FlyingMintRAGE : Hello , and welcome to Hetalia Answered ! The show where YOU get to ask our lovable

nations .*ignores groans of protestment*. Dares will be

allowed too ! And here are our contestants !

Italy Veneziano : Ve~Ciao ! Nice to meet you !

Italy Romano : Ciao bastardos.

Germany : Guten tag .

Prussia : Praise the awesome me ! I mean , guten tag .

Japan : Konichiwa mina-san

Greece : Geia sas ( my keyboard won't type out greek or other languages besides English –the author)

Spain : Hola , como estas ?

France : Bonjour ~let us spread the l'amour . *everyone goes silent*

England : Hello .

America : Hey ! 'Sup , guys ?

Canada : *barely audible voice* Hello .

China : Ni hao , aru .

Russia : Kolkolkol..become one with me , da ? *everyone goes silent again*

Lithuania : Sveiki .

Estonia : Tere .

Latvia : S..s..svelki ..*trembles violently*

Austria : Guten tag .

Hungary : Szia !

Denmark : Hej !

Sweden : Hej .

Finland : Hei .

Norway : …Hei .

Iceland : Hallo .

Switzerland : Guten tag *whispers*Don't get on my nerves .

Liechtenstein : Guten tag !

I do not , and never will , own the awesomeness that is Hetalia .