Bedtime Stories


Title: Bedtime Stories

Author: spatzi98

Rating: T

Warning(s): fluff, Prussia's mouth, and hints of shonen-ai (boy love)

Genre: Friendship/Romance

Summary: Chibitalia is woken up so Austria, Hungary, and Prussia each share a bed time story in attempt to get him back to sleep.

Character(s): Chibitalia (N. Italy), Holy Roman Empire, Austria, Hungary, and Prussia

Disclaimer: I do not Hetalia or any of the characters, only Hidekaz Himaruya does.


A/N: This is my first fanfic, so bear with me. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story and please review if you would be so kind. Thank you.

Bedtime Stories : Chapter 1

It was nine o'clock on the dot at Austria's house and the place was completely silent, except for the sound of Austria playing a hymn on his piano. In the kitchen, Hungary was making Linzertorte while humming along to Austria's playing. The chestnut-haired girl dusted the pastry with powdered sugar as a final touch and brought it out to the foyer so it could cool.

Then, Hungary seated herself on a brown leather couch and quietly listened to the rest of the piano piece.

"That was lovely," she said with a smile, "would you like some Linzertorte?"

Austria nodded, "That would be wonderful."

Hungary cut a slice and handed the piece to the pianist.

"So," Austria continued before taking a bite, "it's awfully quiet tonight."

"That's because HRE and Ita-chan are in bed… and he isn't here to bother us," Hungary tried not to crack a smirk.

Austria chuckled, "That's right; I haven't seen that Dummkopf all week."

"What did you call me, Specs?" A voice from behind the two nations called out, "did I hear you wrong or did you just call the Awesome Me something un-awesome?"

"Damn," Hungary and Austria muttered in unison while the intruder gave his signature 'kesesesesesese' laugh.

"Oh, did little Elizabeta make cake?" Prussia turned his attention to the food and took a bite of it, which in turn he spat out, "was zur Hölle? That tastes disgusting!"

Hungary stood up in rage and yelled, "Idióta! You got your chunks all over Mr. Austria and stop shrieking or you'll wake the children up!"

"I'll wake the kids?" Prussia retorted, "what about you, you banshee?"

"I am not a banshee, you pig, but someone will definitely die tonight," Hungary pulled out her trusty frying pan and assumed hitting the albino over the head with it.

While all this was happening, Chibitalia was awoken by the commotion down the hall. The cross-dressing Italian got up from his cot and headed toward the noises to investigate. He stopped at the threshold of foyer and peaked around to see Hungary chasing Prussia with the intent to kill him, which caused a shiver to run up Feli's spine.

After awhile, Hungary finally caught the ex-nation and then did unspeakable things with her frying pan that Chibitalia couldn't help, but just stare at. Meanwhile, Austria was finished wiping down his glasses after Prussia had thrown up on them and he set them back on his nose. When Austria regained his eyesight, he spotted the tiny nation watching the horrid torture that was being inflicted on the Prussian.

Austria interrupted the scene and called to the young brunette, "Italy, what are you doing up?"

The sudden voice caused Italy to jump a little, "Eh, I'm sorry, Mr. Austria, but I woke up from all the noise and I got curious… I'm sorry."

"It's perfectly fine, Italy," Austria replied tenderly, "you just need to go back to bed now."

"I will, but… uh," The smaller nation hesitated, "could you… tell me bedtime story, please?"

Austria replied, "Whatever for?"

"Well, when I was living at Grandpa Rome's house, he use to tell me old war stories when I got scared and couldn't sleep," Feliciano explained quietly, "so I was wondering if you could… tell me one, too."

Austria felt a little bad for the poor "girl" and decided, "Alright, but after you must go back to sleep."

Italy grinned and nodded in agreement.