On the Herding Behavior of Ponies
Author's Note:
So what is this? Well, it's a MLP fanfiction, obviously, set in the Friendship is Magic universe. It's also part one of a multi-part story, one which will I've written at least 7 more chapters of already. As you'll see later, it is a multi/harem ship story, so if that's not your thing, just move along. I should point out, however, that this is NOT a clopfic. I don't write it. It can take place any time after season two. I still have no betas or prereaders, so please forgive any grammar/spelling issues. As always, I gladly accept reviews and constructive critiques.
Chapter 1 – Pinkie Pie
The best thing that ever happened to Twilight Sparkle, better than becoming the Princess's apprentice, better than studying ancient magic and learning powers beyond comprehension, and even better than wielding the Element of Magic, started with a cup of tea.
She had been feeling the walls of her library closing in on her one morning, and decided that she needed to take a break. So she marked her place in the history book she had been reading, packed it in a saddlebag, ran a hoof across the sleeping form of her "Number one assistant," and closed up the library, heading over to Sugar Cube Corner for a treat. As she walked, she nodded in greeting to passing acquaintances, and smiled at the fact that she knew many of these ponies by name, some of them more than just passing friends, a huge difference over her time in Canterlot.
She arrived to see that she'd managed to come during the busiest time for the bakery, but managed to find a table to sit at that would fit her tea, a bran muffin, and her book, which she opened back up to continue reading. She found focusing on the words, though, was a bit of a challenge, as her eyes wandered from the pages of the book to the crowds making their way through the line, or to the smiling pink blur who was dancing between counters, cheerfully ringing up customers or cleaning off tables.
It didn't take long for her to abandon her reading and just watch Pinkie Pie, wondering where the boundless energy the pink party filly possessed came from, and just how she always managed to keep a smile on her face, even when doing a dirty or thankless chore like mopping up after a messy filly and her very embarrassed parents. Twilight couldn't explain it, but she felt her own heart lifting as well, watching her friend. Every now and then Pinkie would dance by the table for a friendly hello, or to refill her teacup. And each time Twilight would smile and thank her, and continue sipping her tea and watching.
When the lunch rush ended, Pinkie picked up a broom and started dancing around the room, somehow treating the cleaning tool as a dance partner, yet able to keep up with her sweeping. She swept her way to Twilight's table and grinned down at her studious friend.
"Hey Twilight!" She chirped, spinning around. "Come dance with me!"
Maybe normally Twilight would have mentioned the lack of music, or that she didn't really know how to dance. But the laughter of her friend was infection, so Twilight stood, and the three of them, Twilight, Pinkie, and her broom, were swept away in a dance to music that was only in their minds.
As the afternoon moved to early evening, and business picked back up, Twilight left her friend to her work, and headed back to the library, a spring in her step and a song in her heart.
The evening went as most did for her. She studied more about magic, wrote up more reports on subjects that interested her, and made sure to make time for cleaning and spending time with Spike.
Later that night, though, she was startled from her reading by a soft knock on the door. She stood to open it to find Pinkie Pie standing at her door, her usually puffy mane flat against her head. Twilight had only seen it like that once, when Pinkie thought that her friends were abandoning her, and knew that something was very, very wrong.
"Pinkie Pie… are you alright."
Pinkie looked up at Twilight, her eyes full of unshed tears. "Can I… can I stay here for tonight?" She asked quietly.
"Of course you can, Pinkie! Come in!" Twilight ushered her friend inside, using her magic to pick up the two saddlebags that Pinkie had brought with her. She settled her friend into a chair and sat across from her. "What's wrong?" She asked quietly.
"Mr…. Mr. Cake…." She took a deep breath, "Mr. Cake is in the hospital." She whispered. "He was acting sick and… and I came downstairs and he…. He was laying on the kitchen floor. Mrs. Cake told me to stay with him and she got the nurse." She trailed off and stared at her front hooves. "He almost died." She whispered.
"Oh, Pinkie…." Twilight whispered, moving to hug her friend, but Pinkie shrugged her off.
"The nurse had some pegasus paramedics fly him to the hospital, but I heard her saying that he would need to rest, and not eat too many sweets. Mrs. Cake went with them, but… but she told me… she told me that they might have to close Sugarcube corner. That I needed to find a place to stay because she didn't want me staying there." She looked up at Twilight, her expression broken. "Why didn't she want me?" Pinkie whispered. "I pay for all my own parties, I clean up, I work hard." She paused, then began to lose her battle against her tears. "She told me I was like the daughter they couldn't ever have. That I was the best thing that had happened to them. I thought… I though they loved me…" through her sobs, Pinkie finally managed to get out "I lost my daddy a year after I moved out, and… and now the closest thing I have to a father is in the hospital and they don't want me anymore!"
Twilight took a deep breath, not sure how to respond. Her first impulse was to try to cheer her friend up with some pithy remark, or some science-y explanation of grief making people say things they didn't mean. But somewhere inside of her was the normal voice of her pink friend. The one that sang about giggling at the ghosties, and about laughing when things hurt, so when she opened her mouth, she didn't know how it started, but she found herself singing.
In the days following she tried to remember the words, or even the tune, but she couldn't. But in that moment, to music that in her mind was very real, she ran her hoof through Pinkie's mane and sang to her about remembering she was always loved, that she had true friends, and to remember what her granny pie used to say.
She would never forget, though, the expression on Pinkie's face. The heartbroken look cracked by a curious expression at Twilight Sparkle, her most logical friend, breaking into song. A look of hope appearing, followed by a small smile. And then, when Twilight was finished singing, the expression of joy reappearing on her friends face, as her mane took on its usual cotton candy appearance.
She also remembered the slight pain in her rump as she was tackled by her laughing and crying friend, who was thanking her for reminding Pinkie to find happiness even when things were sad.
The two friends assembled a care package for the Cakes. Bran muffins, get well balloons and a card for Mr. Cake, and a care package, flowers and dinner for Mrs. Cake. Together, they delivered it to the clinic, where she found a sniffling Mrs. Cake waiting outside of a closed door.
"I brought this for you and Mr. Cake." Pinkie said, smiling bravely at the woman she considered a second mother, who gave Pinkie a teary smile.
"Oh thank you so much dear. Did you find a place to stay for the next few days?"
Seeing Pinkie look slightly confused, Twilight answered. "She's welcome to stay with me. We'll have a couple day long slumber party."
Mrs. Cake actually giggled slightly, despite her worry. "I wish you the best then, my dear. Thank you so much for helping us out. I just hated the thought of her staying by herself when the bakery was closed."
"You…. You mean…." Pinkie's smile was back in full, and growing. "You just meant for me to have someone to stay with for a few days!"
"Of course I did, dearie! I didn't want you to have to worry about Mr. Cake and running the store at the same time. What did you think I meant?"
"Oh… umm… nothing." Pinkie said, a slight blush darkening her pink mane.
"Oh, Pinkie. Come here." Mrs. Cake, realizing how her words may have sounded, pulled Pinkie Pie into her arms, whispering an apology for scaring the younger mare. Twilight smiled, and set the packages down next to them. She leaned over and joined the hug for a moment, whispering her hopes for Mr. Cake to get better and to tell Pinkie she was welcome to come to the Library whenever.
"I think I'll stay the night with Mrs. Cake." Pinkie said, "But I'll be there tomorrow for our super-duper slumber party!"
Twilight smiled and shook her head, grinning weakly at the apologetic smile from Mrs. Cake. She turned to leave but was stopped by her friend calling her name as she approached the door. She turned, to see Pinkie stopped in front of her, a serious expression on her face, staring Twilight in the eyes. She could only blink as Pinkie turned her head upside down, still keeping eye contact, before righting herself again.
Then Pinkie smiled. It wasn't her normal smile, it was something new. It was as if she had a secret that changed her world, but wasn't ready to share it yet. Then, still smiling that little mona lisa smile (which she'd be wearing for the next several weeks), she pushed her forelegs in front of her, crossing them together at the hoof and bowed low. Twilight heard a stifled gasp coming from Mrs. Cake, but only had eyes for Pinkie, who righted herself after just a moment.
"Pinkie Pie… what…. Why did you bow to me like that?" She asked, flustered, and uncertain.
"I'll tell you when you're ready to know." Was all Pinkie whispered, before leaning in and licking Twilight playfully on the nose and skipping back to Mrs. Cake, who was making strange faces.
No stranger than mine I'm sure Twilight thought to herself. She turned to leave, before stopping just at the door and looking back at her excitable pink friend, who returned the glance with a smile after just a moment.
It felt odd, to have a friend bow to her like that. But it also felt important. Like it was the start of something… magical.