Becoming Slythern
By J. Lynn ([email protected])

J.K.R. owns Harry Potter and the unnamed Draco anyone else mentioned belongs to themselves and their publishers.

Author's Notes: This story is the third in the Acceptance series. The sequence for the series is Choices & Fortunes, A Piece of Advice, Becoming Slytherin and Acceptance Of Things To Come.

Summary : In the summer after his fifth year, Harry receives a package.

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. - John 8:32

The owl tapped against the barred window, impatient with the boy sleeping on the bed.

Because I was born a slave I love liberty more than you. - Ludwig Boerne

Sighing, Harry pulled himself out of bed and opened the window, a routine well established by now. Ever since his third year he'd been receiving packages every two weeks. They were always the same, wrapped in brown paper, nondescript and of medium size. It was what was inside that made them so unique.

Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but difficult to enslave. - Henry Peter Brougham

Inside each package was the wisdom of the ages. Certainly not all the wisdom, but political knowledge that originated even further back than Plato and Socrates ranging from military strategies to governing policies to propaganda platforms both magical and muggle. Along with these came logic texts, psychology books, and the occasional novel. In between the lines of these works were the small notations, pointing out fallacies and proposing theorems.

Liberty, too, must be limited to be possessed. - Edward Burke

In the beginning the points had been broad, obvious, and looking back so simple it was nearly insulting. But over time, as his understanding grew the points became subtler. Slowly weaning him off his dependency as he learned to how to think critically for himself.

The essence of free government consists of effectual control of rivalries. - John Adams

He knew where they came from and what they were meant for, his competitive nature had taken up the challenge offered and it was with a sense of pride that he sent the last parcel of books back with the addition of a note book of questions and rebuttals.

Dictatorship: A system of government where everything that isn't forbidden is obligatory.

He was learning what he would need, and becoming more than he had ever been before.

Only the educated are free. - Epictetus

One could say, the Gryffindor was becoming Slytherin.

If you don't like what's going on, you have to get involved. - Mary Moran
