For those who are wondering this is an AU NCIS fic. It takes place durring some part of the series, i'm just not sure what part. Although it is after Kate dies. Obviously, it has Ziva in it...okay no i'm beginning to ramble...Any way I have no clue how this came to me, it just did. Pleas do kill me, yet. Hope Ya like. JG
Disclaimer: I no own NCIS! Get it? Got it? Good.
Muina Ambar
Leaves and branches continued to smack him in the face as he ran. Tear streaks covered his cheeks as they fell from his eyes. Panting for what little air he could proved to be to much for his body as he tripped over a root. Laying on the cold earthen ground he shook as his sobs continued. The leaves crunched as his small body moved over them. No other sounds surrounded him as he cried, whispering "W-why m-m-me? W-why?" over and over again. His voice shallow, confused and hoarse.
Time was lost as he lay shivering on the forest floor. A trip to Italy for a fun family vacation had ended in pain for him. His whole world shattered and his family horrified. He hadn't known that having the abilities he had was a bad thing. Really he hadn't. If he had he would have kept them a secret. A BIG secret. He would never have shown his father. Would never have had asked him about what he could do. Never. But he had and now he was considered a freak.
"Are you alright?" The voice cut through the silence around him and his own sobs. He tentatively looked up. Hoping beyond hope that it was someone that could help him. That wouldn't consider him a freak.
A girl, no older than him, with bright blue-green eyes and ashen brown hair had knelt down next to him. Her voice was accented but held only concern.
"Boy, are you alright?" He blinked. No. he wasn't okay. He was a freak. Someone nobody wanted to be around.
"Oh, but you seem like a nice person to me." Had he spoken out loud? "Now, why do think you are a freak? You look normal to me." Should he tell her? What would she think?
He sat up, brushing some of the dirt from his face and shirt. He winced as his face stung at the pressure.
"You're hurt." She took his face gently in her hands and turned it so she could see. So soft.
She raised her other hand and placed it lightly over his cheek and whispered,"Envinyata."
A light shown from under her hand as a warm feeling brushed against his cheek. She smiled as she removed her hand.
"All better." He stared at her. She was like him. She could do what he could. He wasn't alone. Maybe, maybe if he showed her she could help him! He concentrated. Doing what he always did to call out the little ball of light.
"Glow." He whispered closing his eyes and hoping it wouldn't frighten her away. A gasp beside him had him looking at her.
"How are you able to do that? And without using the Noble language!" He looked at her. The what? " Boy, how long have you been able to do that?"
He shrugged. "About a year I think?"
"And how old are you?"
"Erunya! So young and already able to use sairina." She closed her eyes. "To be young and gifted is dangerous."
"I don't want to hurt anyone!" His hazel eyes were wide with fear.
"I can help, but it wont be easy." Her blue-green eyes shown with a determination and confidence that could only inspire him to try.
"I'll do it. What ever it is. I'll do it!"
"Good. I'm Ráviel." She stood and held out a hand. He took it. Smiling, he had found a friend who wasn't afraid of his abilities. A person to count on for help.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Tony! Tony Dinozzo!"
And there you have it! Tony can use magic! YAY! and he's I said no kill me just yet! See ya next chapter! ~JG
Muina Ambar – Secret (hiden) Earth (world)
Envinyata – Heal
Erunya – My God
sairina – Magic
Ráviel – Name; means Daughter of Wilderness
(If any of my readers know Quenya, and would like to correct me when I make a mistake, I welcome you with open arms!)