A/N: Sorry that this update has had such a long wait. I had family issues, legal issues, moving out, and college to deal with, to list a few. :( I shouldn't even be writing this. I have an American history test tomorrow-but this was on my mind and I really didn't want to study so I'm procrastinating. Lucky you. :p Oh, and apologies in advanced. I got a new computer-again-and I don't have good internet or the money to get a worthwhile wordproccessor so it might be riddled with spelling mistakes that I didn't catch 'cause I'm just using word pad.

Chapter 15: Valentines day

Ulquiorra pushed the cart along as his mom flipped through the pages of her small memo pad, stopping every so often to throw something into the shopping cart then go back to contemplate to the small pages. The groceries were piling on top of a pile of clothes in the bottom of the cart. Jenifer had dragged Ulquiorra out of his room to go on an expedition for spring clothes then decided to get some groceries before they left the store.

Ulquiorra gave up on thinking about all the things he'd rather be doing. It just went on and on, and he just decided that Yes, it's true I don't want to be here, and started contemplating the prices of things he had never seen before on the shelves.

They turned down an aisle featuring a display of reds and pinks and Jenifer stopped in her tracks. Ulquiorra looked to see what her gaze had settled on then tried to think of any possible way to escape before resigning to his fate.

"Oh yeah! Valentines day is tomorrow, right?" Jennifer looked back to Ulquiorra, "I've seen several displays but I haven't thought about it until now... Have you gotten Orihime something yet?"

Ulquiorra turned his head so fast he nearly got whiplash, "Yet? Why would you assume I'd get her anything?"

"Because you like-," She stopped, "Because you're like friends, right?"

Ulquiorra gave her a criticizing look, "I never got Grimmjow a valentine."

Jennifer laughed, "That's totally different! Orihime's a girl!"

Ulquiorra's gaze became more harsh.

"Ahem..." Jennifer cleared her throat, "Anyways, Orihime doesn't have a family."

"So?" Ulquiorra looked away and busied himself with looking at the display again.

"Well..." Jennifer did her best to not smile awkwardly, "Orihime doesn't have a family. That's why!"

There was no response.

Jen sighed, "Well, just think of it this way: She probably hasn't got anything for Valentine's day in a long time. Dad and I get you something every year, maybe you can be a family for her and get her something,"

Ulquiorra stared into space for a while, then sighed.

Orihime came to school on Tuesday, 14 February with an arm full of red-painted cardboard hearts that sported crudely drawn pictures of cuddling animals and proclamations of friendship.

Ulquiorra got one with a glaring kitten and a smiling bunny that said, "Glad you're always there for me! Happy Valentine's day!"

As Orihime held it out to him, Ulquiorra gave her a critiquing stare.

The slightly intimidated girl dropped it on his desk and grabbed the back of her neck with the same hand, trying to smile, "Ahahahaha... I make them every year for the people who are special to me..."

Ulquiorra quirked an eyebrow, "We didn't even know each other two months ago."

"Well yeah..." Orihime stared off to avoid eye contact, "But I still feel like I've had a lot of treasured memories with Ulquiorra so Ulquiorra is special," Orihime closed her eyes and nodded like she was confident with her answer.

Ulquiorra resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he placed his chemistry folder on the glaring red board before anyone else entered the classroom. At the end of class, he dragged the folder off his deck onto his notebook so that the heart would be caught between.

A bell rung as the door to the shop was opened. Ulquiorra wiped his shoes on the rug since it was pretty damp outside.

"Good evening, Mr. Cifer. I don't remember seeing anything come in with your name on it. Did you want to order something?" said a blond man who was manning the counter.

"No, thank you," Uquiorra went to the book section to browse.

Since he was already planning on it, Ulquiorra walked to Around the Worlds despite the rain. He wanted new reading material, and didn't feel like he wanted to go to the library.

Ulquiorra browsed the shelves for what seemed like an hour when he saw something on a book shelf that wasn't a book. Picking it up, he realized it was the gold bracelet Orihime had made a fuss about when they went there together.

"I've seen several displays but I haven't thought about it until now... Have you gotten Orihime something yet?"

Ulquiorra stared at the trinket in a more irritated fashion.

"But I still feel like I've had a lot of treasured memories with Ulquiorra so Ulquiorra is special."

He closed his eyes to comtemplate then closed his hand around the bracelet and sighed.

Orihime had a good day.

She managed to hone in on everyone and give them their valentines. Better yet, none of these instances were too unbarring awkward.

After school, she rushed to the daycare with a bag of tootsiepops. She was doubtful Rangiku would actually let her hand them out, so Orihime popped the question loudly so all the kids could hear. Rangiku couldn't stay strong against an army of puppy dog eyes. Many of the kids gave Orihime thank yous in the form of crayon pictures.

It was 7:48 and Orihime was waving goodbye from the doorway as the last few kids climbed into their parents' cars. She went back into the daycare to grab her coat.

"If you pull a stunt like that again, you can handle those kids," Rangiku said as Orhime went into her office.

"What do you mean, boss?" Orihime asked as her pulled coat off it's hook on the wall.

Rangiku sighed, "Kids get so hard to manage when you give them sugar and you just had to bring in candy. Not heart-shaped cards or something else sugar free?"

"Well I thought they'd be happy and-Oh!" Orihime jumped, "I almost forgot," Orihime dug into her coat pocket and pulled out two cardboard hearts and held them out to Rangiku, "These are for you and Momo. Who's whose is on the back."

Rangiku looked them over and smiled, "Oh, that's cute-but I didn't get you anything..." the blonde pouted at the redhead.

Orihime laughed, "That's okay! You pay me!"

"True, true."

"Well, I'll be heading off now!" Orihime waved before leaving.

Orihime hurried to the bus stop, since it was still raining and she wanted to get to cover quickly. She got under the small shelter and tried brushing off the water before it soaked her clothes, then she sat down to realize the seat was wet and quickly stood up again.


Orihime then realized she wasn't alone. As she brushed off her bottom, she smiled, "Oh hi!" she turned to look and almost jumped in suprise. Ulquiorra stared at her inquisitively.

"Did I scare you?" he said monotonously.

"N-No, I'm just surprised is all! What are you doing here so late in weather like this?" Orihime smiled brightly.

"What else would I be doing at a bus stop?" He looked alway, "Waiting for a bus."

"Umm... Okay," She sat next to him, "So how was your day, Ulquiorra?"


They sat in silence for a while.

"I found this," Ulquiorra held up a brown paper bag.

"Oh. Cool," Orihime smiled.

Ulquiorra looked much more irritated and held it there for a while before saying, "It's a Valentines day gift-" he rolled his eyes at the disbelief he was even adding the next part, "-for you."

Orihime's eyes went wide, "Really?" she took the bag and stared at it as if she was trying to varify it was real. "Wow, a gift from Ulquiorra!" Orihime held the paper bag from the top so she could also hold it open. It was too dark to see inside so she tried to position the bag so the street light shone into it but all attempts were foiled when she would try to look into it again. Eventually she just reached in and pulled it out, "Oh my," it was the golden bracelet she liked so much from Around the Worlds, "Thanks Ulquiorra."

"Forget it. I was going to the store today anyways and just picked it up," Ulquiorra looked at the bus as it pulled up.

"Well come on then!" Orihime got up and smiled.

Ulquiorra looked in the oppisite direction of Orihime, "...My bus is the next one."

"Really? Aww!" Orihime pouted but quickly smiled again, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

He nodded to her as she got on the bus. He watched it drive away, and when it was out of sight, he got up and walked home.