To Rachel's surprise, the constant staring and gawking at her didn't bother her as much as it did when Jacob Ben Israel did it. it was like a constant stare, not by one person, but when person looked away two replaced that stare and she knew exactly why they were staring at her. it was for either one of two reasons; One, she was wearing something almost normal and looked hot doing so, or Two, they had found about her weekend activities, either way she didn't care too much. she has gotten used to not caring about what other people think or say about her, being the person she is, its kinda a skill she needed to hold.

Its not like anything they were saying about her was untrue this time, so it wasn't even that bad until she was actually out of class. Her locker was in a direct diagonal from Finns. she hadn't released that he might still be with Quinn that morning but seeing Finn leaning over her forearm resting over Quinn's head as they spoke softly showed her that he obviously hadn't ended anything with Quinn at all. they both stole looks over at her every few seconds and she could see Quinn's shoulders shake softly indicating that she was giggling if not laughing at her. Finn however, doesn't bother to even hid his disgust or disappointment. She knows he's not going to dump Quinn, why would he when he knows the tiny brunette who holds his heart no longer wants what she's been begging for since glee started. Rachel didn't bother to look again after locking her gaze on Finn the first time, but she knows he will be over the minute Quinn goes off to class.

a soft thud came from the locker next to hers as finn let his side flop against the flimsy metal of the locker. Rachel's eyes flick up in a flash before returning to her books she was now organising in her locker.

"wow rach, who knew you were such a slut" he sneered. now it was his turn to lace his voice with venom.

"Excuse Me?!" she practically growled at him, slamming her locker shut causing almost everyone in the hall to stop what they were doing and look at them.

"You heard me…. Slut."

The petite brunette could just see the smirk slowly creeping over his face, he had never been this out right mean to her, when ever he used to insult her or lead her on it was in a discreet manner, never head on.

"Are you seriously calling me a slut? really?" she asked, her voice not daring to get louder than how she normally speaks. "Wow Finn, congratulations. for once in your life your thinking for yourself…. oh wait, no thats what Quinn thinks huh?" she was surprised how calm she was being considering the situation. "Does she know Finn? how you turned up at my place this morning? Have you told her how you practically begged me to get back with you? cause I'm pretty sure she wouldn't like that. considering she's still your girlfriend and all."

Rachel could see the smirk slowly fading from Finn's face as she continued knowing all to well that Quinn had just pushed her way to the front of the crowd that now surrounded them. her voice didn't falter once, she was quite, but strong, the way a parent is when scolding a child in public.

Rachel heard a soft familiar sob come from the crowd which made Finn turn to find his girlfriend standing in front of him, her right hand clutching her throat, the tears glistening in her eyes.

"Quinn I…." But both Quinn and Rachel knew there was no way he could explain, he wasn't smart enough for that.

"save it Finn" Quinn choked out before turning on her heel and ran in the direction of the nearest bathroom, fully aware that her makeup was going to be ruined by the time she got to her destination.

"Finn, may i suggest the next time you want a new girlfriend, dump the old one first" she said before hitching her bag higher on her shoulder before turning and walking in the direction of the auditorium.

the last thing rachel heard was finns voice ringing though the halls filled with cuss words and the loud sound of metal connecting with someones fist.


Surprisingly Rachel found herself staring at the auditorium doors wondering weather to go in or not. she hadn't spoken to Noah since saturday, she didn't know how things were going to pan out in the next 70 minutes, or what he wanted to say so badly that he would skip a class he actually was good at, and at least somewhat enjoyed.

She jumped slightly as she felt a pair of strong arms slid around her waist and pull her back against his chest. she could feel her cheeks heat up as she released who it was, she knew every inch of his body and the feeling of his arms around her felt nothing but natural.

"Hey" was all he muttered as he moved her hair so he could duck down and pressed his lips to her neck which brought a soft giggle to her lips.

She couldn't help the weird feel of her heart tightening as his arms slipped around her, and she knew whatever was going on between them the year before, was not meant to end after 7 days of perfectly normal teenage dating. they both were caught up in other matters of the heart, Rachel; thinking she was in love with a guy who didn't seem to see her or care for her at all, and Puck; struggling with the fact that he slept with his best friends girlfriend and got her pregnant, that his best friend was stupid enough to think that he was the father leaving Puck to help Quinn out in secret, knowing he would never be able to be the father he knew he could be.

Rachel's sharp intake of breath brought her back to the present quickly turning to face the one person she was truly friends with, of course they both knew there was something else between them that took over sunday, there was always this possibility of either one of them rejecting the other, and it seemed as they both weren't willing to take that chance of giving themselves completely to each other.

"So Noah, care to tell me what i am doing at the Auditorium this fine morning?"

Rachel's eyes searched his as if to get a hint of what the surprise was, but knowing just how good he was at hiding things, she found nothing, or at least nothing she could tell.

Pucks trademark smirk pulled at the right corner of his perfect lips before he turned her back around and placed his large hands over her eyes blocking her from seeing anything but darkness.

"You will just have to wait and see Berry" he whispered in her ear as he pushed the auditorium doors open and blindly lead Rachel into the large auditorium and up the aisle towards the stage; she knew this place like the back of her hand she knew where to step as not to face plant into the carpeted floor of the large auditorium.

By the time Pucks hands moved from her eyes she was a bouncing bundle of excitement, he took his sweet ass time getting her onto the stage as if it were the first time he had set foot in the large room.

a soft giggle rang through out the room as he moved his hands from her eyes and lifted her so she was sitting on the lone stool at the front of the stage before moving into the spot light that shone down in front of the stool the only other person in the large acoustic room was Brad, the piano man, who handed him his guitar which he slung the strap over his shoulder before he started playing the familiar tune bringing brad into the melody before he began to sing to her.

Beauty queen of only eighteen

She had some trouble with herself

He was always there to help her

She always belonged to someone else

His eyes locked on hers as she felt the familiar sting as tears started to well in the corners of her eyes, she watched as he slowly moved towards her, his voice and melody of the song ringing through out the silence that encased them.

I drove for miles and miles

And wound up at your door

I've had you so many times but somehow

I want more

This moment, he knew. This moment he would never be able to turn back on this moment, though they had already had sex in the heat of passion, this moment that they were sharing, would mean a lot more to both of them than any moment they had shared before. His smile widened as a single tear slid down her right cheek; that gleam in her eyes that he loved shone ever so brightly as he walked towards her, professing his feelings though song, like he knew she loved.

I don't mind spending everyday

Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Look for the girl with the broken smile

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

And she will be loved

She will be loved

Tap on my window knock on my door

I want to make you feel beautiful

I know I tend to get so insecure

It doesn't matter anymore

It's not always rainbows and butterflies

It's compromise that moves us along, yeah

My heart is full and my door's always open

You can come anytime you want

I don't mind spending everyday

Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Look for the girl with the broken smile

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

I know where you hide

Alone in your car

Know all of the things that make you who you are

I know that goodbye means nothing at all

Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls

Tap on my window knock on my door

I want to make you feel beautiful

I don't mind spending everyday

Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Look for the girl with the broken smile

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

And she will be loved

The moment the last note hit Rachel was out of the chair and into his arms, she didn't need words, her lips captured his in what seemed like a simple kiss to any onlooker but she put all her feelings in to the way she kissed him, soft and sweet. it was if their lips were meant to hold together, they fit together as if they were two puzzle pieces that completed the picture.

She knew she loved him, this love she had for him was a million times stronger than what she had ever felt for Finn, which just proved to her that though her first encounter with Noah didn't last long, that spark she first felt when their lips met the year earlier, was a hint to what would be inevitable. she knew she wouldn't be able to stay away from Noah; no matter how much Finn begged her to come back to him, or how many times he called her a slut, she knew deep down in her heart that she had always belonged to Noah, just hadn't released it until now.


As she had promised Santana; who was apparently now her friend, she had devised a quite brilliant plan to get San back on Brittany's good side, and her forgiveness.

The Plan was simple: part 1, Roses; which had been ordered in their second period Spanish class they shared, which Santana would get and fill both Brittany's locker, and get sent to her class room. Part 2 wasn't going to be as easy, since they didn't actually make cat-proof safes, so during art that Rachel had in fourth period, Rachel would paint onto the safe that Santana had bought during her free first period "The CAT-SAFE 2000" in bright Pink and Green block letters before wrapping it in wrapping paper that had paw prints all over it with a note on the inside of the paper telling Brittany exactly what the gift was, and who it was from as to make sure she knew when Rachel gave it too her that it had come from Santana. and finally Part 3, this was the easiest part, and the hardest part at the same time, since choosing the right song for the job was quite time consuming, but given that Rachel had a play list of songs for every occasion on her iPhone, it didn't take them too long to find the perfect song.


When glee came rolling around both Santana and Rachel had songs prepared, it was all planned that Santana would go first, before anyone else could stop her, or drifted off into their own little world.

it took Santana literally less than a minute after the last person to walk through the doors to be standing in front of everyone, looking very uncomfortable. Her eyes caught Rachel's and the petite brunette gave the Latina a soft smile and a thumbs up.

Santana took a deep breath before her eyes locked onto Brittany's who was saying at her longingly. Rachel watched as the love-struck grin pulled at Santana's plump lips, her voice hardly a whisper, unlike her normal loud crudeness.

"Brit, I'm sorry, i hope you liked the roses and the Cat-Proof Dairy safe that i got made especially for you…." Santana trailed off looking down at the floor before she looked up at the ditzy blond and smiled sweetly; which was a nice change.

"i love you Brit-Brit, and i shouldn't have to hide that." she said a little stronger before she nodded to the guy who was accompanying her with guitar.

So Long,

I've been looking too hard, I've been waiting too long

Sometimes I don't know what I will find

I only Know it's a matter of time

When you love someone

When you love someone

It feels so right, so warm and true

I need to know if you feel it too.

Maybe I'm wrong

Won't you tell me if I'm coming on too strong?

This heart of mine has been hurt before

This time i wanna be sure

I've been waiting for girl like you

To come in to my life

I've been waiting for girl like you

A love that will survive

I've been waiting for girl like you

To make me feel alive

I've been waiting for girl like you

To come into my life….

Rachel smiled slightly as she watched the blond move from her seat and take the Latina in her arms, letting the brunette know that she understood, and that she forgave her. It didn't take long after that for Mr. Shue to walk into the class room to find a silently crying Santana in Brittany's arms and the rest of the Glee club staring at them except Rachel.

Rachel took it on herself to take the attention away from the two girls she would soon, (unbeknown to her) be calling her best friends. Plastering her brightest smile she could manage, which wasn't too hard seeing as how the day had turned out for her, and for Santana.

This distraction of Rachel moving to the middle of the room coughing slightly to capture the attention of her glee club gave the two girls the momentary opening to leave the room without anyone asking them any questions. Only rachel knew where they would be going, and she didn't plan on telling anyone where that was, to give the two the the they needed to talk, to cry, to embrace each other, to get everything out in the open, to tell each other face to face how much they meant to each other.

Rachel coughed again, a little louder her smile still in place, her eyes flicking over to Noah every few seconds.

"i have prepared something," she stated before she nodded at brad who bobbed his head in time to the music that was now filling the room, Rachel's eyes now locked on Noah's smiling at him as if he were the only one in the world who mattered to her.

(Rachel Italics - Tina and Mercedes as backup in Bold Italics)

Do you think you could fall for a woman like me?

Cause I find it hard to trust, I need to much, and I really don't believe in Love (No No)

Do You think that I could be the girl of your dreams?

Sometimes I don't let things go, get emotional, and sometimes i'm just outta control.

You need to stop for a minute.

Before you get to deep up in it (Too Deep)

Everything ain't what it seems.

It's hard lovin a woman, a woman like me.

You need to think about it.

Before you get hooked on a venom and can't live without it (No No NO).

Can't believe everything you see.

It's hard lovin a woman, a woman like me.

Do you think that I could be the one that you see?

Cause baby i'm one step ahead

Your two steps behind, but baby I don't mind

Do you think that I could make you real happy, baby?

Just don't get me wrong

My lovin is so strong, but I ain't trying to lead you on

You need to stop for a minute.

Before you get to deep up in it (No NO)

Everything ain't what it seems. (Seems)

It's hard lovin a woman, a woman like me. (Woman Like Me)

You need to think about it.

Before you get hooked on a venom and can't live without it (Without it)

Can't believe everything you see.

It's hard lovin a woman, a woman like me. (Meeeeeeeeeee)

Woman Like Me

A Woman Like Me

Woman Like Me, OH!

You need to stop for a minute. (Stop for a Minute)

Before you get to deep up in it (Before you get so deep up in it)

Everything ain't what it seems.

It's hard lovin a woman, a woman like me.

You need to think about it. (Think about it baby)

Before you get hooked on a venom and can't live without it (No No).

Can't believe everything you see.

It's hard lovin a woman, a woman like me.

A Woman Like Me, Woman Like Me,

Woman Like Me

Rachel beamed up at Noah who had somehow found his way to be standing in front of her blocking her from the view of everyone behind him. They hear Mr. Shue splutter a little as their lips touched, with the sweetest kiss, his thumb and forefinger gripped her chin softly pulling her face slightly up to his to make their kiss last longer; and it would have if Finn hadn't literally kicked one of the many chairs halfway across the room and hit the back of Pucks legs with a thud.

That brought them back to their senses and to almost everyones surprise it wasn't Puck who exploded at Finn, but Rachel.

Puck smirked slightly as he watched as her eyes grew cold and harsh towards the boy she said she had loved no less than 6 months before. He had nothing to worry about, he could see with each and every moment how much Rachel really was over Finn, his idiotic charm had worn off her and shown her just how much of a jackass Finn really was.

"really Finn? REALLY?!" Rachel practically yelled at the tall lanky boy who stood on the other side of the room.

"this morning you want be back after catching me and Noah have sex on sunday, then you call me a slut before second period" she yelled her hands waving about in a very Rachel Berry manner.

"AND NOW! your angry when I'm kissing someone else? do you really think that highly of yourself? let me give you a give Finn, the sun does not shine from out your ass, you can't just have girl you want. you may have had some sought of spell over me for almost a year, but then i woke up, from that dream were you wanted me, and were i actually cared. Your a selfish, stuck up ass hole, who doesn't deserve my love or affection" by the time she had stopped, she was literally in his face, her eyes like fire. Her hand pulled back and slapped him for the second time that day before grabbing her bag and went straight for her triad mark 'storm out.'

All Puck could do was laugh, the look on Finns face was priceless. He quickly pulled out his phone and took a photo of his ex-bestfriend who looked as if his world had just been shattered before he even bothered to grab his bag and head after his hot headed, dangerously hot girl; but he stopped in the door way and turned to face Finn with a rather particular smirk that said 'she totally fucked you over, and I'm so glad she's mine'.

"Hey Finn," He said, his voice calm and steady which was something he wasn't used to. he watched as Finns eyes snapped over to his.

"If you ever call her a slut again, ill chop your tiny dick off. you hear me?" he asked before turning on his heels and walked at a rather casual pace after the girl he knew he loved, weather he would admit it yet or not.

AN: Okay, first off, sorry its taken me this long to update; writers block along with my birthday last saturday kinda made me really busy, and unable to think of anything. I'm really hoping that ill be able to get another chapter up before New Years, or maybe if I'm lucky before christmas, but don't get your hopes up on christmas.

any was secondly, HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! if i don't update before, this is just a little gift from me to all of you wonderful readers who read my stories and give me feed back, or make this a favourite of theirs or get this as an alert, i truly thank you all.

and thirdly; the three songs i used in here were 'She Will be Loved' by Maroon 5, 'Waiting for a Girl Like You' The Glee Version sung by Mark Sallings, and 'A Woman Like Me' by Beyonce.

Thankfully i really enjoyed writing this chapter, and i actually love the way it turned out. in the beginning i had no idea on how i was going to writing what Santana was going to make it up to Brit other than singing a song in front of the glee club, but then i though of the roses and the safe since brit always talks about Lord Tubbingon and how she thinks he reads her diary, so yeah please tell me what you think of that part in particular, and any other parts you liked, or didn't particularly like.

Please, Review and give me any of your thoughts and ideas on what happened in this chapter, and what you think should come next, or what should happen in the chapters to come, I'm always open to your input.