liked me before asked my mom to date me." Chelsea said laughing "So I'll go out with you."

"Awwww how sweet." Laura smiled

"Do you like him back?" Carrie asked

"I'm starting to." Chelsea smiled shyly

"Hey Carrie why is Go Timeplaying?" Laura asked as she looked around as one of Carrie's themes played

"I have no idea." Carrie said looking around "How did they know I was going to use that theme tonight?"

"Does this give you an Idea?" Chelsea asked pointing at the TV and it showed John Laurinaitis going out to her music

"I'll be right back." Carrie said as she went down to the ring "Play Go Time again and if you have John Laurinaitis go out to one of my themes again you're fired." Carrie growled as the theme song guy played Go Time and Carrie walked out to the ring and got a Mic as her and John stood face to face "We meet Laurinaitis. Last week I made sure you wouldn't come out and this week you commit Gimmick Infringement. I could sue you but if you fight me tonight then we'll call it even." She smiled

"That sounds like a good idea but I got a better idea." John said smiling "Tonight you will face three opponents in a gauntlet match and if you win them. You will face me tonight. But if one of your opponents beats you then they will get a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship next week on Raw."

"Bring it." Carrie smirked as she went to the back

"Wonder who the three guys are?" Audrey asked as she caught up with Carrie

"I have no idea but I know I can beat them." Carrie smiled as she and Audrey went back to Redemption's locker room

"Are you sure?" Audrey asked

"Audrey have you met me?" Carrie asked as she smiled "I've beaten almost everyone that came my way."

"You sound almost like your husband." Audrey said sounding annoyed

"I guess he's rubbing off on me." Carrie smiled as it was Matt and Karla vs. Tyson and Danica

"Why is Danica teaming with Tyson?" Audrey asked raising an eye brow

"Because John Laurinaitis is an asshole." Natalya said walking up to them

"Tell us something we don't know Nat." Carrie said laughing

"He's just an asshole that's what. And Danica is a home wrecking whore." Natalya said growling

"We know she flirts Mike when she can." Audrey said

"I caught her flirting with Tyson earlier." Natalya growled "Put her in her place." She smirked as Boom Boom (Tequila) by Kat DeLuna played

"Hey who has that theme song?" Audrey asked looking around

"I have no idea." Carrie said looking around

"Let's go to a monitor." Natalya said running to a monitor with Carrie and Audrey following

"It's Kiki!" Audrey exclaimed as they saw Kiki Killings attack Mike's manager Danica Reed

"She's back!" Carrie exclaimed

"About time too." Natalya smiled crossing her arms

"Looks like she's turning face." Audrey said

"Of course she is." Carrie smiled "Unless Ron (R-Truth) Remains a Heel or a Tweener."

"You know these things?" Audrey asked

"She's part of Redemption of course she does." Natalya said

"Well did she know about her three opponents to get to John Laurinaitis?" Audrey asked pointing at the Monitor as it showed that Carrie had to face Jake (Jack Swagger), Nick (Dolph Ziggler) and Mark Henry.

"No I did not." Carrie said looking at the monitor

"Want back up?" Audrey asked

"I'll need it against Vickie." Carrie said "Lindsay knows not to mess with me."

"Alright." Audrey said "We'll see you later Natalya."

"Alright." Natalya smiled at them as they walked back to Redemption's locker room

"Laura must be with John." Carrie said as her and Audrey walked in Redemption's locker room

"What about Chelsea?" Audrey asked

"Either giving Laurinaitis hell or she has a match." Carrie said as she got in her bag and got a Hell Bunny PVC Corset in Black, Honour PVC Leggy Leggings in Black, and a pair of Demonia Slush 219 Black Boots

"I'm hoping that she's giving Laurinaitis hell." Audrey said

"Same here." Carrie said putting her outfit on. "I miss Adrienne." She said referring to the real GM of Raw Adrienne Irvine

"Me too where is she?" Audrey asked

"She has something going on at home that she won't tell anyone." Carrie said "I hope she comes back soon so John Laurinaitis will get out of here."

"Agreed." Audrey said as Carrie got on her outfit and they walked to the ring

"Until then I'm going to have to get his ass out of here." Carrie said as they walked to the ring

"Don't you have Redemption?" Audrey asked as they walked to the ring some more

"Audrey can I tell you something?" Carrie asked as they stopped "Without telling Redemption or anyone?"

"Sure." Audrey smiled

"I may leave Redemption soon." Carrie whispered so only her and Audrey would hear

"Why Carrie?" Audrey asked as they started walking again

"Because what we're doing together isn't working." Carrie said

"But when you were getting rid of Vickie on Smackdown you had help from Adam, Brandon and Karla and it took a while." Audrey said "Give it a little longer ok?"

"Alright." Carrie said as the theme song guy played Go Time again and her and Audrey walked out to the ring

"And his opponent accompanied to the ring by Audrey Dunn from Sacramento, California she is one half of the WWE Tag Team Champions and the World Heavyweight Champion Carrie Wilson!" Justin announced as Carrie and Audrey walked in the ring where Carrie raised her belts happily and saw Vickie and Lindsay outside the ring and Carrie handed her belts to the ref then Audrey left the ring then the match started

FF Towards the End

When Jake was down Carrie went to the top rope and got in position and saw Vickie push Lindsay

"Get her down Lindsay!" Vickie yelled at her

"No!" Lindsay yelled

"Lindsay if you don't your brother will lose!" Vickie yelled at her as Audrey ran around the corner and got ready to attack Lindsay if she did anything

"I'm not doing anything!" Lindsay yelled at Vickie as Vickie screamed and pushed Lindsay down and Lindsay got up and slapped Vickie then she went to the back. Meanwhile when Jake was just getting up Carrie turned her attention to him and when he tried to get her off the Ropes she did Destinybreaker on him and pinned him and won

"Here is your winner Carrie Wilson!" Justin announced as Carrie got her hand raised and she celebrated a bit then Nick's theme played and he came out

"And her second opponent from Hollywood, Florida Dolph Ziggler!" Justin announced as Nick got in the ring and Carrie attacked him and the match started

FF Towards the End

When Nick was down Carrie went to the corner and got ready for a spear she smirked as he got up

"Carrie." A voice said and Carrie knew who that voice belonged to

"Where are you Laurinaitis?" Carrie yelled as she looked for him "Laurinaitis!"

"Carrie." John said as he was on the ring corner and Carrie walked up to him "Carrie I would love to face you in a match. Just not right now." He said as Carrie got hit with a Zig Zag from Nick and he pinned her and won

"Here is your winner Dolph Ziggler!" Justin announced as Nick and Vickie celebrated and Carrie rolled out of the ring

"That idiot screwed me out of the match." Carrie groaned as Audrey helped her to the back

"It'll be ok Carrie." Audrey said as they got to the back

"No it's not thanks to him I'm going to have to face Nick next week for my World title!" Carrie yelled

"Ok ok sorry." Audrey said softly

"No I'm sorry for yelling." Carrie said calming down "I'm just so sick of Laurinaitis."

"I know you are." Audrey said

"Carrie?" A voice asked and Carrie and Audrey turned to see Lindsay

"What is it Lindsay?" Carrie asked not wanting to talk to her

"I wanted to apologize for distracting you earlier and for John costing you your match against Nick." Lindsay said

"It's not your fault for what Laurinaitis did but as for what happened with Vickie you were Jake's manager first do something." Carrie said

"He won't get rid of her that's the thing." Lindsay said

"Tell him her or you that's all I have to say about that." Carrie said as her and Audrey walked off

Me: Not a good way to end the year huh? Having to defend your title plus John Laurinaitis getting the better of you. What will Carrie do next Chapter? Read and Review Everyone :D :D