Read my other story Flora and Helia's Relationship before you read this one. If you do read my other story this one will make more sense Happy reading!
Chapter 1
First Day
It was the first day back to school. No one had classes so everyone was just getting used to everything again. Everyone felt bad though. Flora wasn't going to be back until New Year's.
The Winx
"I feel as if something is missing." Bloom said.
All the girls were in the living room doing nothing.
"I know its Flora." Musa said.
"I wonder what she's doing right now come to think of her." Tecna said.
"Flora the first thing you need to know about being princess of Linphea is you need to have proper manners. Which you already have, but you need to learn more being a princess." Morgan lectured.
"How long will this take?" Flora asked.
"This course will take you a week so the sooner we get started the sooner we get done." Elizabeth said.
"Also, until you leave for Alphea again I'm taking away your phone away." Morgan had Flora's phone in her hand.
"You need to focus and you can't be texting all day." Morgan said. "Also Fargonda will be sending you all the homework you missed during your absence so you will have homework soon too."
"Great double over time training." Flora complained.
The Winx
"I just hope they aren't pushing her too hard." Stella said.
"Stella Solaria could've pushed you a little harder though." Bloom commented.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well first of all a princess shouldn't announce that she's a princess every two minutes." Tecna said.
"Well I use my title as an advantage."
"Let's stop talking about being a princess let's go see what the boys are up to." Musa got up.
"Yes I wanna see my Snookums." Stella said.
"Guys what should we do today?" Brandon asked.
"No clue." Sky said.
"I gotta go. I need to show Jessie around with my uncle." Helia said.
"Have fun." Timmy said.
Helia got up and left.
"Hello people of the works!" Stella yelled as she came into the room.
"Stella how loud do you have to be? You remind me of Flora's cousin." Musa said.
"I love being loud! Snookums!" Stella yelled, and went to kiss him on the cheek.
"Hey girls what you want to do today?" Timmy asked.
"We actually came here to see you since we were bored." Tecna said.
"Let's go to Magix." Sky suggested.
"So where are we?" Jessie asked.
"We're at the dragon pens. This is where you're two dragons are." Saladin answered. "Helia go get the two."
"Ok." Helia went inside the pens, and brought the two dragons out.
"Master!" The two said using telepathy and ran up to her.
"Hey there little rascals." Jessie was petting them.
"I guess you should give the two names. We've been calling them the red one and the blue one. They need better names than that." Saladin said.
"Hmm then the blue one shall Snowball and the red one shall be called Blaze." Jessie said.
"I like it." The two said.
"Come on Jessie we need to show you you're room."
Saladin, Helia and Jessie walked to Alphea. When they got there Saladin decided to go see Fargonda. Helia walked Jessie to her room. When they got to her room they saw four other girls.
"Hey you must be my roommate, Jessie." A girl with blonde air that was shoulder length said. She was a bit shorter than Jessie, and had brown eyes.
"Yeah I'm Jessie. Who are you?"
"I'm Maggie, and these are our other roommates." Maggie said. Maggie was wearing a hoodie and black skinny jeans.
"I'm Jane." Jane had golden hair that had an orange streak in the front and brown eyes. Jane was wearing blue shorts and a sweat shirt.
"I'm Sydney." Sydney was the shortest out of all of them. Sydney had blonde hair and blue eyes. Sydney was wearing a field hockey uniform.
"I'm Taylor." Taylor was almost as short as Sydney. Taylor had shoulder length and brown eyes. Taylor was wearing a basketball uniform.
"Who's the cutie behind you?" Maggie asked. "Your boyfriend?"
"Ewww no! He's my brother." Jessie answered.
"Oh." They all said.
"We'll I'll you girls here alone to get acquainted." Helia left the girls alone.
"Huh this is so boring without Flora. I guess I have to dragon sit Snowball and Blaze." Helia thought and he walked back out to the quad. When Helia went back out he saw the dragons with bored expressions on their faces.
"Helia where's Jessie?" Snowball asked.
"Inside with her new roommates."
"Oh, I have a question. We will be living here at Alphea or we be living in the dragon pens?" Blaze asked.
"Probably at Red Fountain, but you aren't for our purposes you'll just live there."
"I like that idea." Blaze said.
"You're going to be a rascal I can see it now." Helia scratched Blaze's head.
"Hey there cutie." Someone said.
"Huh?" Helia turned around to find a girl with blonde hair and light blue eyes. In fact she looked just like the girl from his dream the other day. "Oh hey."
"Hey you're Helia right? Saladin's nephew?"
"Yes I am."
"Well I'm Ellerie or Elle." Ellerie smiled.
"Oh great tell me my dream isn't coming true." Helia thought. "So what do you want?" Helia asked.
'I just wanted to introduce myself to you. I'll be seeing you later." Ellerie walked off. "You're a cutie. You'll be my future boyfriend." Ellerie thought.
"What was that about?" Snowball asked.
"Don't know."
"Helia there you are." Saladin walked up to him. "Are you ready to go yet?"
"Nah I think I'll go hang with the group."
"Ok I'll be at Red Fountain if you need me." Saladin walked off with Snowball and Blaze.
Helia got his phone out and called Brandon.
"Hey Brandon, where are you guys? I want to meet up with you."
"We're at the mall. We're at the new store called Punkz."
"Ok I'm coming to meet you guys." Helia hung up.
Helia walked off to the mall. When he was walking off to Punkz he pasted a TV store, and the news caught his eyes.
"You heard it here first. Flora, the new princess of Linphea is now undergoing her intense training as a princess. We got a glimpse of her in her palace today, and this is what she said." The new reporter said and the screen changed to the video.
"My lovely daughter her is now being trained in princess manners. She has perfect manners now, but she still needs her princess manners. Here's my daughter now." Morgan said.
"Mom I don't want to be filmed!" Flora yelled. "I just want my old life back! It's been one day, and I miss my old life! Flora was trying to hide her face from all the cameras.
"Yep so that's what Flora the new princess wants. She wants her old life back. Will Flora bail from all of this princess stuff or will she last the four months of training? This is Allison Crone live to you on Magic Dimension News."
Helia couldn't believe it; Flora was really hating her life. Helia wishes that her life was the old life she used to have. If it was she's probably be with him right now. Helia moved along, and went to Punkz.
"Hey." Helia greeted the group.
"There you are! I thought would've been her a while ago." Sky said.
"I got distracted."
"By what?"
"I saw this thing on the news about Flora, and she said she wished she had her old life back."
"Poor Flora she must be feeling really sad and alone." Musa said.
"Yeah, but let's cheer her up tonight. All of you get on Face tonight around 8'oclock. I created a group so we can all talk to Flora." Helia said.
"That's brilliant." Tecna said.
It was 8 o'clock, and Flora's parents finally let her de done with training for the day. Flora was in her room alone.
"Ughhh! I hate this! It's only been one day, and I hate princess training!" Flora thought.
"Hey Flora, can we come in?" Abby asked.
"Sure, but don't take too long."
"Hey there's the princess." Caitlyn said as the two walked in.
"What do you want?"
"We just wanted to see how you were doing." Abby answered.
"I hate this life. I wish I had my old life back."
"Don't worry it'll be back to normal when you return to Alphea in a surprise entrance." Caitlyn said.
"I don't know if I'll make a surprise entrance or not."
"I bet there will be one." Abby gave her a smirk. Well we got to go. We need to go do something involving music. See ya!" The twins left.
"Ok that was weird. Oh I should get on Facebook, and talk to Helia.
Flora went to her computer, and went on her account. Flora saw that Helia made a group of their friends so they can all talk to Flora at once. Then her chat thing dinged.
Stella: Flora! You're on!
Bloom: Flora!
Flora: Hey girls and guys!
Jessie: Why am I a part of this group? I don't mind or anything, but I don't really hang with you guys.
Helia: I added you so you can talk to Flora.
Brandon: So how's princess life Flora?
Flora: I hate it!
Timmy: How can it be that bad?
Flora: I have to learn proper princess manners.
Stella: I had to learn that. It wasn't that bad.
Flora: Probably because your dad taught you. My mom and grandma are really pushing me.
Sky: My prince manners weren't that easy. It was kind of hard. Then again I was only ten.
Brandon: Oh yeah that was so funny. I remember one day you were really tired so you threw all the food on everyone!
Riven: Did he really do that?
Brandon: Yeah he was really tired, and didn't want to do anything.
Bloom: I bet that so adorable! Anyways what else is going on with you Flora?
Flora: Well other than my manners training my mom took my phone away
Jessie and Tecna: Who can live without a cell phone!
Musa: That's so not cool!
Helia: Hey Flora I need to talk to you.
Flora: Ok.
Flora opened up the pm chat thing.
Flora: What you need to talk about?
Helia: I really miss you.
Flora: I really miss you too.
Helia: So you hate your life right now don't you?
Flora: Yes. I really miss Alphea and all my friends. Especially you.
Helia: I love you3
Flora: I love you too3
Helia: I got to go to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow?
Flora: Yeah. Goodnight.
Helia: Night.
Helia signed off. Flora went back to the group.
Flora: I gotta go to bed.
Everyone: Night Flora.
Flora: Night Everyone.
Flora signed off.
"I really miss everyone now. I just wish I never had to do any of this." Flora fell asleep on her bed.
"I miss Flora. Hopefully these couple of months will pass quickly." Helia thought, and feel asleep.
Helia's Balcony
Unaware that someone was on his balcony someone was watching Helia.
"What the heck? Helia loves this so called Winx girl called Flora Stump? She doesn't even go here anymore, but she will be back though. I have an idea to get Helia's mind off of her though. He will be mine if it's the last thing I do. And when that Flora chick does come back he'll love me, and never go out with Flora ever again."
Please Review my newly released story! Ok so I got this up sooner than I thought I would. Thank my teachers for giving me really easy homework! Anyways this is chapter is not one of my best works, but the story if just kicking off! In the next chapter there may be possible backstabbing depending on how you look at it. I already have it pretty much done. Just needs typed up. It'll probably be typed and done the day before or after Thanksgiving or on Thanksgiving. The story will get better this I promise! So PLEASE REVIEW my latest story! Until next time! SCHMEE SCHMAA and REVIEW!