Hey! This is not another high school fic! It's gonna be different I promise!

Utakata looked up at Reika who stood infront of him, her lip trembling. Hotaru and Reika were friends and she'd told him how upset Rei was so he'd came over straight away, him and Rei... things were complicated. He didn't like her. No, he liked having sex with her, like she liked having sex with him, and sex in general. But they were good friends as well and Rei, well Rei was helping him ask Hotaru out; but in the process they'd started having sex, they both felt nothing of it and she always gave him tips on how to impress Hotaru, sex was just... well that to Rei. Sex wasn't something she would do with someone she loved. Because she didn't believe in love. Sex was just a physical act that made the body feel good... just like smoking weed and drinking alcohol were just acts that made her body feel good. "Rei..." he said, he looked around her new bedroom, everything was bare apart from the bed. Apparently her and Ino decided to move out of their parents house, despite being just seventeen... and she refused to tell him why. "What can I do?" he asked, she sighed, "I don't know Utakata. I just, I just wanna go to a club, get pissed smoke some joints get stoned to fuck meet a random guy and fuck him until morning and just forget today." she sighed, "I wanna do something to forget today." he smiled and pulled her onto his lap, he gently kissed her neck where he knew she loved to be kissed, she tilted her head and sighed, "Utakata, it feels like you've become attached. I don't want a relationship." he grinned into her neck and kissed her there again, she sighed. "Neither do I. Well not with you at least. No offence." he never moved his lips as he said this, them brushing her hot skin and his breath caressing it. She nodded, not caring to be honest. She wanted sex, nothing more, nothing less. Just plain, urgent, body thrashing against body sex where nobody becomes attached, there's no awkwardness after and she can stay friends with whoever it was. And right now there was only one person she could have sex with because she trusted him with her life. And that was Utakata. With her Dad in Dubai the only parents she had was her mother and stepfather and let's just say, her stepfather had destroyed her faith in guys. And only seven guys could touch her without her flinching. Utakata, her father, her fathers bestfriend's Shikaku Nara and Choza Akimichi and there sons Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi. But she hadn't seen Shikamaru or Choji and their fathers in two years, but she knew they'd be able to touch her without her running away, they'd grown up together, shared Christmas's and holidays, they'd been the brothers she was glad she never had. Utakata continued to kiss her neck until her got to her cheek. "Utakata... this is the last time." Rei said, and he knew she was speaking the truth, even in her breathless state. "Okay..." he whispered kissing her cheek again. "So stop the romantic shit. I just want to bone." he chuckled at her phrasing of sex and he kissed her mouth, she dominated him in her upset state, and took of his top, running her nails down his chest, drawing blood but he didn't mind, that's what he loved about having sex with her, her top came off next, followed by his trousers, followed by her shorts, followed by her underwear and then his and then they were lying on the bed, him on top of her and her legs were wrapped around his waist and she got her wish, she forgot about the chaos of the day by listening to his uneven breathing, his gasps and his moans, his groans and her fake moaning his name. The thing was, no guy had ever been that good. God they'd been good. She'd gasped and she'd have uneven breathing, she'd even groan and sometimes there'd be small moans, but never in her life had she had sex with a guy that was good enough for her to moan his name. I mean she was only seventeen, she'd only had sex with three people, so okay, maybe that's why. But she believed it was for people who fell in love to moan their partners name... and love didn't exist. Or at least not for her. When he had finally finished he rolled of her an put his arms under his head. "So this was the last time. Any last minute advice on my sexual skills?" he teased, she giggled, ignoring when her sister slammed her fist into the wall, trying to get them to shut up why she did her daily workout. "Hmm... no need to be that loud. Don't be quiet, that makes them think they aren't good, unless it's the breathless one, like uh.. oh.. god.. ah, ah, ah." she teased, showing him how if you had lost your breath it was okay to be quiet when moaning. "But don't be too loud like, Uh!... OHHH!... gawd! Ah!Ah!Ah!... AHH!" she mimicked him and he punched her playfully as she giggled uncontrollably and she fell off the bed. She stood up and threw on some pyjama shorts and and a too big top, that's sleeved didn't cover her shoulder, she slipped into a pair of Vans and looked at him as he got changed. "I'm gonna miss you." she told him, "You and Hotaru, I can't believe you're going back to Kiri! Urghh!" She walked over to a huge box and opened it, taking out her iPod deck. It was huge! It was shaped like a massive boom box, so she could move it around, and you just slotted your iPod into it. She scrolled through them and settled on Slipknot Duality. She put it on full blast, and she heard her sister storm out of her bedroom, past the study and to her bedroom, she shoved the door open, and glared at her sister. Ino Yamanaka. Extremely beautiful and Reika's identical twin sister. The only difference was that Reika dyed her hair dark chocolate brown and was dip-dyed electric blue, she smiled at her sister, "Hey, babe!" Ino glared,
"I'm trying to watch a film!" she screamed, "We can listen to Slipknot later." Ino loved Slipknot, but from the look on her face, she was watching Notebook. Her favourite film. She swallowed. "Sorry? But I love this song."
"Ugh! You're incorrigible!" she shouted at her sister, then she stormed away. "Turn. It. Off!" Reika rolled her eyes and giggled and turned it off. "Thank-fucking-you!" Ino shouted at her sister. Reika rolled her eyes. "You gotta go now?" she asked him. He nodded. Sighing Reika stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him, "Tell H, tell her I said bye, yeah." he nodded, and she closed her eyes. She always found it difficult making friends, and now two of her friends were leaving! Predictable. Life's a bitch.

Ino walked out of her house, she simply wore black Criminal Damage jeans, she had on a Hello Kitty belt and a Paramore tight-fitting band top. She had on blue Vans slip ons and a Hell Bunny bag. She got into her brand new black Mini Cooper Convertible. A gift from the farther for abandoning her and Reika when they were ten. Reika had got a brand new red Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X. She loved it. Expensive cars for their first car, but she didn't care. I mean, who would? Both your parents fuck you and your sister over majorly, a car is very little to make up for the fuck ups that they've encountered, but it was a start, right? She began driving and dialled Sakura's number "Bitch." she said when Sakura answered her phone.
"You have five seconds to apologize. 5...4..."
"Yeah, yeah, sorry, whatever. I'm on my way to yours."
"Ino... you can't just come over. What if I was having sex."
"Bullshit. You're a virgin."
"Only because guys are ass wipes."
"True... but still... we start school tomorrow, chan! I can't fucking wait. New bitches, new guys, new classes-"
"New whole type of bordem.." Ino rolled her eyes at Sakura's comment.
"Shut up!" she hissed at her. "I'm coming over. End. Of. Fucking. Story." she cold practically feel Sakura roll her eyes. Ino hung up and continued driving until she pulled up outside Sakura's building. She opened the door and got in the lift, clicking Floor 14 Sakura lived on her own as well, the elevators doors opened and Ino practically ran to Sakura's door, she banged on it about five times incredibly loud. "Ino! Stop. Fucking. Knocking!" Sakura practically screamed from the other side off the door. Sakura flung the door open. She stood there, her mid-back length pink hair swaying, her bangs falling in her face, she wore white skinny jeans with a black tube top and a purple Criminal Damage jacket. Her feet were bare and her toenails were painted red. "What?" she hissed at Ino. "Why do you feel the need to come over here when your bored! It's boring here."
"Because you're my bestfriend." Sakura rolled her eyes. "Come in." she told Ino and Ino grinned as she stepped in. "I knew you couldn't resist me."
"I won't hesitate to slap you." Sakura growled as she slammed the front door shut. She turned to see Ino lying on her sofa. She rolled her eyes... "Ino... now that your here, what do you suggest we do?"
"Get pissed?" Ino asked hopefully. Sakura smiled sadly at her friend.
"How was it?"
"Horrible! She screamed, and she shouted and she... ugh! She hit us! Sakura, she hit us." Sakura's eyes widened. "WHAT!" Sakura shouted, completely outraged. Ino turned her cheek to where there was a red line. "Bitch!" she shouted! Ino pulled up her top just a bit to where there was a cut that she had a plaster over. "That daughter of a whore!" Ino smiled at Sakura. "Right, you me and Yui because she cheers everyone out are going for drinks. But we can not get smashed!" she warned Ino "We have school tomorrow. What about Rei?"
"She's saying bye to Utakata." Sakura sighed. "Fine what about Hinata? Amaya? Eiko?" Ino shook her head. "Ugh, just us three then. Help yourself to my clothes why I call Yui." She dialled Yui's number and she picked up instantly.
"Hello?" she was as chirpy as ever.
"Hey Yukiko."
"Saks! How are you?" Yukiko hated her first name being used but she had so many family issues that she repressed anything that upset her and she forced herself to always be happy and optimistic, she was kind of childish with some of the things she said and what made her smile, but that was Yui. Take her or leave her. And you're a dumb ass if you leave her.
"I'm good Yui." Sakura said, smiling at her friend. "We're going out. Me, you and Ino. Wait one second" she took the phone from her ear. "What about Mai?" she shouted to Ino.
"Probably will chill with Rei and get stoned!" Sakura shook her head. "Yeah so just us three." she told Yui. "I'm bringing some weed. Kay?"
"Sure, Saks! I'll bring some too." the thing was all of them smoked weed. All drank. They all loved it, but they all had reason for it.
"Kay, meet at Kameyo." Kameyo was a bar that had live bands and a small dance area with a great bar. Sakura hung up and went into her bedroom where Ino stood in her underwear infront of mirror holding up two dresses. A white corset-style mini dress. The top was like a corset-halter neck top. With black threading down the back and tying at the bottom of her back. The skirt of the dress would lay against her legs freely down to mid-thigh it had roses and skulls on and was one of Sakura's favourite. The other wasn't even a dress, it was Sakura's black and red corset. Black fabric with red and black ribbon threading itself down the front, crossing over each other. The back was clipped together and the skirt she had was a chelsea-tartan style (red and black Scottish tartan) mini skirt with two black buckles on her right hip. It was very short, ending just bellow her butt. "Wear the dress. The skirt and corset is mine." Sakura took it and got changed, putting on black fishnet tights under her skirt and wore shiny red Doc Martins, while Ino wore my Draven Black shoes. They were Lux Tux style heels. White ruffles what looked major cute on the jet black velvet of the shoes. The best thing about having the same size shoes. They winked at each other and giggled. Linking arms they left the apartment and choose to go in Ino's car instead of Sakura's.

Mai lay down in the field waiting for they guys. Just her and the guys tonight and Konan. No girls apart from Konan. No Reika. No girl bestfriend's. Just the Akatsuki and the guys in here year and Kiba's dog Akamaru. Pein will be there, she reminded herself looking down at what she wore, she had on black denim hot pants with a skeleton hand print on her back pockets so it looked like a skeleton had put his hands in paint and grabbed her ass and a David and Goliath glow in the dark black hoodie and black Doc Martins. Underneath her jumper she had on a David and Goliath glow in the dark black bikini top, she was used to chilling with the guys in her year in bikini... not the Akatsuki, because, well, Pein. Pein would see her in a bikini. She blushed at the though and bit he lip hard. What would he think... Stop! She commanded herself, blushing more furiously. She knew it was painfully obvious to the people close to her that she fancied Pein, by the way she called him by his first name half the time: Nagato. She just, she liked him so much. From his adorable red hair, not ginger, red. Like Sasori's. His eyes were purple with black like ripples that entranced her. His face skin was soft, she knew, from when she'd kissed him on the cheek. She'd blushed hugely. So had he. She might have passed out from it. She was extremely pissed that day. She closed her eyes. She like that he was muscled you just had to either feel for yourself or see him without a top on... both of which she had done. Once again pissed. Funny how they seemed to loosen up around each other when under the influence. She liked how she was small and he was tall, how she was fragile and he was strong, how her body fit perfectly into his when they hugged, how he had this kind of smile just for her! How sometimes he was closed off... most of the time, actually. How he was misunderstood and so people were scared of him. She loved how girls would swoon over him and the rest of the guys and he'd just blink at them. She loved how he still managed to have a better sex life then her and tease her about it even though he seemed to hate most girls! How her and Konan were the only ones he actually talked to, girl wise. She like... him, to put it simply she liked him. She knew she was blushing like a tomato from thinking about him, but it's not like anyone was here with her. "I want a joint." she muttered to herself.
"I'll roll it for you if you like. You can continue to sleep." she heard the familiar voice teasing her in a way he only had the nerve to do when it was just the two of them. She opened one eyes and flushed again. "Nag-a-to-kun." She teased, smiling him her widest smile. He blushed slightly at the flirty way she said his name. She stuck her tongue out. "How long have you been there?" she asked him.
"Couple minutes." he said sitting next to her, she positioned herself, so that she was lying infront of him, her head in his lap, he grinned nervously and blushed red. She bit he bottom lip in a way she'd been told drove him crazy. She tried to stifle a giggle, what if she made him get a semi... why she was resting her head in his lap. He'd probably die of embarrassment. "Enough time to see you blush." he teased as he stuck his tongue out at her. She pouted and grabbed her bag, not moving from her position. "My shit's in there." she told him, rolling his eyes, he took out her weed, king-size rizla, her Hello Kitty grinder, her filterstrips for a PDT (Not as smart as you think... it means Poke Down Thingy...) and her roach card to make the roach. "Hey guys!" Naruto's voice flooded their ears. Mai stifled a giggle as Pein shuddered. He didn't hate Naruto... just wished he was quieter. "Dobe. S. T. F. U!" Mai shouted, using Sasuke nickname for Naruto.
"S. T. F. U?" Naruto asked as he put down a keg he'd carried on his own... wow, she thought he was weak. She knew all the other guys could carry one, she never knew Naruto could.
"Shut the fuck up." Nagato said, smirking slightly, he'd caught onto Mai's IM. She hated it, but she loved to use it... weird woman.
"Troublesome." Shikamaru said as he put down a Shisha bong.
"SHISHA!" Mai shouted, not even moving from Pein's lap. He gave her the joint and put her shit in her bag. Finally Kiba, Akamaru, Sasuke, Neji, Kankuro, Gaara, Sasori, Itachi, Suigetsu, Jugo, Deidara, Konan, arrived the other members of Akatsuki... well, they weren't welcome any longer. Fall out's and shit. They were all carrying something, Fireworks, alcohol, food, bongs, stuff to make a fire, camera's, iPod decks, MDMA, anything to make this a good night. "Wow guys, we're really celebrating the last night of summer, huh?" Mai stuck her tongue out as she sat up and sat next to Pein as she lit her joint, taking a long drag and releasing it in hoops. They all grinned at her and she grinned back, these were her guys and girl in Konan's case. And she knew Reika would become close with them all just like she was. Sasuke sat as far from Itachi as possible... still hating each other, Mai noted. She grabbed Sasuke's iPod deck and slipped her iPod in there, she thought about it and put Fareast Movement G6 on, and made sure So What? by Fareast Movement was on after, then Bedrock by Young Money and Forever by Drake. Pein shook his head at her predictability. She just blew smoke in his face and stuck her tongue out at him.
"You should have brought friends, Mai." Naruto said, "The one's that are moving to our school tomorrow, believe it!" she rolled her eyes.
"Believe this, dobe!" she told him, Sasuke smirked at her "Tonight is about us lot, good friends, all guys, two girls, getting fucked, stumbling home or sleeping in a field, and I will be the one to do that probably, and waking up tomorrow mouldy and with a hang over and going to school fine because we can man it! Believe it!" she mimicked Naruto's phrase and everybody laughed. "So what food we got?" she asked.
"We got KFC, Mc Donalds, ramen, cookies, ice cream, everything." and then it began, they smoked till they were beyond high, took bongs, drank the keg dry, drank all the alcohol, ate all the food, snorted all the MDMA and smoked the MDMA come down away with weed, they danced, they played truth or dare, they giggled, they fell over, they took pictures, they made a fire, they set off fireworks, they even fell asleep for a few minutes. "Ahh... we should all go..." Mai giggled into Pein's shoulder, where her head currently rested. "..home." she burst out laughing. "I'm so high." she said, "Ugh. Who lives by me again? Someone please take me home..." they all laughed at Mai.
"We should go..." Sasori agreed. Mai squealed and jumped up and danced. "Sasori! I know someone perfect for you!" she squealed again as Pein stood up and tried to get her to calm down, she ignored him. "My bestfriend Rei! OMG, let me call her! Where's my phone?" she asked as she fell on her arse and took out her phone, she spoke to it, not trusting herself to be able to actually type the number in. "Sexy Mofo!" she called at her phone, it spoke back to her: "Calling Reika now." They all giggled at her nickname for Reika. Reika answered on the third ring.
"Safe?" she asked foggily.
"Were you asleep?" Mai asked, putting Rei on speaker.
"No, I'm in fuck loads of pain. Had my last tattoo session on my back piece and got my snakebites done. And I can't find my weed. Or MDMA, or E, seriously if Ino has jacked my drugs I'm gonna kick off, Mai." Mai giggled at Rei.
"Rei, we finished the MDMA and E like three days ago."
"Oh." Rei said, "I still want my weed. Oh wait, there it is. Anyway." Rei said as she lit up a joint, "You rang at quarter to twelve? I thought I had to have a early night to night." Mai rolled her eyes.
"You know that field we got wrecked in last Christmas."
"The one we blacked out in? Or the one we slept in because we couldn't function enough to go home." Mai chuckled,
"They were the same field."
"Oh." Rei said, "Yeah, what about it."
"Remember how to get there?"
"Yeah, but Mai, don't make me come pick you up, I'm literally half naked, I am only in underwear, I can't be fucked to get dressed, I'm smoking joint, having a glass of something alcoholic then crashing, man."
"Thanks for the update." Mai giggled,
"No probs." Rei teased as she blew hoops out.
"Come to the field! Chill with us. I've got a bikini top on, I'll chill half naked with you." Reika giggled,
"So tempting... but no. I can't be arsed tonight, man. See you tomorrow, yeah?"
"Kay chick. You're missing out." Reika giggled,
"Dude, my life's a party, I'm not missing out on anything." it was true, Reika had partied non-stop since she was thirteen. "Bye, babe." Rei said to Mai.
"In a bizzle." Rei gi

"What have you had?" Rei asked,
"Weed, MDMA and a keg and other alcohol, I'm not sure." Rei giggled,
"Make sure someone walks you home. I remember what happened last time we tried walking home after drinking, smoking and doing Mandy." Mandy being the nickname for MDMA like Mary Jane was for weed, (marijuana - Mary Jane, get it?)
"Kay, I promise, see you tomorrow, loves you."
"Much love." Rei said before hanging up. Mai pouted,
"She's not coming."
"We heard." Sasori teased her. "Right, let's go." everybody groaned as they stood up, they all hugged, well, Mai and Konan hugging the guys, the guys just offering knuckle touches to the other guys. "I'll walk you home." Everybody had walked here or got a taxi, due to what they would be like at the end of the night. She nodded as she picked up her bag. Mai lived in the local apartments on her own, so it was near the outdoor town centre-market place. They began walking. "I'm boiling, Pein." she said, pouting.
"Take your jumper off then, I won't mind seeing you in a bikini." he teased as she blushed bright red along with him, but did as he asked, the stars on the black bikini showing now that it was dark. She looked up at him and giggled, she took his hand in hers, they fit perfectly, he wondered what she was doing then she started running and dragging him along with her, he started to chase her and she squealed and ran as fast as her small legs could carry her, she got to the end of the outdoor market where some college guys were drinking, they whistled at Mai, her red hair flying in the wind, her hot pants rubbing against her thighs and he wearing a bikini, she was sure she looked fuckable to them. Pein just glared at them as he caught up to her. She giggled "You're fast." she told him. He rolled her eyes as they started walking again. "You didn't like those college guys." she slurred to him.
"Nope." he said.
"Wh..why?" she asked,
"They wanted to use you. That's not cool with me." she giggled,
"Thanks Nagato." her just smiled at her,
"Anytime, Mai." She slipped her hand in his, and he let her.
"You know..." she began as they continued the walk to her house with easy talk.

Yui giggled as she walked into the bar and found Sakura and Ino, they waved her over and she complied easily. "Howdy." she said cheerfully as she slid in the booth next to Ino. "So what we drinking?"
"Jagerbomb." they all said and ordered the alcoholic beverage from the bar. It was brought over and they tipped there glasses into each other as a toast, before in one go, they tipped the glasses back and the drink travelled down there throat and made it's way into there system. They had three more rounds and decided it was time they stop drinking and just go outside for a smoke. They picked there stuff up and walked out the pub, there arms linked. They walked further down the street to where there was a bench, they sat down, sorting out there dresses, or skirt in Sakura's case. They took out there shit and rolled a joint each, they all put them in there mouth when they sore five guys walking down the street. "Wow." Ino said, "Hotties on a mission." she stuck her tongue out and everybody giggled. "Shit." Yui said, a smile still on her face as she stood up, "Where's my lighter?"
"Calm down, babe. I've got one." Sakura searched her bag. "Calm down, babe. Ino has one."
"Ino don't have one. For fuck sake. Ugh!"
"Need a lighter?" one of the guys asked, over hearing there dilemma. They looked at them and Yui's breath hitched. There was one guy around there age with navy-black hair, he had straight bangs at the front of his head and then at the back his hair stuck out, sure like a chicken butt, but it still looked gorgeous, he was well built and completely rocker, he had onyx eyes that just held cold hatred. Awkward. Moving on, she sore a guy that looked like his older brother, he looked identical just taller, more mature, with two stress lines by his nose and longer hair tied in a low pony tail, there was a guy next to him that looked there age as well, he had tanned skin and chocolate eyes, he had messy brown hair that reassembles a shaggy dog, but it looked good on him. He had wolfish features and a Mr. Wolf grin, and there was a dog the size of a wolf next to him! Next to him was a guy that once again looked like he was in her year, they looked kind of similar, Mr. Wolf and this one, they both had a devil-may-care smile, eyes and hair. This one's hair spiked up all over the place messily and looked way cool, Amaya would have died from his hair, it was Mohawk style, but everywhere. He was tanned, tall and well built. He had huge mischievous brown eyes a straight nose and a humerus smile. Yep, Amaya would have been jumping his bones right now. Then there was the one who had caught her attention, he had brick red hair and the biggest eyes that seemed to be tanuki-like black rings around his eyes that seemed natural! Then again Sakura has pink hair..., his eyes were mossy green, just a shade darker then Sakura's, he was short and she could tell he was a year younger then her, he had the kanji word for love tattooed on left side of his forehead. His forelocks were parted on the left side making it more visible, he was very handsome. She bit her lip and smiled at them. "Yeah..." she said, the two boys that looked alike both gave there lighters to the three beautiful girls, they lit there joints and handed them back, then noticing that all the boys eyes had gone blood shot. Red eye. Affect from smoking weed. Sakura smiled at the fact. "Thanks." Ino said, smirking at Mr. Wolf who was looking her up and down, and not caring at the fact that he was caught. "No problem." he said, a smile coming on his face. Sakura almost laughed. Almost. "I bet." Ino said. Very coy. Very Ino. The oldest one there seemed to find that amusing and smirked. Sakura's eyes met the onyx eyes of Chicken Butt. Or as she'd nicknamed him in her head Cockatoo. He just looked at her blankly, she cocked her head to the right, her hair falling over her shoulder, she raised an eyebrow. He was odd. Yui grinned at the guy with brick red hair. "Are you alright?" she asked worried, "You seem... angry." he just ignored her. "He doesn't talk much." the guy that looked like Mr. Wolf said. Yui's grin widened, Ino let a small smile form on her lips and Sakura gave her kawaii smile she gave when she was around someone she liked.. or a cute guy. And she was surrounded by them. The smile was her pouty lips gave a full pouty smile, showing her pearly teeth, she bit down on part of her tongue and her nose scrunched up. She never meant to do that smile, it shocked her herself. She'd only ever smiled like that around one person. Her ex-boyfriend. And here she was smiling that smile at Cockatoo with the nice eyes. She turned away as a blush spread on her cheek bones. She put it down to one Jagerbomb to many. She bit her lip hard in a way she did when she was nervous, she looked at Yui who was frowning, the smile making it's way back on her face. "You don't have to be scared!" she said,
"Oh, Yui." Sakura muttered to Ino, who nearly burst out laughing, but controlled her giggles, "Were just girls." she tilted her head to the side. He finally spoke.
"Get out of my face, or I'll break your wrist." Yui blinked and stepped back a step. Ino and Sakura shared a glance quickly, as they took a toke on their joints. "Thanks for letting us use your lighters." Sakura said, flashing them a brilliant smile. "See you around." they quickly grabbed there stuff, Ino grabbed Yui's hand and dragged her along with Sakura.
"What the fuck just happened?" Ino hissed loudly.
"He just threatened to break Yui's wrist." Sakura said in disbelief.
"He didn't mean it." Yui said rolling her eyes,
"Whatever." Sakura said, "This maybe the booze talking, but that's fucking weird." Ino nodded in agreement and they scrambled to there cars, and left, not looking back at the bunch of guys.

Okay, there it is. I know there weren't all the girls in there but they'll be in the next chapter! (: