Hey guys, here's the next chapter. I'm on a roll huh? Well this is the longest chapter I have written so I'm pretty happy about that. So in this chapter Dorcas finally gives birth. This is the first time I have ever written a birth scene so don't hate me if I mess it up somehow :D

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling

"The Incident" July 27th, 1979 (past cont.):

"Lily you really didn't have to accompany me upstairs, I can get myself to my room on my own."

"Dorcas I didn't come up stairs just to keep an eye on you. I already told you downstairs that I think it's time to give that baby a name. Now what names have you had in mind."

"Well to tell you the truth Gideon and I haven't really discussed baby names yet and to tell you the truth I think it's something I should discuss with him before you and I sort through the final ones."

"You two haven't discussed it yet? You're due in a little over a month!"

"I know, I know but we haven't really had time to discuss the name yet. I mean with Gideon off on missions and me here, well there just hasn't been enough time. Now let me make you a promise."

"What kind of a promise?"

"Let me speak with Gideon and once we have a list of around five names me really like I'll tell you and we can decide together what to name her."

"Okay fine I accept, but you better talk to him soon and the list better be good! No goddaughter of mine is going to be teased at Hogwarts just because her parents couldn't think up of a good name."

Unfortunately Dorcas was never able to find Gideon. Whenever she wanted to talk about the baby he wouldn't be around. James and Lily had gone off on a mission so Lily wasn't an option either. So as the days passed; between researching and her hormones, Dorcas forgot all about coming up with baby names.

September 5th, 1979 (present):

After Dorcas left Gideon she met up with Lily and Marlene.

"Hey guys, where are you going?"

"Oh just to Diagon Alley. We want to buy some gifts for the baby, right Lily."

"Yes! We saw some very cute baby dresses the other day and we were in a hurry so we couldn't buy any, but since today is our day off we decided to go buy them now."

"Can I tag along?"

"Well we were going to apparate there and you know apparating while pregnant isn't such a good idea Dorcas. Especially so close to your due date, wait hang on you should be laying down."

"Marlene please I feel fine! I haven't had any contractions; I think she likes it in there and doesn't want to come out yet."

"Well that seems odd. I'll have to ask my mentor about this soon. You're due any day now and you aren't having any of the normal symptoms."

"Maybe it was the bit of magic that she did. It might have affected the growth a bit and that's why she's taking a little longer."

After a bit of convincing Dorcas was able to tag along. She convinced the girls that she felt fine and just needed a bit of fresh air. Marlene was a little tougher to crack but in the end she caved but with one condition; after they were done looking for clothes they would stop by at St. Mungos and see Marlene's mentor.

Dorcas agreed at once. She was tired of always having to be stuck in her home so going to see a mediwitch wasn't going to stop her from finally getting out. They were so excited they forgot to tell anyone where they were going and that Dorcas was going along as well.

Since Dorcas couldn't apparate in her condition, they decided to take the floo to The Three Broomsticks. Just before they were ready to go, Marlene cast a spell so that Dorcas wouldn't accidently slip or cause any damage to the baby while in the floo.

It was decided that Lily would go first followed by Dorcas. Marlene would floo last so that she could make sure nothing went wrong on Dorcas's trip. They made it to The Three Broomsticks in one piece and headed out back to the passageway that would lead them to Diagon Alley.

To say that they were attracting a lot of attention would be an understatement. No one had seen Dorcas Meadowes in quite some time. Many thought she might have gone missing like many others had. Seeing her alive and pregnant was something a lot of people were not expecting.

The three women were so busy talking about clothes, cribs and toys that they didn't seem to notice all the attention they were receiving. They walked down the street and took a right turn to reach the baby shop Lily and Marlene had seen the other day.

Through the window Dorcas saw a tiny doll that was made out of porcelain and immediately fell in love with it. She walked as fast as her legs could take her and entered the shop. The sales clerk was in the back and called out to the three that she would be out in a minute.

Marlene and Lily headed straight for the baby clothes while Dorcas went to look at the dolls. The dolls were set apart from the rest of the toys which seemed odd to Dorcas, but she still thought they were beautiful.

They all felt smooth when you touched them and their eyes seemed to look at you with such happiness. Dorcas looked at them all trying to find the one she had seen from outside. When she looked to the left she finally saw the one she wanted to buy for her daughter.

She was beautiful. The color of her skin was not too light and not too tan. She had the same dark brown hair and eye color as her own. She was too busy looking over the doll that she didn't hear someone walking towards her.

"They're beautiful aren't they?"

"Oh, sorry you startled me. Yes they are very beautiful, but why are they separated from the rest of the toys?"

"Well dear these dolls are special. They are all created using a special kind of magic that not many people know about."

"Special magic, what exactly do they do?"

"Well these types of dolls were all made a long time ago. No one knows who really made them however; people say that it was an ancestor of Merlin himself. These dolls all have their own name, given to them when they are created."

"Is that what makes them special? They all have names?"

"Oh no my dear, but their names do have meanings. These dolls won't go with just anyone you see. They choose who they want to be their keepers."

"What do you mean their keepers?"

"My you do ask a lot of questions. Let me give you an example then. Which doll do you find more appealing or attracted to?" Dorcas points out the doll she had seen from the window and tells the old women that she likes that one the most. "Okay, now try to pick up any doll but the one you like the most."

Dorcas looked the rest of the dolls over trying to find another one she might like. None of the other dolls seemed to stand out to her so she decided to pick up one that looked similar to Lily. When she tried to pick it up it wouldn't move.

"It's stuck."

"Really, what about the doll next to it, is it stuck as well?" Again Dorcas tried to pick the doll up but it wouldn't budge. "Okay, now try to pick up the one you pointed out earlier."

Dorcas looked a bit annoyed thinking that it wouldn't be able to move either. She rolled her eyes when she saw the sales lady was not paying any attention to her. "All right, but I don't see the point. They all seem to be stuck in place."

"Just give it a go my dear." Dorcas sighed and turned back to the dolls. She found the one she liked and went to pick it up. To her surprise it moved. "Ah, there we go. Now do you understand what I meant when I said they choose their keepers?"

"I'm still a little confused but I do see what you mean."

"These dolls are one of a kind and there are no more left except these 37. They have been around for thousands of years."

"How was it that you became in possession of these dolls?"

"One of my ancestors found them along with a diary. The diary was too old to be able to read the name on the front but it said that these dolls have certain powers depending on their names. Some are able to protect, heal or guide, to a certain degree of course, the person who they belonged to."

"You said they each come with a name. What is hers?"

"Her name is Brina; it means protector in Celtic."

"Brina? I like it; I'll take her as a gift for my daughter. How much will it be?"

"Oh no my dear these dolls are priceless and are not to be sold. Brina has already chosen your family to become her keeper therefore you may have her."

"Oh I couldn't possibly just take her!"

"You can and you will. I have never seen any of these dolls choose a keeper. You are the first in many centuries and it would be an honor if you would just take her."

"You are sure of this?"

"Of course my dear, now let me go and wrap it for you." The sales women took the doll from Dorcas and went to the back to wrap her up and put her in a bag. Dorcas went around the store to find her friends and when she saw them she was pretty surprised.

Both Lily and Marlene were carrying at least a hundred pieces of clothing between the two. There were dresses of every color imaginable and of different designs. Dorcas had no idea what she was going to do with the two of them.

"Really you guys do you honestly think all of those are necessary? It seems a bit too much."

"Nonsense! Marlene and I haven't even finished shopping yet. We still have more things to buy."

Dorcas was in shock. Those dresses were more than enough; the baby was going to grow out of them anyways. She needed to think of a plan to get them out of there before her friends bought the whole store.

"I appreciate it you guys, really I do, but I'm starting to feel a bit tired and I just want to go home now. How about we come back another day to buy more things?"

"Alright we'll just pay for these and be on our way home. I guess we'll visit St. Mungos tomorrow or I can just call up Arietta and ask her to stop by and do a quick check on you."

The three friends walked back to the front of the shop so that they could pay. When they were done paying, the sales lady handed a bag to Dorcas who knew it was the doll. Once they got outside Marlene and Lily wanted to know what was in the bag and Dorcas explained to them that it was a doll and everything else the old women had told her.

"Wow, why didn't you tell us about it sooner! I want one too."

"Oh come on Marlene there will be time some other day to look for one for you as well. I really was feeling tired."

"Fine, let's head back to The Three Broomsticks then." They made their way back to the pub with a farewell to Tom, used the floo and left back to the Manor in the same order they had arrived. When Marlene finally made it through she slipped and fell back with a loud thud.

"Who spilled liquid near the fireplace? Don't they know how dangerous that is?" Marlene hadn't noticed that Lily was kneeling next to Dorcas who was passed out on the floor right next to her.

"Marlene, finally you're here Dorcas fainted and I need your help getting her up." The words Dorcas and fainted finally made Marlene notice her friends. She was by their side almost immediately.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, one minute she's telling an elf to take the packages to the baby's nursery and the next she feels dizzy and faints."

Worried about her friend, Marlene sent out a patronus to Gideon and some of the other order members telling them that Dorcas had fainted and they were on their way to St. Mungos. Once they arrived at St. Mungos they noticed that the liquid that Marlene had actually slipped on was actually from Dorcas' water breaking.

"She is going to have the baby Lily; we're going to be aunts in a few hours."

"I know, but I'm a bit worried that she fainted. Do you think she's going to be alright?"

"She'll be fine, she probably just fainted because her water broke and she became frightened. I've seen that happen before."

They were sitting in the waiting room when Gideon and Fabian arrived a bit out of breath.

"Where is she?" Marlene then took Gideon to the delivery room and managed to see that Dorcas was now awake and being fed the potions that would give her extra strength and stamina so she could deliver her baby.

Gideon was at his wife's side in an instant so Marlene took that as her cue to leave after she wished Dorcas luck.

"Gideon you finally made it. I thought I was going to have to do this alone."

"As long as you want me by your side my love, I shall be there." He took her hands in his and gave her a kiss on the lips. One of the nurses coughed to get their attention. Dorcas was a little miffed by this, but when she saw the genuine smile on the nurse's face, she decided to let it go.

"Your doctor should be here soon. If you start feeling any sort of pain, please let us know so that we may give you a potion for it. We don't want to give it to you now just in case it wears off to early during the delivery." The doctor chose that moment to arrive.

Dorcas P.O.V.

"Okay, Mrs. Meadowes, or should I say Prewett, how are you feeling?" the doctor asked.

"I'm feeling alri- OH!" I breathed.

"Well Mr. Prewett, I think that is your daughter's way of telling us she's getting ready to come out. Are you ready for her?"

Gideon grinned. "Well, I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be." I held Gideon's hand, tightly.

"Okay, let me call the nurse so that she may administer the pain potion, is that alright with you?"

"Yes!" I breathed this time a bit more forceful, and I looked up at my husband. The nurse walked in and gave me the vial with the potion inside. I, gratefully, took it from her and drank it down.

"Okay Dorcas, all you've got to do now is push. Take deep breaths and push, got it?" she told me.

I nodded. "Okay."

I looked up to see my husband's smiling face and just focused on that. After a couple more minutes my doctor said I was ready to begin.

"All right now push!"

I breathed in and out. Then I pushed hard.

"Ah!" I shrieked, tightening my fingers on Gideon's hand. He took this as a sign to bend down and give me a kiss on my forehead.

"You're doing fine my love. Soon we're going to have are baby in our arms."

"Yes soon, aahh!" I shouted once again, trying to push harder.

The doctor looked at me and told me I was doing great and that she could begin to see a head with lots of hair. I pushed harder and tears were streaming down my face because so many different emotions were running through my head.

"Come on, you're doing it!" my doctor yelled, smiling.

I sobbed a bit and continued pushing.

"That's it my love, come on. You've done great so far." Gideon whispered, tightening his grip on my hand.

"Ugh!" I groaned, trying to push.

"Come on, your baby's head is almost completely out!" my doctor shouted.

Gideon took both my hands in his and looked at me with such pride. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and then I pushed harder than I ever thought was possible.

"Ahh!" I shrieked.

Then I heard a baby's cry and I felt exhausted, the potions I had taken were finally leaving my body and I could feel the sleep calling me but I had to look at my baby first. I looked around the room and saw the nurse was already wrapping up my daughter in a blanket.

I sighed and Gideon kissed my hands. The nurse then walked towards us; a little baby in her hands.

"Here's your baby girl Dorcas" the nurse handed my daughter to me. I held in my arms, a little baby girl wrapped in a pink blanket.

"She's so cute." I whispered.

Her face was beautiful and I was smiling like an idiot and all the symptoms of sleep were slowly starting to hit me full force. I looked up and saw that Gideon was grinning and had tears filling up in his eyes.

"What's her name?" my doctor asked. I looked up at Gideon once more and saw that he would be okay with whatever name I came up with.

"Alanna Prewett " I answered.

"Hi there Alanna, I'm you father Gideon and this is your mother Dorcas." He whispered.

Her face was still a bit pink but you could tell that she was looking at us with curious eyes. I tried to hide my yawn but it was impossible to do so.

"I think you should rest Dorcas. I'll take Alanna outside so our family and friends can meet her." I yawned once more, my eyes slowly closing, and I nodded so he knew it was okay. He took Alanna and with one last kiss on my forehead, he left the room with our baby and the doctor.

At that point, just before I finally drifted off, one last thought crossed my mind. Giving birth was worth it.

Hmm so Hermione was named Alanna... I wonder where Hermione comes from and why no one knows who she is ;)

Thanks for reading please leave a review telling me what you like or don't like so far and any guesses you might have as to why Alanna (Hermione) disappears without a trace.