A/N Firstly, I'm so sorry about how long this has been to get out. My only excuse is that I've had loads of difficulty settling down in Uni, and am just recovering from a nasty bout of flu. Anyway, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, hope it's all right. And sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than usual, but I wanted to get it out.
Harry Potter and his godfather, Sirius Black, were play-wrestling on the floor when the third member of their cobbled together family entered the room holding a copy of the Daily Prophet. Remus Lupin watched Harry and Sirius with a small smile on his face, almost not wanting to interrupt them, if there ever were two people who deserved happiness, it would be them.
"Sirius," he said, sighing when he went ignored, "Sirius! Sirius, you need to look at this." Reluctantly, Sirius and Harry untangled themselves and wandered over to Remus to look at the newspaper. The headline read,
Sirius Black, Back In England?
Is Mass Murderer Sirius Black Terrorising Our Shores Once More?
Sirius gave his distinctive bark like laugh. "Remus, surely you can't be worried. They come out with something new every week. Last time they were saying I was in Tunisia. They've got nothing."
"It's not that I'm worried about," Remus replied grimly, "look down," and sure enough, further down the page it said,
As an extra security measure, Dementors will posted around the perimeter and entrances of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge has commented on the move that …
Sirius looked paler than any of the ghosts Harry had seen at Hogwarts, his eyes wide and frightened and his whole body frozen. He was also clutching Harry's arm so tightly Harry was sure the blood had stopped flowing. The pain this was causing to Harry was irrelevant to him, however: Harry had only heard Sirius talk about his time in Azkaban and the Dementors occasionally, but it was always in the same low, fearful tone. Harry loved and respected his godfather above all others, even Remus (just) and what Sirius feared, Harry feared doubly.
"Dementors at Hogwarts," Sirius whispered, "what were they thinking. What about the students?" Then louder, angrier, "What if the Dementors get Harry?" But then suddenly deflated again. "This is all my fault."
Remus looked at Harry helplessly. There was nothing he could do when Sirius got into one of these moods, but, as much as the small jealous part of him hated to admit it, it had been him who had been friends with Sirius since they were children after all; Sirius and Harry shared a special connection. Harry gave Remus a small smile, and then whacked Sirius on the arm, jerking him out of his brooding. "Don't be stupid Sirius, this isn't your fault: it's the fault of the idiot Ministry. And don't worry about me; I'll be fine," he gave a lopsided grin, "I always am," Sirius grinned shakily back before pulling Harry into a bone crushing hug,
"Just … be careful around those Dementors, all right," Harry raised an eyebrow at the Marauder, "I know, I know, just, promise me?"
"I promise," Harry said, knowing how much it meant to his godfather.
Of course, the problem wasn't solved with one mushy conversation and a hug. Sirius would frequently sink into a mood, pacing the dark halls and muttering under his breath. Remus knew that, for the first time in years, Sirius was once again becoming truly obsessed with finding, catching, and killing Peter Pettigrew. In his mind, it was the only way to keep Harry safe from the Dementors. Some days it took all Remus' effort to stop his reckless friend throwing caution to the wind and hunting Pettigrew again. Some days, it took all of Remus' effort to keep himself from joining him. Only the thought of Harry stopped them.
A week later something happened that drove thoughts of Dementors from their minds.
Albus Dumbledore visited Grimmauld Place.
It was not an uncommon occurrence, especially when Dumbledore had first discovered Harry's location, but this visit had a particular purpose to it. One that, Sirius and Harry thought as they tried and failed to hide their smirking grins, they really should have foreseen.
"… Which is why I think you would make an excellent Defence Against The Dark Arts Professor,"
"Me?" Remus' mouth was wide and gaping. It was not an expression they were used to seeing on the usually verbose man,
"Indeed. Harry has often told of how you have helped and taught him, it has proved most effective," before either Harry or Remus could look embarrassed Sirius interjected,
"Hey! I helped too!" Dumbledore chuckled,
"I have no doubt that you are an magnificent teacher to Harry. But your speciality was never Defence, and we already have an excellent Transfiguration Professor. Besides…" Dumbledore trailed off. None of them wanted to mention the fact that Sirius was still a wanted 'murderer', but the mood in the room chilled all the same. Dumbledore stiffened, "Well, Remus, what do you say?"
"Albus, I', a werewolf, there's no way the parents will accept me as a teacher,"
"Don't worry Remus, I have arranged for Severus to make you Wolfsbane Potion,
Harry and Sirius were both beaming. Harry said ,"Well this is brilliant. I think you'll br the best defence teacher ever."