Seven hours later and Bella's contractions had increased in frequency and length, giving her little time to catch her breath and brace for the next one. The nurse and Dr. Leeman had been in and out of the room, checking on her progress and trying to keep her comfortable as possible. Leah had decided to go for a walk around the hospital saying it was bad enough she was going to watch Bella give birth, she didn't want to watch her suffer beforehand too. And poor Charlie was regretting his decision to offer his hand to his daughter; it was throbbing and turning red and he could feel the bones popping and grinding against each other as Bella squeezed it as hard as she possibly could.

"I'm going to kill you!" Bella cried as another contraction gripped her, this one only coming three minutes after the last one

"And I'll let you." Paul replied, wiping a cold rag across her forehead

"Stop being so sweet, I'm trying to be mad at you!" She sobbed

"I'm sorry?" He offered, not sure what he was supposed to say

"Does it really hurt that bad?" Leah asked

"No, I'm just screaming for no reason…. OF COURSE IT HURTS YOU IDIOT!" Bella screamed at her

"Umm ok, forget I asked." Leah said moving towards the door

After another hour, Dr. Leeman announced that Bella was fully dilated and could push with the next contraction.

"Finally!" Bella exclaimed

When the next contraction came Dr. Leeman instructed her to push with the contraction and take short breathes in between but there was basically no brake between the contractions and they were so intense that it took Bella a few tries before she could really push all the way through a contraction and not get panicky when one started.

Twenty minutes later and Dr. Leeman announced that she could see the head.

"Oh gosh, why didn't I do the C-section?" Bella cried as she felt the first baby moving down through her body and the head pushing against her opening

"Come on baby, you can do this." Paul tried to encourage her

While all of this was going on, Bella still had her Dad's hand in a death grip and he was trying his best to keep his eyes on his daughter's face lest he see something he didn't want to.

Leah unfortunately ended up down by Bella's waist and she was currently seeing more than she ever wanted to.

"Alright the head is out and now comes the hard part which is the shoulders. It's very important you listen to me because it's very easy to tear when you get to this part and that will only make pushing the next baby out all that more painful. So when I tell you to stop pushing and just pant through the contractions, I need you to do that ok?" Dr. Leeman instructed

Bella just nodded her head to show she understood as she continued to push through current contraction.

There was a brief moment of relief when the head finally popped out but it was immediately followed by another contraction and a whole lot of pain as the shoulders tried to pass through. Dr. Leeman instructed Bella when to push and when not to as she helped guide the shoulders out while avoiding tearing and once the shoulders were out the baby just seemed to slide the rest of the way out.

A loud cry was heard as Dr. Leeman lifted the baby up for them to see, "We have a girl, Dad do you want to cut the cord?" She asked gesturing toward Paul

Paul nodded his head, his eyes clouded with tears at the sight of his baby girl.

"She's so beautiful." He cried as he snipped the cord

Dr. Leeman then laid the baby on Bella's chest for a few moments.

"Look at her, she's so precious." Bella said looking at the little girl in wonder

"Do we have a name for her?" The nurse asked as she picked the baby up to go clean her up

"Catori Mika Meraz." Paul told her since Bella was busy pushing out their little boy

Twenty minutes later and their baby boy came into the world with a small cry.

"You want to cut the cord?" Paul asked Charlie

"No son, this is your moment." Charlie grinned, pride and love evident in his voice

"And what's this little guy's name?" The nurse asked

"Liam Cheveyo Meraz." Bella responded

After she'd had a few moments with her little boy, he too was taken to be cleaned up.

Once the placenta had been passed and Bella was all cleaned up, the nurse brought the babies back over. The nurse helped Bella to get the babies positioned so that she could attempt to breastfeed them.

"You two did good." Charlie smiled as he gazed down at his grandchildren

"Yea they're pretty cute but that whole process was just disgusting." Leah said

"It wasn't all that fun on my end either but it was so worth it."

"If you say so." Leah shrugged, "Now I'm going to go call Quil and Anthony and let them know their godchildren have arrived."

"And I'm going to grab some coffee and give you four a little time alone."

"Thanks for being here Dad."

"I wouldn't have been anywhere else Bells." He leaned down and gave his daughter and grandkids a kiss on the head and then slapped Paul on the shoulder before leaving the room

"I love you guys so much." Paul whispered as he stroked their puffy little cheeks

"I think they're done eating for now, would you like to hold them?" Bella asked

Paul didn't bother responding, he just gently scooped each baby into his arms; their heads full of dark hair resting in his palms as he stared down at them in amazement.

Bella watched them for as long as she could but it wasn't long before her eyes began to droop and her body finally surrendered to the exhaustion. And while his wife slept, Paul stared at his now sleeping children; marveling at their tiny features, perfect mixtures of him and Bella.

Getting to this point hadn't always been an easy road but here in this moment he realized that it had all been worth it.

A/N: Well there you have it... the end of Hundred More Years . I thank you all for sticking with me through several bouts of writers block and being patient. I hope you all stick around as I finish Some Secrets Can't Be Kept (the sequel to Destined for Weird) and I have several other ideas for stories in the works and I will be posting a sneak peek of the story that I choose to focus on and post here.

And I've included the lyrics to the song that inspired this sequel.

Hundred More Years by Francesca Battistelli

A diamond ring and twelve red roses
Everything she ever wanted
All those dreams and now they're finally here
She's so young and he's so perfects
They waited for love and it was worth it
She wants to feel like this for a hundred years

All this life still yet to live and they can hardly wait
They can laugh
They can cry
The future looks so beautiful and bright
They can dance under the moonlight
'Cause God is smilin' down on them tonight
And she wants to stay right here
Make it last for a hundred more years

She's got blue eyes just like her mother
Three years old, he's crazy for her
He wants to freeze this day before it disappears
She's spinnin' like a little princess
Makin' sure he's gonna notice
He could watch her twirl for a hundred years

She'll grow up and she'll leave home but until that day
He can laugh
They can cry
The future looks so beautiful and bright
They can dance under the moonlight
'Cause God is smilin' down on them tonight
And he wants to stay right here
Make it last for a hundred more years

And its only time
But it flies right by
And today is sweeter than we know

And so they dance under the moonlight
While God is smilin' down on them tonight
And they want to stay right here
For a hundred more years