Hello everybody! It's Ennarre and Cat!

It has been years since we last updated, and we are so, so sorry for keeping you hanging. There are many reasons why we couldn't update, and we tried writing the story time and again... but the truth is that unfortunately, we will not be able to finish this story.

Still, we do not want to keep you all hanging, so here is a summary of EVERYTHING we had planned. Go on, read it - have some closure, and we'll talk to you in the end! :)

We are going to be writing in sections to describe the future of each plotline we had going up until now. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. I will try everything to help you reach whatever closure this didn't cover.


Desires and Destiny



Continuing from where we left off...

Alianna and Chad face the next morning with a bit of awkwardness which washes away quickly and instead turns into acceptance. Chad decides to put his past behind him and truly give his marriage, and Alianna, a chance.

Alianna finds herself falling in love with Chad more and more everyday, and she no longer wishes to be a part of the evil plans that her brother and father were hatching. She wants to tell Chad the truth, but knows that it would be the end of her marriage since Chad would never forgive the betrayal. She selfishly gives herself a few weeks more before she comes clean.

During these weeks, she spends as much time with Chad as she could, and also helps him to the best of her abilities. Since she is aware of most of the traps her family had laid out for Chad, her advise helps him evade those traps without anyone realizing what was going on.

Lucy, however, happens to notice the little changes in Alianna, and also notices how worried she started to seem as the time passed.


Kayla gets jealous of the fact that Harry expressed interest in her and then acted interested in Chloe. She didn't like being overlooked because of what happened with Joseph (her ex-fiance. See Definitely Destiny for more detail on the backstory). Looking back and looking around all of the happily married couples (her brother, the kings and queens), she had realized that her relationship with Joseph had been sour even before she had been attacked. The rape had just given Joseph an excuse to leave.

As a result of that, Kayla liked to feel important, cherished and cared about in a relationship. She did not appreciate how Harry seemed to be playing the field, so she confronted him and started shouting at him.

Harry shut her up the only way he knew how: by kissing her. After she was quiet long enough to give him a chance to speak, he explained that he really did like her. He was just afraid that her social status would not allow to pursue her.

Kayla assures him that it wouldn't be a problem, and after a while, they pursue a relationship.

In the future of their relationship, they come across Joseph who was visiting time, and Kayla gets a chance to actually thank him for leaving because she got a chance to meet Harry who was so much better for her than Joseph ever was.


Susan informs Lucy via a letter that they have discovered clues that leads them to believe that the kidnapped prince and princess are being transported to the person who hired the kidnappers by sea.

Edmund and Caspian leave immediately to follow this trail and bring back the kids.

Somewhere in the middle of the sea, Estella and Caleb are tied together in the captain's quarters aboard a ship. They are afraid, and it is revealed that they are being taken to the sea-port of Calormen.


Alianna discovers that she is pregnant.

When Chad finds out, he is overjoyed. He tells Alianna that she has made him a happy man and that he has fallen in love with her. Chad realizes with a jolt that he means it too. While a small part of his heart would always belong to Lucy, it was Alianna who mattered the most in his life now. She was his wife, his love and now the mother of their unborn child.

Everyone is happy at the news of Alianna's pregnancy. Everyone except Philip and Demetrius. They threaten Alianna because this was not a part of the plan. Alianna's job was only to distract Chad, and to make sure that Chad would keep on trusting Demetrius' counsel. The riots and strikes in Daelhr were all planned to weaken and (when the time was right) to "dispose" Chad so that Philip could take his place. However, Alianna's pregnancy meant that there was a legal heir to Daelhr - a thorn in their path. Alianna puts on a brave face, makes some excuses and somehow manages to escape from them for the time being.

Lucy sees this encounter and realizes how evil Philip and Demetrius could be. Unsure about where Alianna's true loyalties lie, she confronts the Lady of Daelhr. Alianna, who was worried about the safety of her husband and child, confesses to the truth in front of the Valiant Queen.

Alianna tells Lucy that Demetrius wants to be King of Narnia and that he wants Philip to take over Daelhr and Emery (his other son who is currently imprisoned in Cair) to capture the capital for him.

Demetrius knows that the three kings together are too strong to defeat, which is why he came up with an elaborate plan that he has been working on for a couple of years. Demetrius reached out to the Calormen King, Reese, for external help that would separate the kings. If Reese kidnaps the prince and princess, and kills the monarch who come searching for the kids, then Demetrius (as the new king of Narnia) would offer Reese some land and free trade.

Alianna still wants to tell Chad the whole truth, but Lucy stops her. Lucy could see how happy Chad was with Alianna, and that Alianna was genuinely loyal to her husband now, so she decides to protect them. She and Alianna decide to work together to bring down Demetrius and Philip.


Back in Cair Paravel, Emery rallies all of his prison-mates and becomes their leader. From there, he widens his circle and manages to amass a small army of criminals from Cair and the surrounding villages to his cause. Then, he sells his soul to Tash (the evil god) to gain the power to control Isabel.

Under the influence of this dark magic, Isabel lets out all the prisoners, resulting in a riot in the middle of the night. Caught unawares and highly outnumbered, the Narnian soldiers get slaughtered, and the monarchs present in Cair find themselves facing defeat.

Isabel, still under the dark magic, battles Peter and defeats him before collapsing. Wounded and weakened from the prison break and the lack of support from Edmund and Caspian, Peter is forced to flee with the three queens and the kids to keep their freedom.


Edmund and Caspian, who are following the children's trail with an armada of ships, end up on Reese's turf. They march into the castle and demand their children back.


Peter and the Queens flee from Cair and escape to Daelhr, where they are treated for their injuries. Chad, finding out that Emery has taken control of Cair, rushes out to ensure that the army of Daelhr is ready should the city be attacked.

In the meantime, Peter along with Lucy and the evidence she has confronted, confront Demetrius, who realizes that his plan has failed. He internally snaps and is able to keep his composure long enough to lure Chad away to their familial mansion. There they show their true colors and decide to kill Chad before marching onto the Ardross manor with the small backup force that Emery had sent.


Reese finds out that Demetrius' plan is failing and that Peter and the queens are still alive. He doesn't want to burn bridges and he knows that he cannot afford an all-out war with Narnia, so he feigns innocence.

He brings out the kids and tells Edmund and Caspian that they were kidnapped by pirates and that he had them "rescued". And then, as a sign of good faith, he insists that the kings stay for a banquet before returning to Narnia. #fakegoodpolitics


Alianna, guessing what her father and brother would have been up to, reacts quickly and reaches her family manor with Peter, Lucy and Harry.

A fight ensues.

Philip uses underhanded tricks to nearly defeat Chad, but before he could land the final blow, Alianna steps in between and is fatally wounded instead. A horrified Chad kills Philip.

Peter, Harry and Lucy manage to defeat the small force and restrain Demetrius. Demetrius, knowing he's lost, drinks a poison instead of going to jail.

Alianna, suffering from extensive blood loss, asks for forgiveness from Chad. Chad, who now knows the truth and of Alianna's attempts at redemption, forgives her instantly. He tells her that he still loves her and that he always will.

He begs Lucy to save Alianna using her cordial. However, as fate would have it, the knife Alianna was stabbed with was poisoned with an essence resistant to the elixir of the fire flower, so Lucy's cordial is ineffective. Alianna dies in Chad's arms, losing the baby at the same time.


Edmund and Caspian return to Narnia after going through the fake good politics, and upon finding out what happened, quickly win Cair back. Emery is captured and executed.


Chad, after losing Alianna and his unborn child, goes into a deep depression. He stops caring about his work and himself, and instead resorts to isolation and alcoholism when reality became too difficult to bear for him.

Lucy stays to help run Daelhr while Chad copes with his loss. The rest of the Kings and Queens go back to Cair Paravel and raise their kids there and run the country.

Harry gets promoted to Captain of the Guard for service to the throne after he assists Chad, Lucy and Peter in the final fight. He marries Kayla a year later and live happily ever after.

Over time, Lucy helps nurse Chad back from his depression, and encourages him to return to his duties. It takes a couple of years, but Chad and Lucy rekindle their lost love, and eventually get married. Lucy fulfils her queenly duties by acting as the ambassador to other countries, so she can spend most of her time in Daelhr with Chad.

The End.


We (Ennarre and Cat) started writing this together when we were back in highschool. We are both graduating college now and felt like we owe you SOMETHING to give this series closure, yet we have to admit that we will not be writing it out. What you have just read is it.

We originally had so many different plans about what we would write about and would develop the story, and we kept convincing ourselves that we'd make time to write it. Unfortunately, life gets in the way and people grow, change, and mature over time. We both have grown mostly past the fandom of Narnia. We still love the books and movies, but no longer feel the compelling need to write stories for it. Our literary interests have changed.

However, just because we can't bring ourselves to write a story we don't have a passion for anymore doesn't mean we don't appreciate all of the love and support you've given us over the years.

When I (Cat) started writing with Ennarre, I was still relatively a new author. I had very little confidence in my writing style (looking back at some of my other work, I was right to). Apart from a few select reviewers (namely one), the support you all have given me has been overwhelming and has encouraged me more than you can imagine or I can hope to be able to express enough gratitude for.

And when I (Ennarre) started writing Fate or Destiny, I had no idea what I was doing or where I was going with these characters. Still, your support resulted in my simple idea turning into a trilogy and I couldn't be more grateful. I hope to one day return to the world of Narnian fanfic, whether to write a new story, to properly complete this one, to edit the old ones or to simply read th new ones written by others, I cannot say... but for now, this is thank you and goodbye.

We both hate it when authors leave in the middle of the story, decide to drop it and never give it any closure. While it's not as much as another 30 chapters like we had planned, we hope this has given you the resolution and closure we've denied you until now.

Thank you for sticking with this story! And thank you so so SOOOOOOO much for sticking with the Destiny trilogy. :)

Cheers x

Ennarre and CrazyKitCat