She immediately kissed me back.

It was fast and heated, My hands slid along her arms and to her waist. I pressed her against me and she did the same, grabbing my shirt roughly, as I held back a moan.

I experimented and touched her lips with the tip of my tongue, and she quickly opened her mouth. God, it felt so good. She felt so good. I lifted her easily, her legs wrapped around my waist and I moaned in reply.

I licked and kissed her neck, my hand going under her shirt feeling her soft, bare back, reaching for the clasp that-

And then I woke up.

My mom had opened the door to my room.

"Jared, honey - wake up. You'll be late."

I lifted my head slightly.

"Hng? Wha-"

She wrinkled her nose at me and said, "You'll be late for school. Come on! Up! And clean your room later." She patted my bare back and left.

My face was pressed against my pillow and my mouth was open. I had been making out with it. But it felt so real. And super hot.

"Shit! Shit! Fucking fuck!"

"Damn...fu-" I put my head underneath my pillow, muffling my cursing and growled.

I felt the hardness below. I had never felt so frustrated. So that's why Kim's shirt had been more see-through. The whole scene did actually happen yesterday though, except for the part where we made out like crazy and if we hadn't been interrupted, we would've ended up doing other easily imaginable things in the hallway. I wish. Yeah, I really do.

I don't know why I didn't even think about kissing Kim when I hugged her. I didn't even think about kissing her anywhere at that moment. It would've been perfect. Well, she was crying a lot. And then tried to laugh in between her tears and apologised. I told her she shouldn't have to.

Oh yeah, and she said this: "Thanks, you're a really good friend, Jared." I had internally winced.

I didn't want to be just her friend! What was she trying to do to me?! The word echoed in my head. OK, maybe trying to make out with her might not have been a great time anyway. At least I got a hug.

Wow. Even I knew that sounded pathetic. But there never seemed to be the right time. Things always seemed to go to hell between us whenever I even thought about trying to make a move on her.

I thought about her a lot. I can't help it. Now that we're friends, too. She's so smart, funny, sarcastic and when it's sunny she wears these dresses-

Stop it, Jared. The stiffness, was all the more prominent against my mattress. So, I sighed heavily and went to take care of it in the shower.

Kim gave me a friendly (goddess-like) smile as she entered the classroom. Someone must have cursed me today because she was wearing a dress.

I don't think I've seen her wear it, I mean, I don't really pay attention to clothes. You know, when someone looks good - well, they just do.

Kim was wearing a yellow dress that hugged her in all the right places, ending in mid thigh. But she was wearing black tights and a cardigan and I was drooling.

I suppose she could've been wearing a garbage bag and I still would've pounced on her but, wow. So. Attractive.

"You, OK?"

I came out of my trance and replied.

"Huh? Yeah. Just tired."

She just nodded. Kim's like that. I think she's still not fully comfortable with me sometimes but when she gets really excited about something, she talks really fast. Man. I am so whipped. I don't even care.


"Hm?" Please. Please tell me you want to bear our children.

"Did you bring a copy of Lord of the Flies? I forgot to bring mine." Oh. Maybe next time.

"Yeah. I got it."

"So could we share it...? Were you not paying attention?" Kim scolded lightly.

"I was." I flicked through the book randomly. "What page?"

She tried to prevent a smile and feigned an unimpressed look. Kim took the book from me and found the right page.

"Mrs Kotoua is going to be reading from the beginning of this paragraph to that part," she pointed.

I nodded in reply and moved myself closer to her, our arms touching. I heard her heartbeat quicken but she didn't seem to react at all. Super hearing was a blessing right now. Did she like it or did it make her uncomfortable?

Mrs Kotoua began reading and the unnaturally quick pounding started to slow down when she leaned on her hand and breathed heavily. I had a full view of her face. She was frowning at the book. Kim sensed my stare and gave me a what-are-you-staring-at look. There was a very slight change in the pounding of her heart. And that's when I knew. I grinned at her.


I'm not going to lie. I had the strong urge to have Jared in touch with the fashion world, but I can't imagine this Jared interested in clothing. But as much as I wish his fashion sense was more advanced, oh, I don't mind what he wears really... *hint hint *wink wink *I can't wink to save my life *more like a spastic blink

P.S I thought Lord of the Flies was great! It absolutely terrified me! Would you mind recommending any books for me? I read anything, just as long as it's awesome :P

P.P.S Thanks for reading!

P.P.P.S I uploaded this through my phone and when I saved it, it edited the extra exclamation marks I had put in!? How am supposed to express my gratitude!? (Insert lots of exclamation marks)
