AN: I do not own Vampire Diaries or Twilight.
Thank you to everyone for the reading, reviews, alerts, favorites etc... I sincerely appreciate it with all my heart. Sorry this chapter took so long to get posted, life got busy!
Bella POV
Damon rolled off of me with a contented sigh and wrapped his arms around me.
"That was fantastic," He said with a smirk, turning to meet my gaze.
I threw his arms off of me and got out of bed, pulling on a silk black robe. "I know it was fantastic, I'm amazing, but now it's time to talk about my terms."
His eyebrows shot up with questioning, "Cocky much? Come back to bed, and then I'll let you tell me all about your terms."
"I'll come back to bed as soon as you leave it," I said with a snarky grin.
"Come on now, what is that about?" Damon purred.
I sighed and started brushing the sex tangles out of my hair, "Damon, we are not in a relationship, we're fuck buddies. So that means no cuddling after sex and definitely no sleepovers. I prefer to sleep alone."
"Can these terms be renegotiated?" I could hear the arrogance ringing in Damon's voice.
"Absolutely not, I have zero interest in pillow talk with you, and I'm not a touchy feely person. I don't like cuddling."
"You mean you aren't interested in my shinning personality? You aren't interested in lying in bed and having a tantalizing conversation with me?" Damon said with mock sadness.
"Damon, I'm not into you for what's in your head, I'm into you for what's in your pants, now you need to go, I need to get some sleep." I said with a sigh and an eye roll.
Damon got up and grasped me by my upper arms. He stared into my eyes and his pupils were acting freaky, they kept dilating and constricting as he said what he said next. "Come on Bella, let me spend the night."
I snorted and pushed him on the chest in the direction of my door, "No means no Damon."
"Shit, I keep forgetting I can't compel you." Damon said with aggravation.
I paused after pushing Damon just outside my door, his hands planted on the outside frame, "You're never going to get your way with me, so get used to bending to my will." I said with a devilish grin.
"Bella please, you're bed is more comfy than mine" Damon said with a pout.
"I highly doubt that for some reason. And before I forget, you owe me a new bra and underwear set. The lace didn't survive your animalistic like aggression, and it was my favorite set. Good night Damon," I smiled and shut the door in his face.
Damon POV
I woke up the next morning to annoying banging sounds coming from the kitchen. I desperately tried to block them out with my pillow but after 45 minutes I decided to get up. I stretched and threw on a t-shirt, running my hand through my messy hair. Last night was exhilarating, but I was hoping to God it wouldn't be awkward with Bella this morning.
As I approached the top of the stairs I could distinctly hear Elena and Stefan speaking in intense whispers in the living room. It sounded like they were debating something. I didn't get a chance to find out what it was though, because when they heard the top stair creak under my weight as I began my descent they instantly shut up. I strode down the stairs and into the living room with a raised eyebrow.
"What is the secret whispering about?" I questioned them.
They exchanged a meaningful look which instantly shot my curiosity through the roof. I was about to open my mouth to press further on the issue when Bella's voice called out from the kitchen, "breakfast is ready", in a sing-song manner.
I followed Stefan and Elena into the dining room, and watched as all our eyes widened in response to the feast set out upon the table. There were several baskets of different kinds of muffins, including blueberry and raspberry. There were several stacks of pancakes and waffles, trays of bacon and sausage, several different styles of eggs, fresh biscuits, several different carafes filled with different colored juices, and what I assumed was a coffee cake.
Elena cleared her throat, "Bella…" she started, but was interrupted by Bella shaking her head and waving her hand dismissively in the air.
"You do know there are only four people living here?" I asked incredulously. This was enough food to feed a fucking army.
Bella snorted and rolled her eyes, but didn't respond to my question. "Please, everyone sit and eat!"
We did as she asked, and all sat around the table, digging into the amazing food she had prepared. I have to say, even though I didn't need to eat human food, it was the most amazing meal I had ever had in my life.
Elena, Stefan, and I complimented Bella on the breakfast, and she only responded back saying cooking from scratch is the only way to go.
"You made this all from scratch? What time did you get up this morning?" I felt my eyebrows shooting up so high I was sure they could blend in with my hair line.
"I don't use store bought mixes, I think it's cheating and lazy. I really don't know what time I got up, it was still dark out though." Bella smiled and shrugged her shoulders.
The rest of the meal was lazy, but comfortable. We just took our time, talking and laughing and slowly eating. Bella made mimosas with orange juice she squeezed herself. It was the first meal with Stefan and Elena that I had enjoyed in a very long time. Meals with Stefan, when we did eat together, were usually tense. Bella was bringing us all closer together and she didn't even know it. The corner of my lip turned up in a slight smile with that last thought.
After breakfast Elena rose and helped Bella clear the dishes. I heard the water start running in the kitchen and turned to Stefan. "So what was all the whispering and meaningful looks about this morning" I asked, raising my eyebrow in curiosity.
Stefan sighed, "We were trying to figure out what is going on with Bella."
"What do you mean what's going on with Bella, she seems fine to me." I questioned, my eyebrows furrowing a little bit with confusion.
"That is because you don't know her like we know her. Bella has a serious case of emotional detachment. It's a psychological issue where the person afflicted can shut their emotions off or bury them so they don't have to feel. It's a defense mechanism some people develop after going through hard times. Bella has one of the most advanced cases I have ever seen. Even though humans that suffer from emotional detachment can shut off their emotions a little bit, there is usually leak through; they never go all the way off. Her ability to turn her emotions off, and turn them as far off as she does, is almost on par with our vampire ability to do so. I've never seen anything like it." Stefan answered, and shrugged his shoulders.
"So what does that have to do with this morning?" I asked, leaning forward towards Stefan.
"Because although Bella is very advanced in her ability to turn her emotions off, and she doesn't have the usual leak through that most people get, you can always tells when she is doing it because she throws herself almost obsessively into one of her many hobbies. For example, cooking is one of her many hobbies. We know something is bothering her because she cooked, and she cooked enough to feed a small country." Stefan shut his mouth and looked towards the kitchen, obviously the girls were finished cleaning up.
I leaned back in my chair as the girls came back into the dining room. Bella Swan was definitely complicated.
Bella POV
Elena and I walk back into the dining room after the food has been put away and the dishes have been cleaned. Damon stands up and clears his throat.
"Well, thanks for the lovely meal Bella, but now it's time to go shopping." He states with a smirk.
Stefan snorts and mutters, "Bella, shopping? Good luck with that brother," as my eyes widen with surprise.
"What? No, sorry. I don't do shopping, I absolutely loathe it." I tell him with an apologetic look on my face.
"We are going shopping so I can replace the clothing of yours that I ruined. How did you think it was going to get replaced?" He retorts with a cocky smirk.
I watch as Elena turns to me, questions written all over her face. I close my eyes and firmly shake my head at her to tell her 'not now'.
"I figured I could give you my size, and you could do it for me?" I ask hopefully.
Damon chuckles and shakes his head, "No way, if you want me to replace it, we are actually going shopping."
I cross my arms and stamp my foot while frowning. I know I must look like a disgruntled two year old but I really don't care at the moment. "Fine, just let me go get changed," I grumble, and slowly back out of the dining room.
I run up the stairs and close and lock the door to my room behind me. I quickly root through my drawers and pull on a pair of blue and green plaid shorts and a white tank top. I grab my sunglasses, my phone, and my wallet and make my way to my window. I open it as quietly as I can. I grab the lower frame of the window and slowly lower myself so I am hanging out it. I take a deep breath and let go, dropping to the ground. I chuckle to myself at my ingenious plan. I slowly stand up and turn around to make a break for it and scream at my discovery.
Damon is standing directly in front of me, arms crossed over his chest, cocky smirk in place, eyebrow arched. "You're going to have to try harder than that sweet heart to evade a vampire."
"Fucking vampire with your fast moving and super hearing," I mutter, and then let out a sigh.
"Fine, I'll go shopping with you, but we are only getting what you need to replace. I don't want to spend hours at the fucking mall." I growl while frowning.
Damon smiles a victorious smile, reaches forward taking hold of my arm, and starts dragging me towards the front of the house. "Good, then let's get going."