Disclaimer: Just a funny idea that came to me. I don't own Kuroshitsuji.

Please review, it motivates me to write more!

Mendokusei no Shitsuji (Troublesome Butler)

Sebastian Michaelis. The best butler one could ever hope to have, flawless in everything he did, with impeccable aspect and perfect manners. However, for Ciel Phantomhive his butler was…troublesome. Very useful, but still troublesome. Why, you ask? Because from time to time he did the most unusual things…


Sebastian was kneeling in front of his master holding a small and furry black kitten in his hands.


-"But…there was nobody else to care for it and it's cold outside, too cold for such a small creature. May I keep it?" The butler insisted with a look in his eyes that would melt even a heart of stone. Ciel cursed in his mind, than sighted. Sebastian smiled inwardly, but kept his "puppy eyes" (or rather kitty eyes) expression.

-"Do whatever you want, but keep that thing away from me!" Ciel replied looking at the kitten as if it was his worst enemy.

-"Yes, my lord!"

For the rest of the day Sebastian did a wonderful job in keeping the kitten away from his master, taking care of it and still accomplished his duties as a butler flawlessly. Of course, as a butler of the Phantomhives it was only natural to be able to do that.

The next day Ciel was disturbed from his work by the desperate cries of his servants.

-"The kitty! It's going to eat us!" Finny yelled and ran to hide in the mansion, along with May-Rin and Bard.

I've heard of cat phobia, but this is ridiculous! Thought Ciel going to the garden to see what was going on. There, he was left speechless, his mouth opening once in need for air.

-"Bocchan, isn't it the most wonderful creature on Earth? These soft paws, fluffy tail that swings so elegantly.."


-"These big and gentle eyes, the soft fur…oh, excuse me. Were you trying to say something, bocchan?"

-"Sebastian….that's a lion."

Sebastian blinked, than came quickly to kneel elegantly in front of his master.

-"I found it in a dark cage, lonely and with people staring at it, in that crowded zoo. I just couldn't leave it there! May I keep it?" Ciel's expression was difficult to describe…

Yeap, Sebastian Michaelis was one hell of a troublesome butler!