Winners for the shout out: hoajlmtsdlagfan & Catlover10808 ! Good job on knowing Hoax!
Answer: It was episode 28-29 which was House of Reunion/House of Memories! Amber slaps Rufus to wake him up when he is loopy.
YAY! House of Anubis trailer 4 and 5 are here! Check them on YouTube! Fabian caresses Nina's face but then she turns into an evil lady! Oh no! If you look at the back ground, I think it's during their date! LOL! That awkward moment when you're on a date with your girlfriend and when you try and kiss her, she turns into an evil Egyptian goddess. Yep, there's a story to tell the kids! (Wrote this in early January, Please excuse my fangirling…)

Disclaimer: Don't own House of Anubis, Studio 100 does and Nickelodeon.

(Joy Pov)

I walked again to see stupid Fabian and Nina holding hands. "What don't you understand about us being a couple?" I held out my hand to him. "I need to talk to you…" He looked at the others.

"Alright, spit." He said.

"In private…" He grabbed my hand and pulled himself up. I started to walk out and I noticed he was mouthing something to Nina. Just ignore it Joy. Your reputation is in your hands now, and you can't ruin it…

"What do you need to tell?" He asked me sweetly.

"It's about Patricia… She's refusing to eat and she's becoming sick. Like getting sick from not eating and now she's getting dizzy. I'm really nervous…" He pulled me into a hug. Okay, he's still my boyfriend then. I went in for a kiss but he pulled back. Maybe not…

"Let's go check on her." He said running down the hall to my room. He opened the door and Patricia looked…different. She looked like a much weaker girl, and wasn't her normal 'I'll bite your head off if you hurt me or my friend.' She was taking off her boots. Fabes went up and helped her. She looked pale and I know that looking sickly wasn't going to change her parent's minds.

"Patricia, please eat something. Please…" He whispered to her. "You're sick-"

"No, I'm not! Now leave me alone." She said coldly as she lay down on her bed. Fabes walked out into the hall, closed the door, and put his fingers through his hair.

"What are we going to do?" I asked him and his blue eyes looked numb.

"I don't know… I truthfully don't know…" He stood there looking at nothing. He looked blank. I went to kiss him but he pulled away.

"What is it?" I asked quickly. "Are you okay?" I asked barley loud enough for him to hear.

"Yeah, it's just I have a lot on my mind." He said and he wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"What? You can tell me, Fabes…" I said sweet as I could be. He turned and started to walk away but I caught up to him and grabbed his hand.

"Please tell me. I'm your girlfriend!" I said practically begging him.

"Yeah, that's it. Have you ever really felt a spark?" I stood there and I knew the answer. "Exactly my point! I really don't-" he calmed his voice. "I don't think we're going to work out." He started to walk away.

"Are y-you dumping me?" I called.
"Yes…" he said as his voice faded away. Tears came to my eyes, but I held them back as anger surged through me. I had the perfect plan for revenge…

(Nina Pov)

I was sitting in my room daydreaming about Sammy and Ethan, who were my old best friends in America, that recently became a couple. I thought me and Ethan would be together in the end, but that was before I came to this school. All of a sudden there was a loud 'BOOM'. I ran outside my room to find that a bucket, that used to be filled with the soda now all over the ground, had fallen. I looked down and saw two figures run out of sight. I knew who did it right away. Jerome Clarke and Alfie Lewis; of course! I walked downstairs for Supper and see Patricia, Fabian, Alfie, Amber, Mick, Lizzie, and Mara are there. I sit down at my chair and start to eat. Jerome and Joy came in 5 minutes later. I noticed a glare for Joy from Patricia but it went away so fast Joy never saw it. We had delicious meatloaf and I noticed Fabian look over at Patricia a couple of times. She was just sitting there, her hands resting on her chair. I finish first so I get up and turn on the T.V. in the living room. I sit on the couch, and get cozy. Finally, everyone stopped eating and joined me.

"Put on some Scooby Doo!" Alfie said. We all laughed and I put it on. We were sitting like this. Amber, me, Jerome, Lizzie, Fabian, Alfie, Mara, Mick, Patricia, Joy. You see, Jerome has taken Lizzie under his wing. She's like his little project. I was surprised Joy and Fabian weren't sitting with each other… I'll ask Amber later. She always knows what's going on with the couples of Anubis. I was watching the movie and all of a sudden someone leaned in and kissed me. Many 'Oooooo' surged through the room. I pulled back right away, and stood up.

"What was that?" I asked looking at Jerome.

"A kiss, my dear." I looked at Patricia and she looked like she was going to explode. (A/N been making Patricia too OOC so yeah…)

"W-why Jerome? Know what; never mind! I'm going upstairs." I said running out of the room. I went to my room and grabbed my diary. I needed to write this down.

(Fabian Pov)

I was watching the movie when I looked over at Nina. Jerome saw me looking and leaned in and kissed her. I was shocked. Why would he kiss her if he wanted me and Nina together? It didn't make sense.

"What was that?" Nina said shocked.

"A kiss, my dear." Of course Jerome would try to pull the 'gentleman' act.

"W-why Jerome? Know what; never mind! I'm going upstairs." She said as she ran out of the room. I was a little happy she did that. Maybe she did like me. I mean we kissed, but did we really like each other? I got no idea. Why is love so confusing? After the movie, Victor told everyone to get ready for bed. The girls all walked upstairs and it left the boys in the living room. It was only 9:40 so we could. Once the girls went up Jerome and I walked into the hallway.

"What was that stunt?" I said right in his face.

"What was what?" He asked.

"You know what! Why did you kiss her? Huh?"

"I…I l-like her…" He said hesitantly.

"Well, she seemingly doesn't like you. You shouldn't have done it if it would make her uncomfortable." I said walking back to my room. I stopped in my tracks at how cold his next few words were.

"Well, Rutter, reality checks. You're not her boyfriend; she can kiss whoever she wants." I turned and was back in his face. Mick and Alfie walked in.

"How do you know? I could be! And reality check for you; Patricia likes you and she won't eat. Now she's even worse. That's your reality check Jerome!" I said now yelling.
"Shut up! Patricia won't even talk to me anymore! Maybe if she did I would help! You know what? I don't care! Her parents' are coming to take her home! I hope you have fun with your non-existent, un-official, girlfriend!" he yelled back. I threw a punch but he ducked. I went for another but was held back by Mick. He took me into our room.

"Dude, what was that?" He asked smiling, concerned, and nervous at the same time.

"Just…I don't know Mick. I honestly don't know what happened." I said putting my hand through my hair.

"Are you and Nina…going out?" he asked. I hesitated before I answered. Nina had given me a convincing story about how we went out but she went back to America and we all forgot. Was she telling the truth or was she insane? Maybe I was insane deep inside for believing her a little bit.

"No." I finally answered. He gave me a skeptical look.
"Then why did you say she was?" He asked quietly.
"Because… Jerome hurts people. I wouldn't want her to get hurt and anyway, Jerome liking her. It doesn't make sense."

"I know it doesn't but he does have a point." Mick said looking down.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that she can technically kiss any guy she wants unless she's in a relationship." Mick said quickly. "You should ask her out."

"What? No. She's pretty and all but I don't think we'd work out like me and Joy did."

"Wow. You are being really stupid right now." I gave him a confused look. "You and Joy were like this…" He pulled out paper, colored pencils, and a pencil. "Joy is a pencil, you are paper, lust is the white inside, but Nina colors your world with love."

"Dude, that was deep." I said and he threw a football at me.

"Well I'm tired. Night!"

"Okay…Night?" I said lying down on the bed even though I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep.
(Nina Pov)

I couldn't sleep with that kiss on my mind. I felt awkward and like it was forced. Not natural, like my kisses with- never mind. I decided to text the one person who believed me. I hadn't forgotten about Rufus. (The screen names are the names on each other's phones.)

NinaMxD: Heyyy

Fabian3: Hey, what is up?

NinaMxD: The ceiling…

Fabian3: Same…
NinaMxD: Onto what I wanted to ask. Do you want to go to the attic?
Fabian3: Well…let me think about it…

NinaMxD: Come on! Have some fun!
Fabian3: Well, I'm too scared to come up. You can get me at my room. XP

NinaMxD: Fine! I'll be a sec.

I placed my phone in my pocket and walked outside my room. Someone wrapped their arms around me and pulled me in.

"Rufus, I'll-" They loosened their grip and I turned. It was the now sneaky Fabian. "I thought you were scared?" I felt a smile sneak upon my face.

"Yeah, but I didn't want you to get lost or hurt." He smiled widely. He still had his arms around me.

"Okay, lover boy, I'm safe now."

"Sorry." He mumbled as he let go and put his hand by his side.

"So you ready?" I asked and he nodded. "Let's go." We walked to the attic and I unlocked the door. We walked up and sat on the floor.

"What now?" He asked me.

"This is going to sound insane but bare with me." I paused for a minute then started. "Hey house, Sarah, whoever, you wants to um… help me find a clue?" I asked.

"What are you-" Fabian started but was interrupted by a falling box. "Whoa." We walked over and I picked up a piece of paper on the ground. It said,

'Dear Chosen one,

You have uncovered the next mystery. Now here is the next clue…' I flipped it over and read it aloud.

"The picnic by old ash was the greatest of fun for all, but now all have left and went 6 feet afar, sadly leaving me alone by this lonely ol' ash. ~Sarah Frobisher-Smythe"

"Well, there is an ash tree on the grounds." He said still staring at the clue.

"Yeah, we should check it out tomorrow. Maybe at lunch?" He looked down.

"I don't know… I have football tryouts everyday this week…" (Fabian plays soccer.)

"Why are you trying out so many times?" I asked quietly.

"Well, I'm the co-captain. It's like my duty, but I can see if I can ditch tomorrow." He smiled weakly.

"Yeah, just try." Wow, wasn't expecting that. Fabian, being athletic…just doesn't seem right. I sit on the ground and he sits across from me.

"So, what happened between you and Joy today? You didn't sit with her during the movie. You didn't even look at her. Even though she glared at me a couple of times." I cringed. He probably thought I was a stalker.

"Look who noticed." I blushed. "Well, we broke up. I mean, I broke up with her." I felt a smile form on my face.

"You seem happy about it." I wiped the smile away.

"No! I mean, yeah, you'll be happier without her." He laughed.
"I really don't believe in love. It just doesn't seem to be natural." He said while looking at his fingernails.

"You should, and it will come naturally, you just might have to wait a while. It could be years or it could be an hour." I said quickly.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean maybe I do love someone right now. Maybe she's right in front of my face!" He said and laughed. I think he meant the phrase but did he really?

"Yeah, maybe!" I laughed back. I kind of wished he was serious.
"So, about that-" He stopped talking as both of our eyes went wide as footsteps started. He mouthed, 'What do we do?' I got up and motioned for him to follow. I opened the secret door and he walked in after me. We sat down in the small space and criss-cross apple sauced our legs. We listened closely and quietly. I was next to the door and Fabian was right next to me.

"I heard loud sounds up here, I swear!" said a girl's voice, I looked at Fabian and he mouthed 'Joy' I nodded.

"There seems to be nothing here. It was probably a mouse or a rat." Victor said lamely.

"Then call an exterminator! We can't have rodents in the house!" That was Trudy. Fabian let out a little laugh. He cupped his mouth. Then we heard footsteps walk over to the door. I found myself moving nearer and nearer to Fabian at each step. Finally I reached a point when I couldn't anymore, or else he would be so squished into the wall, it would hurt. I moved over a bit but he put his arm around me.

"It was just a little mouse, don't worry. I'll set some traps tomorrow morning. You two head downstairs, I'll be a second." Footsteps walked out of the attic but I could hear Victor breathing right outside the door. Fabian pulled me a little closer to him.

"Be careful next time, Martin." Victor said coldly. I heard the footsteps walk away. I knew I was safe now and I started breathing regularly again. I put my head on his shoulder and laughed uneasily.

"I got caught…" I said laughing.

"Yep, we got caught."

"No, only me. If he caught you, he would have called you out." He laughed.

"Score!" He said and I started cracking up. Then I noticed his arm.

"Sorry." I said mumbling as I moved away from him which caused his arm to move

"It's okay, you were just nervous." He said smiling. He grabbed my hand and I giggled.
"So you want to hold my hand?" I asked.

"Do Woody and Jessie make a good couple?" he asked. I let go of his hand again.

"Nah, didn't you see the third one? I'm so for Buzz and Jessie." He laughed. I started to play with his fingers.

"How about…do you love me?" I kept playing with his fingers. "So is that your answer?" I stayed silent. "So, the silent treatment then…" He said and I smirked and nodded. Then he started to tickle me.
"Hey!" I laughed and yelled. He kept tickling and wouldn't stop. "Stop it!" I said to him.
"Well, you got to give me an answer!" he said. I shook my head no and he kept going. I was almost in tears from laughing so hard. This should be labeled as a kind of torture. Finally I grabbed one of the hands tickling me and squeezed it.

"Does that make you happy?" I asked red faced from laughing and blushing.

"Very." He said smiling. "Okay, Nina," He paused for a moment. "W-would you step out with me?" He asked shyly.

"Yes." I said not enthusiastically. He frowned.

"Am I forcing you into something? If you just want to be friends, I'm okay." He said quickly.

"No, I want to be your girlfriend and everything, it's just-" I bit my lip. "Joy…" He sighed.

"I know… How about we keep it a secret so it doesn't look like I dumped Joy just to date you?" he asked and it was reasonable. "So, will you step out with me?" he asked smiling. I pecked him on the lips.

"That's my final answer." He looked down and his brow furrowed.
"What is it?" He looked up at me.

"I swear I remember you, I swear…"
(Fabian Pov)

-Fabian's flashback-

I found myself looking at my red PSP in someone else's hand.

"Ah, what do I do now?" Someone asked trying to play a game.

"Wait, now you need to double-jump." I said calmly.
"Uh!" She said falling into a hole in the game.

"You just died!" I said laughing. I looked up at the girl. It was Nina, Her brow furrowed for a minute but then went back to normal. She was laughing now too.
"Someone to see you, Fabian." Trudy said behind us. I turned and saw it was Uncle Ade.

"Ah, there he is my favorite nephew." I smiled at this. "Are you two stepping out yet?" He asked. My face blanked.
"Stepping-out? Is that a dance?"

"No, no, no we're not!" I said quickly.

"Shame, I like this one. She has cheek and a good appetite. Well, I suppose I should give you this seeing why I'm here." He said handing us a book that read 'Unlocking the Eye.'

"Thank you, Uncle Aide!" I said as the memory blurred.

-Flashback over-

"Fabian, you okay?" Nina asked.

"Y-yeah, but…I remember." I said and she smiled.

"What did you remember?" She whisper-yelled to me.
"Uncle Ade, a book, playing on my PSP, Trudy, and my Uncle asking if I was stepping out and you thought it was a-"

"-Dance." She finished. Her face looked shocked.

"Y-y-you-" She couldn't finish but a smile and a few tears showed up. I pulled her into a hug and I could feel her smile into my shirt.
"I missed you." She said smiling as I wiped a few tears out of her eyes.

"I missed you too. Those kisses I thought Joy gave," I gently poked her nose with my finger. "Were yours." I said and she blushed.

"Well we better go downstairs, you know, to sleep." She said.

"Yeah, but I don't know if I will be able too." She blushed redder and I kissed her. She kissed back for a moment then we both pulled back, smiling.

"Amber is going to interrogate me if I don't go." She said as we walked to the door that led downstairs.

"Alright, I'll let you go." I said as we walked to the door separating us from her hall. We walked out of the attic hand in hand. She walked to her door and I watched her. She turned and bit her lip. She came back and kissed me this time.

"I'm going to miss you." She said.
"I am too." I whispered. She walked to her room and went to the door. It had been a good night.

(Amber Pov)

Once Nina walked in the door at midnight, I jumped from her bed where I had been waiting for her.

"Where were you?" I asked and she looked startled.
"I needed- to take a stroll outside."

"I saw you and Fabian walk up to the attic." I said. I didn't tell her I saw them in a loose hug outside my door.

"Well, we, um we uh,"

"And I saw you two kiss."

"Yeah…keep this a secret."

"Alright, a slice of cake!"

"If you don't, I reveal the real color you use on your eyes, not that pink you really tell everyone."

"You wouldn't!" I said knowing the consequences.

"I would!" She said. Never knew she could be so evil!

"Alright, I promise, no word of Fabina."

"Thank you Amber." She said smiling.

"Was it nice?" I asked.


"Is he a good kisser?" I asked.

"…yeah." She said quietly. I squealed a little. "It's been a good night, Amber, a good night."

(Author's babble)

I'm back! Yeah, you thought I was done with this story? Yeah, right! Season 2 is almost over and I last updated before hand. Oh, so absolutely sure that I am having a story inspired by the song 'Ours' by Taylor Swift. Should be out soon! Oh, and Fabina needs to get together like yesterday! Alright loves, I will be back soon with more of this story!