So it's been a few years since I've been on my FF account. I was cleaning out my pc and I came across my stories. After reading them over I felt a little inspired and started writing again. Bear with me, I'll try my best to finish the ones I've started and see how it goes – if people want me to keep writing, I might get back on the writing train!

Some things are easier said than done.

Kasuka learnt that the hard way. After he had left the older man with the box of ootoro , he had tried to get some sleep. However, every time he closed he's eyes he would see the informant. He wished it hadn't been true. Kasuka sat up on his bed, letting the wine red bed sheets slip down his bare, sweaty, torso and shivered.

"Umm! Kasuka I think I could fall for you if you keep this up! Haha!"

The young actor groaned as those words echoed in his head again. Grabbing his phone from the night stand the brunette groaned again as he noticed the time was 3:08am.

"…I could fall for you…"

Plopping back down on the bed and staring at the ceiling, Kasuka's face became flush as his dreams came back to him.

He and Izaya had been on a picnic. The informant had been dressed up as Kuromi in a blue crop top and black shorts, with his hair down. They had set up under a large oak tree near a small lake. It had been peaceful since there was no one else around. Instead of sitting on the blanket next to Kasuka, Izaya had ran off to explore his new surroundings. The actor had decided to use the time away from his partner to get some rest. However, that didn't last long as a loud splash was heard. Kasuka looked in the direction of the sound and saw a very wet Izaya emerging from the shallow water.

"Ah, that's cold! Nee Kasuka you better not laugh at me!" said the Informant.

Laughing was the last thing Kasuka wanted to do as he felt his throat had gone dry at the sight in-front of him. A dripping wet Izaya was making his way over. The clothing he wore stuck to his body in the most sinful ways. Once Izaya had reached him he had removed the wet shirt revealing more of the pale, toned body and pink erected nipples. In Kasuka's mind it was as if it had been in slow motion.


The desperate way his name had been said stopped Izaya as he was about to remove he's pants. The long haired brunette looked slightly alarmed as Kasuka got up from the blanket. The younger man removed the jacket he was wearing and place it around his wet partner.

"Izaya, you're going to catch a cold like that." The actor said as he moved his hands down the smooth torso until he reached the black shorts. "Let me warm you up."

"Kasuka, wait." The informant said as his pants and underwear hit the ground with a light 'thud', "We're in the open, anyone could see."

Kasuka silenced the older man with a deep kiss while his hands massaged Izaya's backside. The informant pulled away and moaned as he felt fingers creep steadily towards his most intimate part.

"Don't worry about that Izaya, I'll make sure you're only focused on me."

The dream had only gotten more intimate from there. Kasuka had tried to stop it, to force himself to wake up, but the dream would just continue when he closed his eyes again. The wet feeling in his pants was something he hadn't felt since his adolescent years.

He needed to deal with whatever this situation was, and fast. If dreams like this kept happening how would his face Ruri, his brother, or Izaya?


Sweat ran down the back of Kasuka's neck as he thought about the man next door. He hoped he hadn't been a loud dreamer.

A knock on Kasuka's door made the actor tense up. As he quickly looked down at his mess the only thing he could whisper was, "Fuck."

Izaya had always been a light sleeper. There was no way he could be in his line of work and expected to survive if he wasn't aware of his surroundings. Being constantly chased by Shizuo made that skill better, since, death by vending machine was not something he was looking forward too.

That was why when he heard groaning coming from the room next to him the Informant stopped to listen to make sure he's current contractor wasn't in danger. A flush dusted the man's cheeks as it sounded as if Kasuka was 'moaning'.

"Umm, what is the littlest Hewajima dreaming about?" He said out loud. In the months that he had been with Kasuka, Izaya had never heard him make noises at night.

'I wonder if Shizu-chan makes noises in his sleep too.' Izaya could feel his face warm at the thought of the blonde moaning and groaning while he jerked off. 'Even when masturbating, he would still be a beast.'

A loud groan interrupted his thoughts. Deciding to give Kasuka a bit of privacy Izaya put on headphones and listen to some music. 'It has been a while since he's seen Ruri, it's only human to start desiring sexual contact again.'

Ruri and Kasuka seemed to be two pieces of a perfect puzzle. 'I guess they're just each other's type.'

That brought Izaya's mind to thinking of what Shizuo's type might be. He had never seen the bartender-uniformed man go on a date or really look at anyone with interest. Unless violently chasing a partner is the monster's mating ritual, Izaya was the only one Shizuo seemed to drop everything for.

Sure the blonde would talk to Celty a lot, but the way he looked at her was as a 'fellow monster' not a potential mate. Shinra, on the other hand, looked at Celty as if she was the last piece of ootoro in the universe – it was as endearing as it was frightful.

As himself he wouldn't be able to get a lot of info on what the brute wanted in his 'unfortunate' mate, but as dear sweet Kuromi-chan, maybe he would finally know. It wasn't that he cared what made the blonde's heart race (or at least, that's what he liked to tell himself), he was just curious about his toy.

A sly grin crept over the man's face as his crimson eyes lit up. Oh yes, he would be more than happy to play with his monster again.

Taking of his headphones, Izaya was surprised to hear Kasuka call his name.

First day back writing, so let me know if I should continue.