Hello guys! I know, always breaking promises. But I promise one last thing. This is the last chapter of Save Me. Though stay tuned for new projects. Especially if you like Save me.

What was I supposed to do? I couldn't go back down there. Starfire was my best friend; she was my sister. If we were in high school like normal teenagers, this wouldn't be so bad, but we're not. We're teammates! Superhero's to be exact, we don't have time for all this petty teenage drama! So why am I having such a hard time saying this to him?

I've been pacing my room for the past hour and a half. Robin or Richard, whatever the hell his name is at this moment, has been knocking on my door for the past 30 minutes. I attempted to mediate, that didn't work because he kept trying to get into my head. How am I ever supposed to decide what to do if he's always around? This whole house reeks of his energy, the tower as well. I'm running out of places to hide and ways to avoid ever discussing my feelings.

I wished upon star after star, even searched through all of the books I own to find a way to make this exact thing happen. Where Robin, my Robin, admits that it wasn't Star he was attracted to but me. I got my wish, but at what price? Star hates me, and I'm torn and confused. Isn't love supposed to be simple? Aren't I supposed to feel like a huge weight is lifted off of my shoulders? Well I don't feel any form of relief. Why did I ever get involved in this group anyway? I always end up hurting someone in the end.

I made my decision. It wasn't easy, in fact, it was the hardest decision I think I ever had to make. I'm going to leave for real this time. This isn't like the time that I "left" because my father was going to destroy the world. I'm going to leave because I will never be able to make a rational decision that would leave everyone happy. This way Robin can get over me and be with Star, they obviously belong together even if sometimes I think differently. I don't have to torture anyone but myself.

It's 2:45 am and I decide now is a better time than any to prepare for my departure. Everything I brought with me I quickly throw into a suitcase and look for paper and a pen. I'm not strong enough to say goodbye in person because he will be there and will find a way to convince me to stay. He always does. I find the pen and paper that I need and begin writing. The first letter is to Bruce and Alfred.

Dear Bruce and Alfred,

Thank you both for taking us in. You have been spectacular hosts and have gone out of your way to make sure that I feel welcome. Except for my teammates, no one has ever done that before. Simply because they don't ever want to take the time to get to know me. I will forever be grateful for the late night talks I had with both of you. I have great admiration for both of you, and how much you sacrifice for the greater good. You both should be very proud. You have raised not only a hero, but an intelligent, kind, hard working young man. Like you both, I owe him so much. He has created what I think is the best team in history, though, Bruce, I have to admit your team is pretty impressive as well. I am writing this because I feel I can no longer concentrate and be the teammate everyone needs right now. And to be that person, I need to once again find myself. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with you both. I will forever treasure our time together.



I never thought writing a letter would be so hard. I knew it was only going to get harder though as I write to the people I had once hoped I would never have to say goodbye to. This has to be done though, I started and I cannot just give in because I'm going to miss them.

Dear Beast Boy,

Honestly, you're a pain. You get on my nerves. You have ABSOLUTELY no respect for anyone's personal space. "Don't touch that" means "Touch it and see what happens" with you. You're a disgusting shade of green, and not only do you turn into animals, you smell like them too. Your room is an utter disaster, and while I respect you don't eat meat, you never seem to respect that I do NOT eat fake meat. You glued my hands to a game controller when Cyborg left, and I had to use nail polish remover to free my hands. You stole my diary, just to get me out of my room. You went into my mind uninvited, and you even broke my mirror. In conclusion, I had thought that if the time ever came I would have no problem writing this. But here I sit, knowing that I will end up missing all of this. You have thrown yourself into deadly situations because you knew I was in trouble. If I asked you to do something dangerous you never questioned it, and while you called me "Rae, Rae" and made fun of the way I dress, I know you care. You found me last time I left, and I later learned you checked in on me periodically to make sure I was okay. For that BB I am forever grateful. Thank you for being such an amazing friend, and such an amazing teammate. Goodbye BB.



I'm learning now that not every story has a happy ending, at least not for everyone. Maybe the Titans can have their happy ending without me. Maybe I am the one thing that's holding them back, and I can't do that. The world needs them to be the best that they can be. And just like everyone else, they deserve their happy endings. I can't help as a tear slides down my face and splashes next to my name on Beast Boy's letter. I didn't want to end up this emotional, in fact I was hoping to remain emotionless like I trained myself to be all those years ago. So why now? Why them? Why did I ever have to meet these people?

Dear Cyborg,

I never thought I would have to say goodbye. You were my rock at the tower. Never once did I feel like you ever judged me. Beast Boy, Robin and Star all looked and acted like they were so happy with who they were, and were so confident. I always felt I didn't have a place among them because of this. I never felt like I belonged anywhere and you taught me that, that was okay. You weren't born a Cyborg; you were born as Victor. While you have accepted that Cyborg is who you are now, you too were never confident. Yes, Beast Boy was not born green or could change into an animal, but the way he accepts it was different than how you accepted your changes. I will never forget the day where you and I just sat down and talked after Gizmo destroyed your car. I had so much fun working on a new one with you. From that day forward you acknowledged me as a sister, a phrase I never heard before when referring to myself. When you asked me about my family the first time, I told you I had none. To which you replied "Well, I'm your family now. Don't let anyone ever tell you differently." And I never did. This is what makes saying goodbye so painful, I'm saying goodbye to the one true family that I have ever known. Goodbye Cyborg. I wish you well in the future.



The tears are coming faster and harder now. So many emotions are running through my head and I'm making no effort to stop them. The only effort I'm making at all is blocking Robin out of my head because I sense that he is still awake. I will have to be careful when sneaking around to place my letters. I have two more letters to write, and these will be the hardest.

Dear Starfire,

Never once did I ever want to hurt you. I know I haven't been the most welcoming, but you have to understand that we are very different people. This is no excuse, but let me explain. I grew up avoiding people like you because I could never be like you. You're kind, beautiful and you haven't a care in the world. I'm none of those things. I'm not kind, I am not beautiful, and I actually had the fate of the world in my hands. You always would see the best in people, and even hated shooting at bad guys if they weren't looking. You also always gave them a chance to surrender. I would never have done such a thing, maybe it was the way I was raised, or maybe it's just who I am. I am admitting that there were times where I found you unbearable, and I could never understand you. That was until the puppet master had us swap bodies. I was forced to understand you, something that before that I never thought I would be able to do. After that we become a lot closer and I began to consider you my sister. I allowed you to experiment with my hair, makeup and nails. I knew you liked Robin from day one, so I never wanted to interfere. Maybe I should have said something so I didn't feel so guilty. I too liked Robin from day one, he and I seemed to connect right away. I always thought that maybe if you didn't kiss him, would he have felt differently? Would he have developed a crush on me instead of you? Thoughts such as these have been haunting me for a very long time. I decided that I loved you both too much to ever interfere, so just know I support this relationship with all of my might. There may have been moments where I resent you, where I thought I hated you. But those were never true. I love you, and I love Robin, so I have to let you both go. I let you both go so that you can be happy together. So be happy Star, truly, be happy.



My heart felt like it may burst. As bad as this was, it would be nothing compared to what I know I will feel when I write Robin's letter. My heart and my soul are being poured out into these letters. Then knowing chances are I would probably never see my teammates ever again breaks the heart I truly never thought I had. I close my eyes, and breath for a few minutes trying to gather the thoughts and the emotions I feel. I need to have a sense of clarity if I am to write this final letter.

Dear Robin/Richard,

I didn't know which version of you I would write to. The leader who I owe so much to, or the man behind the mask that for so long only I knew. To many, both people are the same. I guess they're right, Richard and Robin are both you. I ended up falling in love with both of them after all. Why couldn't I just say this to your face? Simple, because I've spent too long being selfish and wishing that you would only notice me. I was selfish enough to hope that the reason you came to save me in hell was because you liked me or would miss me. I know now that it was because if you didn't, the world would have ended. You wouldn't have ever admitted to liking Starfire, everyone you were close to would have died. You may think you love me Robin, but I have come to the conclusion that you're wrong. You only "love me" because of our bond. There are few people that have the bond that we do, and no one will ever be able to get inside your head like I can. You love me because I'm there. You love me because I have to understand you. I don't have a choice, your memories are branded in my brain as if they were mine from the beginning. You always wished someone would see behind the mask, I was forced to see behind the mask. I didn't have a choice. Yes I made the choice to go inside of your head, but I didn't know the outcome. I don't regret doing so, but it's confused you from what I know you really wanted. Star was branded in your mind when I entered it, almost every thought you had was of her, there were none that I could find of me. Not until our bond grew stronger. Robin, I cannot in a good mind let you go on thinking your feelings for me are real. You don't have to keep trying to save me. Birds of a feather don't always flock together. Goodbye for now or forever.



P.S Promise me you won't look for me. Focus on the work that's truly important.

I'm no longer able to see straight. My paper is tear stained and words are slightly blurry. As I hold these letters I notice my hands are shaking. I wave my shaky hand in front of my suitcase and it disappears. Now all I have to do is deliver these messages. I do a quick Aurora scan and learn everyone is in their rooms. All except one man I need to talk to before I leave. I quickly teleport downstairs into the Batcave.

"I trust things are better? Dick has mentioned he admitted his feelings." Bruce is dressed as Batman clearly coming from another pretty bad fight. He turns around to face me. His face looks like a took a bit of a beating. Bruce quickly takes my state in and approaches me with caution. Not as one would to an enemy, but that of someone who doesn't know how to give comfort.

"I decided I have to do what I believe is best." I say as calmly as I can, and hold out the letters to Bruce. "Please make sure each member gets theirs. You and Alfred have one as well." Tears are quickly rushing back into my eyes. I look away from Bruce; I'm still not used to these emotions. I am quickly surprised at the sudden physical contact. I've found myself in the arms of none other than the Batman. Biggest shock of my life.

"If ever asked, that never happened. I'll see to it that everyone gets these. Raven?" I look back at him. "Please take care of yourself. He does care you know. I wish you would stay, and make him happy. But I know you too have to be happy. Keep in touch." With that Bruce went right back to doing whatever he was doing before I came down. With one last sigh, I teleported away.

I'm back to where everyone first started, Titans Tower. I had a plan, but I needed all of my stuff. I couldn't leave anything behind in case I end up needing it later. I also didn't want to leave a clue to where I could be. After all, the best detective's son lives here. I used a spell to cause everything to fit in one small bag. Then decided I needed one last look around the tower before I left. I was truly going to miss it, I used to think Azarath was my home but looking around now, I know I was wrong. Even with this revelation, I still had to give it up. I can finally live like a normal girl, knowing that my father will not be using my body to take over the world. I can finally feel. Suddenly things weren't looking as dark and I knew something good was going to come out of my leaving.

"Goodbye home. Goodbye everyone. I love you." And I was gone. To finally live my life.

WELL! Hope you guys loved Save me! I know it's been a rough 5 years with this. I still cannot believe it's taken me this long. Don't kill me for the ending. I'm not ready to give up on this story yet. But this chapter of Save me is completed. I'm not sure when the sequel will make its debut, with me I get inspired quickly. The first chapter of the sequel can be out tomorrow, or it can be out next year. I never know. But thank you to all my loyal fans. Truly, you guys are amazing!