So a story I want to work on while I'm doing "What are the Odds." It's going to be roughly based on Demi Lovato's "Don't Forget." Okay….

Disclaimer: I don't own house of Anubis, or Demi Lovato or her song! I only own my story. xxPatromeLuVxx

Did you forget
That I was even alive
Did you forget
Everything we ever had
Did you forget
Did you forget
About me

~Demi Lovato, "Don't Forget"


(Nina Pov)

I woke up in my American room that was a pale purple. Today was the day I would go back to Anubis house and see Fabian, my boyfriend. Well, We haven't talked in a month. I hope that he doesn't break up with me. I take a shower, got dressed, and went downstairs to find Gran looking over a letter on the table.

(End of Pov)

Nina: Hey Gran!

Gran: Hey Nines… *She seemed preoccupied*

Nina: Gran? What's wrong?

Gran: Well, last night a man was standing over my bed. He saw that I awoke and stopped chanting then ran off.

Nina: Are you okay Gran!

Gran: Yeah, but the school emailed the papers to me last night so here. *hands Nina the papers.* I'm a little school though.
Nina: What is this? It says Welcome "New" students.

Gran: I know. They didn't list your house either. They did last year.

Nina: I texted Amber who texted Alfie who texted Jerome said that all the same kids were coming back.

Gran: Well that's good. We better finish packing. You have to leave for the airport in an hour.

Nina: Alright Gran.

(Nina Pov)

I went upstairs and dropped down into my suitcase and found the eye of Horus necklace hidden in the secret compartment. I put it around my neck and tucked it into my shirt. Then I went to my phone which was full of old messages. I deleted all the texts except the ones from all my house mates that said I love you. We all agreed to send I love you texts to everyone on the day we all left. Well, except Jerome. He stayed there with Trudy and a couple of kids from other houses. I remembered the week after prom Fabian brought me to a picnic. I wrote Nina and Fabian into a tree but Fabian put it into a rock.

"Why don't you make it simpler and write it in the tree or on the dirt." I said laughing at how hard he was trying to make the b in Fabian.

"Because something written in stone is forever." He smiled. Then Gran's voice brought me back to reality. I was sitting on my bedroom floor smiling at a necklace. Pathetic right? I zipped my suitcase and walked downstairs. Gran drove me to the airport and parked. She was crying and I hugged her.

"I love you Nina. Oh, and Remember, true love always prevails!" She said wiping away the tears with a handkerchief.

"I love you too Gran! I promise to call more!" I closed the door and headed onto my plane. When I arrived at the train station I first arrived at during my first year. The same taxi man picked me up.

"Hello, Are you Nina Rutter?" He asked me with a smile.

"It's Nina martin." I said looking at him partially laughing.

"Um, that's what I said." He said giving me a skeptical look. "Well, let's go." We talked and he didn't remember me. I don't know why but he didn't. I figured he took a lot of people back and forth. I stopped him when I saw the school grounds. He got my stuff and I started to walk but then I saw Mick, my boyfriend's best friend. He was playing football so I tackled him from behind. He fell to the ground and started laughing.

"Hey!" I said with such happiness in my voice.

"You're not Brad..." He said with a smile. "I'm Mick Campbell."

"I know that! I'm Nina! Remember?" I said knowing he was joking with me.

"Well um…Do you mind me asking?" He said slowly.

"What Mick?"

"How do I know you?"

"I lived in the Anubis house with you guys last year…" He had a blank look on his face.

"I should show you the house."

"Alright!" I can't believe Mick can play a trick this well. He and Jerome should be the only ones here. I go the house and Mick goes upstairs then comes down and says,

"Go see Mr. Sweet. He needs to talk to you." I walk to Mr. Sweet's office and he invites me in.

(End of Pov)

Mr. Sweet: Nina, Have you met any of your housemates yet?

Nina: Yes, Mick. Why doesn't he remember me?

Mr. Sweet: We don't know. I don't know if something happened to him over the summer. I would like you to come back at 4:30 pm this evening. Ms. Andrews, Victor, Mr. Winkler, and I need to talk to you.

Nina: What about?

Mr. Sweet: You know what Nina. Now go hurry off.

Nina: *starts to walk out* One more question. Do you think someone…Fabian, might remember me?

Mr. Sweet: I have no idea. I know you'll be heart broken if he doesn't. I mean with Joy in that house…

Nina: What happened with those two anyway? I got no details.

Mr. Sweet: From what I heard, Joy and Fabian was a couple before Joy left. They were supposed to be on a…what you kids call it… a break.

Nina: How long were they together like?

Mr. Sweet: Well, They were best friends so they were always together but Daphne told me she saw them, well, "kiss" in American terms. They were together, say, two months.

(A/N: Mrs. Andrews if you don't know who. Eric is Mr. Sweet. Jason is Mr. Winkler. Etc.)

Nina: Alright Mr. Sweet. See you later.

Mr. Sweet: Play it safe and see if they remember you back!
(Nina Pov)

I ran back to the house knowing Victor will remember me and I will have someone to talk to the past about. Did I just say Victor? I matter of fact should have said Rufus Zeno. Wait! Rufus is still out there! What if he kidnaps me and no one looks because they don't know the mystery. I guess Victor could look for me but would give up after looking or 5 seconds. Ugh, well I'm back at the house. I better go unpack. I walk up the stairs and sees Victor isn't there but I go into my room and see that Amber is in there.

Nina: Hi Amber! *thinking: Shoot! I said Amber!*

Amber: Of Corse! I'm the famous Millington! You must be the new girl. The one from America. Right?

Nina: Yeah, I'm Nina.

Amber: Oh Hey! *walks out of the room*

Nina: Bye? *turns to bag and whispers: Typical Amber*

? : I heard that. *someone giggles*

Nina: Fabian!

Jerome: Uh, No. *He smiled* Do you know Fabian?

Nina: No! He was an old boyfriend! Why is there a Fabian here?

Jerome: Wait, our Fabian is an old boyfriend?

Nina: Well, It's…I and…um…I don't know?

Jerome: Lost for words?

Nina: Yeah.

Jerome: I better let you unpack.

Nina: Yeah, you better go then.

Jerome: Do you need help unpacking?

Nina: Nope, you can go now.

Jerome: Are you sure?

Nina: Just leave Jerome! I don't want to deal with your pranks right now!

Jerome: Wait! I never- *she closes the door in his face.* told you my name…