Author's Note: Thank you for reading this, it's my first fanfiction. I'm not really writing with a plot in mind, but please stay with me to see where this goes!

Hermione glanced at the clock hanging on the baby-blue wall of her room. As a witch who was now free from the Ministry's trace, she could've done anything she wanted with this room. Her parents' house had always been her home, her sanctuary, but now that she was moving out, she regretted not decorating more when she had a chance. Looking back, it just seemed like a waste. She could have been a little wild, and let her rebellious side show. But she had always been so uptight, keeping to the rules and knowing, well, everything. She liked how she grew up and was comfortable with who she was, but she still wished she had let herself be a little more free.

Sighing, she lifted the large, brown suitcase off of her bed and onto the floor, the thump muffled by the off-white carpet that covered the floor of the bedroom.

"Sweetie, you ready to go?" Her mother asked, popping her head into the room. "The boys will worry if you don't get there soon."

Harry and Ron had promised to meet her at her new apartment in London and help her move in. It had originally been Harry's idea for her to move out and get the place, claiming he had "just the right little apartment". She had been intrigued and readily accepted his offer to visit the place and take a look. Once she had gotten there, she knew that it was perfectly suited to her. It was a two bedroom apartment, with a decent sized bathroom and a rather large kitchen. There were multiple windows in every room, making the apartment more airy and free. The walls were smooth and white, sharply contrasting to the darkly stained hardwood floor. Hermione's doubts about moving away from her parents were erased, and she had rented the place with the promise to move in by the end of the week. The place would be hers for five months, she could renew the rent then if she chose.

That had been last Saturday. It was now Friday afternoon. Turning her thoughts back to her mom in the doorway, Hermione smiled.

"I know. It's just so weird, to be leaving this place. After coming back from Australia, you guys moved right back in here, and you guys must still be feeling like this is a new house, but it's always been my home. It's just going to be so different." She looked at her mother nervously. "It's all so new."

Jean Granger smiled and crossed the room, pulling her daughter in for a hug. "Now, darling, you are a beautiful and intelligent girl, and a very talented and accomplished witch. You'll be fine. This can't be scarier than facing No-Nose-Whodda-What-y." Hermione laughed and pulled out of the hug.

"I guess." Jean looked at the young woman in front of her.

"That's right. Now, hurry! The boys will worry, and you know how Ronald gets when he gets impatient."

"Okay, okay! Going! I love you Mom! Oh, Ginny and Harry should be over in an hour or so to pack up the rest of the furniture here. Ron said Molly -his mom, you know- had a roomful of spare furniture hidden somewhere at the Burrow, so I should be busy getting that in while Harry and Gin pack up my room. Stop by sometime, ok?"

"Ok, I will. I love you, too!"

Hermione took in her bedroom one last time, before picking up her suitcase and apparating with a loud crack to land in front of a small apartment complex.

AN: So, how do you like the first chapter? Many more to come! Review! :)