A/N: So I've been trying to come up with a sequel for Mechanical Failure for what seems like forever and I think I finally have something. Please, please review and let me know if it's worth continuing! Suggestions are appreciated!
Characters from my other X-men stories will be making appearances in this one, particularly one of my originals.
Disclaimer: I own neither the characters or settings in this story. It is an exercise in creativity only and is not to be used for profit in any way.
The door to the '69 GTO Judge slammed shut as the last box was hauled out of the car. Ororo Munroe watched through her bangs as her boyfriend carried the last of her belongings to the door of her new apartment complex.
"So, you're really sure about this, Ro?" Logan Howlett asked her, hefting the box to his shoulder.
"Too late now, isn't it?" she joked, holding the door open for him.
He walked past her, contorting his bulky frame to fit the narrow space.
"It's not in the best area, babe." Logan rumbled in his deep voice. "I don't like it."
"I've already signed the lease. Besides, you're right down the street. So I'll put you on speed dial in case something goes wrong," she started up the stairs behind him, "And I'll hang a giant picture of you in the front hall. That way any potential attackers will see my sexy, jacked boyfriend and change their mind about breaking and entering."
This comment got a smile out of him. His gray eyes crinkled at the corners. Ro watched him laugh, reflecting that her joke was no lie. Logan was indeed a sight to see- over six feet tall, 200 plus pounds of solid muscle covered in a fine dust of black hair that gave him a dangerous and alluring look. His hair was swept up in its trademark wolf peaks and he was in his signature uniform of jeans and a tank.
"Still, babe, you're spending a fortune on a shitty studio apartment—"he stood behind her as she fumbled for her keys.
"Hey! It'll be nice once I get half a minute to unpack." She flung the door open to expose modest hard wood floors, a microscopic kitchen and a dingy, but large, window.
"Sure," Logan humored her. "But you're going to be living with a broad you've never met."
"We've talked online." It was a weak argument, but she was not about to be talked out of her choice.
"Why can't Jean live with you?" he deposited the box on a stack of her belongings.
"Because," she shut the door behind them, "She's moving in with her fiancé." Scott Summers had popped the question the summer after they graduated from NYU. Jean, Ro's best friend, had immediately dived headfirst into wedding preparations. Though Ororo adored her friend, she was relieved that Jean had chosen to live with Scott. Better Summers drown in fabric samples and bridal magazines than her. She supposed that as the maid of honor she was going to have to amend her stance eventually.
"So Jeannie moved in with Summers and Rogue moved in with the Cajun, but we're not living together why?" Logan pinned her with his cobalt gaze.
Ororo knew this was a sore subject, especially if Logan was willing to reference his surrogate sister's living arrangements as part of his argument. Marie, better known as Rogue was the only family that Logan had ever really known and the fight that had erupted when she and Remy Lebeau decided to live together had been epic. Remy and Ro had grown up together and the conflict had thrown both couples into uncomfortable territory. In the end, Ororo had talked Logan out of his rage.
"You know my parents would kill me—"she sighed, resigning herself to the impending debate.
"You're a grown woman. You've got a degree." He leaned against the counter.
"They're old fashioned. If they knew we were having "adult relations"…" she finger quoted.
"They're not stupid, Ro. We've been together damn near 5 years. I have Christmas at your house. I've gone on vacation with you. I'm sure they know we're sleeping together."
"Living in sin is different." Ororo did not want to be having this conversation—again.
"Living in sin…" Logan laughed bitterly. "Do you not want me to live with you?"
"Logan," she approached him, reaching for his arm. "You know I do. But I don't want to make my parents start to hate you. And believe me; living together would not do you any favors."
Her boyfriend shook his head, letting the issue drop for now. "Fine."
"Don't be mad," she ran her hands up to his shoulders. "We're not in the dorms anymore. And my parents aren't here anymore." She closed the distance between them. "So you can come over and play house whenever you want to."
He smirked at her. "Don't think you're roommate is going to like that very much." His arms closed around her waist.
"We'll put a curtain up." She whispered against his lips. He crushed his mouth to hers, devouring her hungrily against the kitchen counter.
"How quickly do you think we can get your bed out of these boxes and put it together?" he mumbled into her neck. Ro laughed, gently pushing him back.
"You keep kissing me like that, baby, and I'm never going to get unpacked."
It took the better part of the hour just to get her clothing in the closet. She took care to leave space for her roommate. Ororo knew next to nothing about her. They had met online while she was looking for potential apartments in Manhattan. After graduating, Ro had landed a modestly paid teaching job at a grade school in the city. Her bonus paid for one month's rent, but if she was going to be able to afford the 9 months required to teach a school year, she needed a roommate. After it was established that Logan could not be it, she hit up Craig's List.
Jean had immediately objected, referencing Lifetime movies and online horror stories, and assuring her that she would be able to continue being Ro's living buddy. But Scott had blown that to pieces when he dropped to one knee. And Rogue and Remy…she loved them but they weren't exactly discreet at night. She would need sleep to teach.
The solution came in the form of Kioni Adewumi, a 20-something Kenyan emigrant who was working at a record store nearby to pay for her own education. She seemed sane enough on paper; she was educated, charismatic and polite. Ro hoped she would prove the same in person.
"So, when's this girl showing up?" Logan asked from his place in the corner. He was putting together her IKEA dresser/nightstand next to the bed he had already assembled. It paid to have a mechanic for a boyfriend.
"Sometime before noon," Ro put the last of her dresses on hangers and shut the closet. "Jean is going to drop in tomorrow with Scott and Rogue and Remy said they'd stop by sometime this week."
"And I'll be here every day." Logan said firmly. Ro knew better than to argue.
"So you're saying I can't booty call you over at your place?" she asked slyly. Logan lived a few blocks over in the Village, working in a mechanics shop while he looked for better options. He had a degree in construction engineering, but with the economy, there weren't a whole lot of opportunities. Ororo was blessed that she had gotten her job teaching 4th grade.
"Anytime you want to, darling." He confirmed, shoving the last drawer into place and standing up. He checked his watch, "It's about noon now. When's this broad going to—"
He cut off as a key scraped in the lock. The door swung open, revealing a tall, statuesque woman.
"Ororo Munroe?" she asked. "I'm Kioni Adewumi."
Review please!