Chapter 1
Brittany started to feel herself regretting doing this. Why? Why had she agreed to go on a date with him? She didn't even have feelings for him, she didn't find him attractive, nor interesting. She sighed again, she didn't know how many times this evening she had sighed and she knew that she would be doing it through-out the whole evening. She nervously ran her hand through her blond locks, she looked down on her light blue dress, regretting wearing it as the New York evening was just getting colder and colder. It was pitch black outside and she could hear the loud sound of New York traffic flashing by her. She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder making her jump and turn her head around.
"Brittany!" He grinned, scanning her body from head to toe, starring a bit longer at her cleavage " You look beautiful!" He smiled sweetly as he gently kissed her on the cheek.
"Hi Artie" Brittany put on her best fake smile "What a beautiful night isn't it?" She said as she looked up at the starry sky.
"Not as beautiful as you" Artie said with a wink. Brittany felt herself barfing in her mouth, this was going to be a long night. Avoiding eye contact, she asked" Where are we going?"
"Well, my friend from work told me about this new restaurant that seems delish!" "Oh my god who says delish…" Brittany wondered as she pretended to listen, nodding, smiling at the right moments as he explained about his friends and how wonderful this place was.
"Well, let's get going" She smiled sweetly as he took his arm in hers and started walking down the street towards the restaurant.
"S, Puck! Two more orders for Puck Burgers and 3 more Lopez chicken pasta, 3 César salads and 5 crème brulee !" Quinn, the blond waitress shouted as she entered the kitchen, her arms holding several empty plates as she dumped them in the sink where Lauren, a intern took care of all the dishes. Quinn quickly took the new plates and headed out to serve her customers. As soon as she left, another waiter, this time a black haired male, entered the kitchen. Basically doing the same, leaving the plates to Lauren, giving Santana and Puck new orders and then taking the ready plates out for his costumers.
"Lopez, this is insane, we need to get more help in the kitchen, I mean come on, this place is getting more and more popular every week!" Puck, a mohawked guy said as he continued to hack the onions.
" I know, I know. But it's hard to trust people, what if they fuck things over, don't you remember that guy Jesse? He practically set the whole kitchen on fire!" the Latina said as she threw on 3 more chickens on the stove and started to chop the salad. Santana remembered how after Jesse, never wanted anyone else then Puck and her to touch their kitchen. Lauren, the girl doing the dishes had been working for them over two months now and she still wasn't allowed to touch anything except the trash and the dishes.
"San, I don't care if you're worried. We have to much to handle, we need to find someone and this is just too much!" Puck practically yelled as he started to stress. He could never have guessed starting a restaurant in New York would be so stressful. He never believed that they would be so successful either. He sighed and counted to ten in his head, trying to calm himself down. Never had the restaurant been fully booked. People where lining up and had to order a table at least 2 weeks beforehand.
The Latina sighed, closed her eyes and corrected her chef hat on her head and finally said " Yeah, you're right. But work now, talk later." She turned around and started to continue on the crème brulee.
Brittany and Artie entered the Restaurant, it was a cozy atmosphere, but yet classy. Brittany had to agree, this place really was something else. Her high heels made clacking sounds against the dark wooden floor. The grey walls had several black and white paintings on them of Elvis and other celebrities from the 50's. Artie and Brittany waited only a couple of minutes before a waitress came up to them offering to take them to their table. After sitting down near the window the waitress finally introduced herself.
"Hi, My name is Quinn, I will be at your service today here at "The Edge"." She said with a kind smile as she gave them both their menus and told them she would arrive shortly. Brittany smiled and thanked Quinn as she started to look in the menu.
After a brief silence Artie finally spoke "You know, I'm an expert with food" He said as he raised an eyebrow flirtingly at her. " Is that so?" She said, her gaze not leaving the menu. " Yeah, I remembered once at my work, we had a business dinner and all of my co-workers ordered fish but I knew that you should never order fish at a restaurant because it is not hygienic and then they all ended up puking except me." He said with a proud smile plastered on his face. Brittany hid behind the menu and rolled her eyes. As on cue Quinn, the waitress arrived and was ready to take their order. She looked over at Artie, who was obviously checking Quinn out. "Are you kidding me?" Brittany thought as she politely smiled at Quinn.
"Eum, well… I don't really know what good here" Brittany said as a light blush sneaked up on her cheeks. Quinn smiled sweetly at her and told her that they we're known for their fish and chicken. Which made Artie snort.
"Everybody know that you should never order fish at a restaurant" Artie said wisely as Quinn just eyed him weirdly. She always tried to be polite but sometimes the customers where just so weird .He was obviously a douch bag, he wasn't attractive and he just seemed awkward, but Quinn pushed those thought out of her mind.
"Why is that?" She asked as she tried not to seem bitchy.
"Well It's un-hygienic. You never know what kind of dirt you have in your kitchen" Quinn frowned, looking at him as he was some sort of idiot.
"Well I assure you" But the blond girl sitting opposite him cut her of. " I'll order a Puck burger" She smiled sweetly as she handed the menu to Quinn. Quinn smiled sweetly at her, at least she was polite.
"Well, honey. I think, with your job, you should really consider what you order, you maybe should order a Cesar salad. Burger contains a lot of fat." He said as he smiled kindly at her.
Both girls could not believe their ears, Brittany was shocked she couldn't believe that he had just told her what to order and Quinn looked just as shocked as she was.
Brittany turned around and looked at Quinn
"On second thought…" Brittany said as she took a stray of blond hair and tucked it behind her ear. " I'll take a Puck Burger with extra bacon and extra cheese" She ended it with a wink towards the waitress who just laughed, nodded and wrote it down on her pad. "And you?" She asked, not as polite.
"Well, I'll order a Lopez chicken pasta and a bottle of your best red wine" He said with a smirk towards Brittany who just sighed.
" I'll be right back" She said politely as she left towards the kitchen.
The time passed slowly for Brittany, listening to Arties stupid stories, he never asked her anything and didn't even seem to care. He was just to occupied with himself. She kept sipping her wine, looking at the wine glass and then out the window. The view was really beautiful. She sighed again, she wanted that waitress to come back. She seemed nice and funny and at least someone to keep her of her mind from him.
Finally what felt like hours. Quinn came back with their food. She seemed stressed Brittany noticed, she worked both in the bar and walking around ordering food.
"Looks delish!" Artie commented as he looked down at his and Brittany's meal. She had to admit, even though she didn't like Artie. He did have a point. It did smell and look good. She took a piece from her burger and she had never tasted something so good in her life. "Mhhh, it tastes really good" She said as she took another bite, suddenly realizing how hungry she was. Dancing the whole day really made you hungry. Artie took a bite and his eyes went wide.
"What's wrong?" Brittany asked, he seemed shocked. "This chicken is raw, and so is your burger" He said as it was the most obvious thing in the world. Brittany eyed her burger, nothing was wrong with it, it tasted lovely and Arties chicken seemed perfect too. "Artie what are you talking about?" She asked as she frowned at him, he just gave her a wink and said "I'm getting us a free meal".
He waved Quinn over and Brittany could already felt that this was going to be awkward.
"Hi, Quinn. I'm sorry to bother you" He said sweetly. Quinn looked around to see people impatiently waiting for her, but she turned around smiling at him politely. "No problem sir, what seems to be the matter."
"Our food is raw" He said straight forward. "Raw?" She repeated, not really believing him. "Well, mine is not raw…" Brittany started but Artie interrupted her. "Don't listen to her, she's just polite." He waved her hand at her like she was no one important.
"Well, I can see from here that it's not raw…" Quinn tried to convince him, but he didn't stop.
After a while of going back and forward, the male waitress came up next to Quinn. "Quinn, what seems to be the problem?" He asked her as he put a hand on her shoulder.
"Blaine, this man insists that the food is raw, but I can see from here that it's not" Blaine eyed him suspiciously and looked over at the blond girl sitting with him. She had her face in her hand and you could clearly see how embarrassed she found the situation.
"Ok, well. I'll just call over the chef, I'll be right back" He said with a smile as he jogged towards the kitchen
Santana was stressing, she had a lot more to do. She had around 7 more meals to finish, both her and Puck knew she had no time to waste. Just when she was going to take the food out of the oven Blaine ran into the kitchen calling her name.
"Santana! We have some…eum problem?" Blaine said as he shifted awkwardly on his feet.
"Problem?" She asked as she lifted her perfectly shaped eyebrow.
"Yeah, a costumer claims that their, I mean…his food if raw." He said as he tried not to hold eye contact with the fierce Latina.
"My food? Raw? Are you fucking kidding me? My food is never raw!" Santana said as she practically screamed the last part out.
"Well, I know that and both me and Quinn can see that his food isn't raw, but he keeps insisting. He even insists that his partners food is raw even though she protests…" He said uneasy. He loved Santana, but having her as a boss was kind of scary.
"Oh my god, are you kidding me? I so do not have time for this…" Santana said as threw her apron off and she briskly walked out of her kitchen.
Quinn turned around to see the angry Latina walking towards them with a bitchy look on her face. "Now you've done it…" She said barely under her breath.
"What seems to be the problem?" Santana said, not even trying to seem polite. She looked down at the man sitting in front of her. She'd seen his type around here before. Nerds, what thought they were something . They always thought they knew better then anyone else.
"Well, my food is raw and so is my partners" He said as he pointed toward Brittany. Brittany just blushed " Don't bring me into this, I loved my food!" She said, stumbling over her words, this was just too embarrassing.
Santana finally turned around to watch whom that voice came from. When she turned she felt herself go red. Those eyes, baby blue. Piercing through her. That girl was beautiful. Her blue dress fitting perfect on her body, the shoulder straps fitting perfect to her strong shoulders. Her blond hair, put up in a bum and had some stray hair falling out of it. Santana hade never seen anyone so beautiful.
Santana was a loss of words, which had never happened to the fierce Latina. She felt her moth go dry and she bit her lower lip, trying to regain control of the situation. She had a job to do.
Little did she know the blond thought exactly the same thing about her.
"Well, miss eum…" Santana started out awkwardly, only to be given a weird look form both Blaine and Quinn.
"Pierce" Brittany said sweetly. Santana felt her cheeks go red.
"Well, miss Pierce. Is there any problem with your food?" She asked as professionally as she could. Brittany smiled at her and shock her head, telling her how wonderful the food was.
"Well then, Mr. Pierce let me just" but before she could continue Brittany cut her off. " We are not married… we are… not dating." She said and saw Arties eyes widen from shock and then becoming sad. It was an awkward silence in the air before Santana coughed and restarted.
"Well, eum…sir. I can see that my food is not raw. I can taste it for you if you want too so I can assure you that it's not raw. I never serve un-fished food. So either you leave, I call for security, before I throw you myself out of my restaurant" She said with an icy voice, before she turned to Brittany. " But you are more then welcome to stay" She smiled sweetly as Brittany thanked her and Artie suddenly stood up looked at Brittany with an angry frown and left the restaurant.
"Well…I'll just…get back then. Have a lovely evening miss Pierce." She said awkwardly as she rushed off to the kitchen, leaving Blaine and Quinn looking confusingly at each other.
It was getting late and Brittany was sitting at the bar, ordering another drink. She wasn't drunk. She took non-alcoholic drinks because she had to work in the morning. But she really didn't feel like going home and it was really nice at the restaurant. She and Quinn had talked every time Quinn came to the bar. They realized they both had a lot in common and that they enjoyed being in each other presence. Almost all of the costumers had left, and Brittany and Quinn were just gossiping and talking about interests. Brittany told her about her Broadway career and that she danced in Wicked with some friends.
"You know…" Brittany said after about an hour talking to Quinn. " I really like you" She said with a smile. Quinn laughed and agreed that she liked her too and she noticed how every time the kitchen door would open the blond would look after what she could only believe was Santana. "Well, after tonight I think I owe you one. Or the whole crew, how many people work here?" She asked as she took a sip of her drink. "We're five." She said with a shrug that made Brittany almost spill her dink. "Five? Oh my god that's nothing!"
"I know, we need to hire someone more in the kitchen and out here. But we don't know who." She told Brittany about the Jesse incident that made the blond laugh tears and Quinn followed her.
"Well, I was thinking. Because you guys saved me from a date and we kind of fucked up your work, I could only repay with some tickets to Wicked, if you're interested. Like, you could invite that black haired girl, and the waiter and well who ever you want." She said with a sweet smile. Quinn looked at her with big eyes.
"Really?" She said as her eyebrows shot up. "Yeah, why not. I could get maybe, 5-6 tickets? If you guys are interested and I have some friends that can cook and be good waiters? If you need help and all" She said sweetly.
"Oh my god! I've always wanted to see a Broadway musical!" She said a bit to overexcited making herself blush. Which only made Brittany laughed.
"Here is my card, call me so we can sett up a time and everything" As she was about to walk away she turned around and awkwardly pointed at the kitchen.
"The chef… what's her name?" Brittany asked curiously as she felt a blush sneak up on her cheeks. Quinn just laughed and rolled her eye's.
"Her name is Santana"
"Santana…" I like that… Brittany thought, as she tasted the name on her tongue.