Taking Chances
By: Sharon
Although sitting, listening, and waiting patiently were all a huge part of her job, she would never claim it was easy, but after a few years on the job, it had gotten easier. There were certain calls that continued to be harder than others, and today's was just such a call. The tension, pressure, and pure agony of feeling useless while one of Team One's members was in harms way were always difficult. This time however, she was struggling to remain calm and keep her breathing steady and even. A knot was quickly developing in her throat and stomach.
She just sat there, at her dispatch desk listening. Parker was yelling at Ed, Ed was yelling at Spike, and Spike was yelling at the civilian who had planted the bomb. Inside her own head she was with Ed. Screaming at Spike to get out of that building before the bomb blew! She knew the team's tactical expert liked things that went boom, but this was much more than she could handle. Over the last couple of years she had gotten used to the sound of Team One in her ear. To the average listener, those voices of the Team One members currently shouting would sound calm yet demanding, but she'd gotten to know the timber and cadence of each of the member's voices over the last few years and right now all she could hear was the panic, more than the actual words. Parker was concerned for not only Ed and Spike, but for the civilian in the shaft with Spike. Ed was concerned, but also angry at Spike for disobeying an order. Spike was concerned for himself, Kanisky, the building, and knowing Spike, he was worried about Baby cakes as well, as the robot was also still in the building about to blow. Spike, please listen to Ed and get out now!
Thoughts of Lou crept into her head bringing tears to her eyes. She quickly blinked them back. No, Spike's fate would not be the same, but how can you stay there knowing, knowing what the outcome would be if you don't get out in time? The pain it would inflict just might be insurmountable. The team, she knew they were a very strong and dedicated lot, but in her heart she honestly didn't believe they could handle another teammate being blown to smithereens. What about his mother? Mrs. Scarlatti was dealing with enough. Everyone knew Spike's dad was terminally ill, as a matter of fact, Dominic Scarlatti was currently hospitalized. Spike was burning the candle at both ends these days, when he wasn't at work; he was at the hospital sitting with his mother by his father's bedside.
Oh, how she worried about him. She knew she couldn't handle it if something were to happen to Team One's happy go lucky member. She would fall apart. She, unlike with Lou's death, could not and would not be able to soldier on if Spike came to the same end as his best friend. God, Spike, just get out; let the building go up, it's not as important as you are!
She'd been on duty the day Lew had stepped on the landmine. After he'd made the ultimate sacrifice and lifted his weight off the device and the team had pretty much fallen apart, she'd taken her earpiece out. The one and only time she'd done so. It had all just been too painful. They'd lost Lew that day. A teammate, a co-worker, a friend, but it was listening to Spike's pain that had made keeping her earpiece in unbearable. Sitting and listening to his anguish she'd finally succumbed to her own pain. She'd taken out the piece and cried like a baby.
Weeks later on a day when she and Jules had gone out for lunch together, Jules had filled her in on what had happened in the field. She was informed that like herself, Sam had taken out his earpiece as he turned his back and walked away. She had found a new respect for the ex-military man knowing how he'd reacted. She liked to think that he couldn't take the sound of Spike falling apart either. Jules herself broke down in tears as well and had turned to Wordy who had been standing beside her at the time. He'd wrapped a protective arm around her and held her while she let her immediate grief out. Ed, Mr. calm, cool and collected had apparently stood stalk still staring at the place where Lew had once stood, tears pooling in his eyes. Sarge, like Jules had immediately brought his hands up to the sides of his head. He then adjusted his ball cap and slowly made his way to Spike, who Jules informed her had immediately dropped to his knees while letting out a blood curdling cry before he too cried like a baby. Greg dropped to his knees as well and embraced Spike, rocking him back and forth.
She in turn told Jules her reaction on that fateful day. Told her how she just couldn't handle listening to Spike fall apart like that. Jules had sat and nodded her head up and down in agreement. She told Winnie how hard it had been to not only hear it, but witness the sight as well.
Just as fast as the sick feeling and tension had built, it disappeared. Spike had saved the day, figured out the numerical code and diffused the bomb.
"Bomb diffused."
She had felt herself relax, more beautiful words she'd never heard spoken. She continued to settle down as team members conversations came through her earpiece once again.
"Michelangelo Scarlatti, what were you thinking?" Ed asked.
"Just doing my job," was the reply.
"Come on." She could tell by the noises coming through the ear piece that Ed's last words were being followed by embraces. How she wished just once she could be a part of the congratulatory hugs. She wanted to wrap her arms around them and feel the sense of accomplishment, mostly though she just wanted to feel for herself that he was in one piece. Even so, those hugs brought with it a huge sigh and a smile to her face. Tension quickly began to build again however when Spike spoke again, this time to the boss.
"I've gotta go."
"Go." Greg answered as the team continued to celebrate their victory.
She knew where he meant and her heart ached for him. He had to get back to the hospital to his father, to his mother. They had all overheard the phone call Spike had received from his mother while he'd been trying to diffuse the bomb. The doctor's had found a blood clot and Mr. Scarlatti was not expected to make it through the night. Poor Spike, she would give anything to change the circumstances of his life right now.
An hour after celebrating their success Team One shuffled into headquarters, sans Sam, Jules, and Spike. She knew all three had gone to the hospital, Spike for obvious reasons and Jules and taken Sam to have him checked out to be sure he wasn't suffering from a concussion after having been knocked unconscious after one of the two bombs had exploded this afternoon.
"Hey, Boss." She acknowledged Greg Parker.
"Hey, Winnie, good job today."
Her only response had been a small nod. She watched as Greg, Ed, and Raf continued to walk by her down the hallway and into the men's locker room. They looked tired but good. They had accomplished their everyday goal of keeping the peace and keeping people safe. She was proud to be a member of the SRU. Their good days far outweighed their bad.
An hour later when the three team members were sitting in the conference room going over the calls reports, Jules and Sam walked into her view. "Hey, looking good, Sam." She smiled.
"Thanks, Winnie." He smiled back at her.
"They're in there." She nodded her head towards the conference room.
"Thanks." Jules responded.
Later when the team came out of the conference room Greg walked up to her desk. "Hey Winnie, Spike just called. His father passed earlier, he's going to be taking some personal time. Can you get me the numbers of possible replacements please?"
"Sure, Boss. I'll have them within the hour."
"Thanks." Greg said as he walked away.
A week later she sat at her desk filling out paperwork when she saw him walking towards her desk. She hadn't seen him since his father's funeral. Even then it hadn't been for long. She'd been on duty that day but Sergeant Parker had pulled some strings allowing her enough time to attend the funeral and then get back to work. So, unlike Team One, she hadn't gone back to the Scarlatti house afterward to be there for Spike and his family.
"Hi, Winnie." He smiled at her. It wasn't his regular one thousand mega-watt smile, as it didn't make his eyes twinkle, but she'd take what he was able to give under the circumstances.
"Hey, Spike. How ya feeling?"
"Okay." He replied as he continued walking past her desk. Even though he looked tired and wasn't his normal bubbly self, she was happy to see him back. Quite often his acknowledgment in the mornings was one of the best moments in her day. Before all the craziness of their day began, he always had a smile and a silly story to tell her and anyone else that had gathered around her desk. She'd missed him tremendously during the past week, as did the team. She was sure they would be happy to have him back.
Winnie and her roommate Stephanie Saunders having spent a rare day off together were sitting in a local restaurant having dinner. The two had woke in the morning and did a good clean of their apartment before stopping so each could take a shower, apply their makeup and have some lunch before heading out to the local shopping centre.
"So, that was him!" Stephanie exclaimed for about the thousandth time.
"Yeah," was Winnie's one word response.
She still couldn't believe she and Stephanie had run into Spike and his nephew. He and his nephew had been exiting the movie theatre having gone to see an afternoon screening of the newest children's blockbuster. She hadn't planned on approaching them, but when Spike had looked up from having been looking down at his nephew and saying something he had spotted her and immediately gave her a wave and smile while walking towards them. He quickly introduced the young boy standing beside him and she in turn had introduced Stephanie. Winnie's roommate invited the boys to join them for dinner, Spike thanked her but informed them his mother was expecting them and they should get going. He told Stephanie it was nice meeting her and told Winnie he'd see her the next morning at work and was quickly on his way.
"I can see why you're sweet on him." Stephanie smiled as their waiter approached with their salads.
"Sweet on...what are we in the 50's?" Winnie whined after waiting for their waiter to depart.
"I was trying to be nice, or would you like me to just call it as I see it. You have the hots for him. How many stories have I listened to about Spike did this, Spike did that. Spike said this, Spike said that."
"The hots?"
"Yes and I can see why. He's a cutie."
Knowing she didn't have a response to her friends statement Winnie gathered some food onto her fork and shoved it into her mouth.
"What are you going to do about it?"
"Nothing," Winnie shrugged.
"Nothing! Why?"
"We work together."
"There are rules against that sort of thing."
"But you guys don't work directly together, right?"
"No, but…"
"No butts. Working together shouldn't matter here."
"I don't know…"
"Winnie, you're single, attractive, and human. Why not at least ask him out for coffee sometime, nothing major, just two friends getting together for coffee and conversation."
"Friends." Stephanie corrected her.