Phineas sat in his bedroom typing on the computer with Ferb lying in an odd upside-downish position reading on his bed. Phineas finally stopped typing, scrolled up and down a couple of times, and spun around to Ferb.

"I think the improved transport program is ready. Can you imagine how great it will be for people to use?" A rhetorical question that went with whatever project Phineas worked on. Even now in the week before the beginning of high school he was still building as excitedly as ever. In fact he seemed even more excited as the school year approached. He turned back to the screen to see a popup appear. FiresideIsabella46231 wants to chat. He clicked on accept and Isabella's face appeared on the screen.

"Hey Phineas. Whatcha doin?"

"I was just about to see if you were online. I wanted to test out the new transport app. I wanted to fix some bugs so people don't get stranded in places like Candace had."

"Cool, how does it work?"

"Umm," he clicked a couple buttons "go here." Isabella watched a link to Phineas and Ferb's website appeared and she downloaded the program for the transporter.

"Just a program? No fancy building?" She asked with a smile

"Hey that was hard to build. Virtual building has rules that can't be broken. Unlike regular building." Isabella thought of telling him most people had rules that couldn't be broken but he didn't so it didn't really matter.

"Are we going to try it out?" Phineas paused for a second, clicked some things on his computer, and turned back to Isabella.

"I sent you a transport request. See if you got it." Isabella opened her new program

"Yea I did. What now?"

"See if you can send one back." She searched around for a second before finding the request button and clicking it.

"Cool it works. I guess we should try it out now." Apparently, in this statement, there was a miscommunication. Isabella thought Phineas wanted her to accept his request and Phineas meant he was going to accept Isabella's. They both accepted and were simultaneously absorbed by their cameras. Ferb watched as Phineas went into his computer and came back out knocking his chair back.

"Oh hey Ferb! I guess the program works. That was cool!" Ferb looked around the room. It was still only him and Phineas.

"I think you mean it was cool in the way it didn't work bro. The computer got fried." They looked to see the computer was indeed smoking.

"I'm sure Phineas can fix it." Ferb raised an eyebrow and, in a way only a man of few words could do, picked up a mirror for his brother, whose face instantly became one of complete shock. "Wait. What? But.. What?" Ferb looked generally confused and his faced showed this. "It's me. Isabella!" Ferb continued to be confused for a second before he realized what happened and allowed a small smile onto his face. "Is something funny Fletcher?"

"Well.. Now you can have more time with Phineas." Isabella wasn't amused. She heard a phone ring and realized it was coming from her own pocket. She looked at the phone to see her name.

"Hey.. Phineas? Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing much. Good to know you're ok.. sort of. Sorry about that. Something apparently went wrong. And your computer's fried."

"Yea yours too." Isabella said into the phone. She felt like she was talking to herself hearing her own voice over the phone. "I assume you have no plan." She said with a smile.

"Well right now your mom keeps yelling at me to get off the phone with Phineas and go to bed. But I would like a plan for tomorrow." There was a silence during which Phineas was concentrating at double his usual 110%. "Hey isn't this like what happened when Candace and Perry transported at the same time? We'll just do what we did then. Just do the whole transport again and hope for the best." They both looked at the computers. "I guess we'll build the old transporters we had for Candace and Perry instead of ruining two more computers."

"Sounds like a plan I guess." In the background they both heard their mothers yelling at them to go to bed. "I'll see you tomorrow as always Phineas."

"Yea.. Goodnight." They both hung up and went to the other person's bed.

"Hey Isabella look, now you're sleeping in Phineas's bed."

"Ferb I will hold a pillow to your face in the middle of the night if you keep this up." Ferb pretended to zipper his mouth closed and then they both broke out laughing which earned them another warning to go to bed from Mrs. Fletcher. They obeyed without another word.

Phineas looked around Isabella's room before finally lying down for bed. Isabella's bed was extremely soft. Phineas didn't think it was possible for even him to make a softer bed. He turned off the light and after letting his eyes adjust, looked around at the walls. Isabella had hung a lot of pictures and posters around the room. Most of the posters were bands or T.V. shows while the pictures were of him and his big ideas. Which made sense since Isabella was there for almost all of his ideas anyway. Phineas found he was growing tired and pulled the pink blankets over himself and began to fall asleep.