A/N: Hey everybody, new chapter and I really hope you like it *smiles* Sorry again for the long wait between updates *smiles again*


Comments of course are most appreciated *puppy dog eyes*

And thank you to TheJokerInaDeckof53, SivanShemesh, Guest, msdarque, Quiet Ryter, ILoveAnime89 and Jesco123for your kind words and comments on the last chapter *hugs you all* Your support really means the world to me *smiles*


Warnings: AU, SLASH (Eliot/Reid and a surprise pairing) and another crossover (see A/N at the end of The Missing Spencer Job Part I for details)


Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me and this is for entertainment only.


The Missing Spencer Job

Part III


About an hour later, after looking for clues at the Psych offices and Shawn's apartment, Eliot swallowed heavily, before he finally exited the rental car. He had been sitting in that seat, watching the house for the last ten minutes, contemplating if it really was a good idea to come here. But then again, it was Shawn's life at stake, so he could easily deal with being yelled at until Henry had run out of steam. So Eliot didn't hesitate anymore when he walked up to the door to knock. For a moment he didn't get an answer, but then he saw a shadow moving towards the door. He put on a small smile, when the door was finally opened. But then he quickly ducked when a fist came hurling towards his face.

Eliot reacted instinctively and twisted the arm, pinning the person against the door frame. Henry Spencer let out a deep breath and a grunt of pain and Eliot quickly let go of him.

"I hope that fist wasn't meant for me, Uncle Henry," he told the older man, who stared at him with wide eyes, obviously in disbelief that his nephew was actually standing in front of him.

"Eliot?" he questioned and that told the Hitter, that the fist really hadn't been aimed at him. And so that was a better greeting than Eliot had expected and the Hitter counted that as a win.

"Hey Uncle Henry," he greeted, his lips twitching into a small smile.

"I'm sorry, Eliot," Henry then told him and before Eliot really knew what was happening, the older man had pulled him into a fierce hug, which the other returned a little awkwardly, because that definitely had been the last on his list of possible greetings from Henry Spencer. Especially not after they hadn't exactly parted on good terms after Eliot had involuntarily dragged Shawn into one of his little side projects he sometimes did for the government. Henry had been livid with anger and worry and hadn't even tried to listen to Shawn and Eliot explaining. But it seemed that Henry had finally forgiven him.


"I'm really glad you're here Eliot and sorry for the punch, well attempted punch in the face. I didn't recognize you at first with the longer hair and those shades, but I've seen the rental car standing in front of my house for the past ten minutes and I assumed you were one of the bastards who have taken Shawn," Henry explained hastily, before finally looking at Eliot again.

"Wait, do you even know that Shawn has been kidnapped?" he questioned, because calling Eliot hadn't really even crossed his mind, no matter that he would be a great asset to the search. But Henry had been worried about his son too much to think clearly.

"Yeah, I know and I'll explain how later, but me knowing is why I'm here. I wanna help find him," Eliot assured, following his uncle into the kitchen. Henry nodded warily and sank down on a kitchen chair, hands going to the mug of steaming coffee he had been drinking before. When Eliot had also sat down, Henry looked at his nephew.

"So, how do you know? And how have you been able to get here so fast?"

Eliot ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"That I'm here is a fucking coincidence," he admitted, then a small smile played on his lips.

"How I know? Well, Spencer and his team are here to help find Shawn. Your Chief seems to have called in some favors. And Spencer told me immediately when we met at the airport," Eliot finished his explanation.

Henry sighed again.

"You know, as much as I trust Carlton that he'll do his best to bring back Shawn, now that you and a team of profilers are here, I can breathe a little easier."

Henry knew who Spencer was, even though he had never met the younger man, but Shawn had kept him up to date on Eliot's whereabouts after Henry had forgiven Eliot for endangering Shawn's life and Henry himself had been too proud to call his nephew to apologize for overreacting, But fact was, that he loved Eliot almost like a son and he was happy that Eliot seemed to have forgiven him too.


Eliot now smiled at him and put a hand on Henry's shoulder.

"Together we'll find him," he promised and he really meant it. He'd give his everything to bring his cousin back safely. He then leaned back in the chair he was sitting in and studied Henry for a moment.

"Can I see Shawn's old bedroom?" he finally questioned, because that was the last place he had to look for clues. In the office and Shawn's apartment hadn't been anything useful, but the Hitter was well aware that Shawn hid many of the most important things in his old bedroom, because not many people would think to look there, especially when they knew about the complicated relationship Shawn and Henry seemed to have.

Eliot knew exactly where Shawn's room was, he had been in there countless times before, but it felt right to ask Henry for permission. His uncle simply nodded, hands still tight around the coffee pot.

Eliot sighed, squeezed Henry's shoulder again and then, without another word, he walked up the stairs into Shawn's room. He lingered in the doorway for a few seconds, taking everything in. A small, sad smile touched the Hitter's lips and he wished that Shawn was already back here with him. Then Eliot took a deep breath and fully entered the room, looking around, before carefully searching the room, trying not to disturb things more than necessary. He knew exactly where to look for places where his cousin usually hid things. And it didn't take him long to find something, but that was only because he knew where to look. A stranger wouldn't have been able to find Shawn's hiding place. Eliot quickly scanned the contents of the envelope he had found.

"Shit," he cursed, clutching the envelope tightly in his hand, anger bubbling up inside him and he was barely able to control it. A low growl escaped him, but he quickly shoved his anger away. It wouldn't help if he exploded now. His anger was better used when he finally found the ones responsible. So he took a few deep breaths, before making his way back down into the kitchen. He needed to call Spencer immediately to tell him what he had found, but first he needed to talk to Henry about this.


His uncle looked up when Eliot walked into the kitchen, eyes immediately going to the envelope in his nephews hand.

"What's that?" he asked, the coffee mug finally empty and set aside. Eliot sighed and handed the thick, white envelope to the other man.

"It appears that Shawn has a stalker," Eliot explained, knowing that there was no need to beat around the bush with Henry. And to his uncle's credit, he didn't freak completely. He simply stared at Eliot for a moment and then at the contents of the envelope, before his eyes narrowed.

"But why didn't he tell me or you, or Lassiter or even Gus about this?" Henry finally questioned after a moment of silence. The older Spencer seemed at a loss at what to do, but before Eliot could give him an answer and told him what he thought about this whole thing, Henry's phone started ringing.

"That's Chief Vick," Henry told him after a short look at the display.

"She promised to call me when there's news and when the profilers have arrived," he explained, because Karen had of course told Henry about the team from Quantico and that they would help find Shawn.

Eliot simply nodded.

"Put the Chief on speaker please, so that I can hear what she says. I'm gonna call Spencer or Gus after that to tell one of them what I've found in Shawn's room. Maybe it will help them," Eliot instructed, unfortunately used to situations like this and he also knew that his uncle had handled his fair share of those too when he was still an active detective. Henry didn't even think to question him, even though he was about to ask why Eliot didn't simply call the police, namely Lassiter here, but then he remembered what Eliot actually did for a living and then he knew why it wasn't a good idea.


So he finally simply answered the call, putting it on speaker like Eliot had asked him to do.

"Karen? Are there any news?" he questioned immediately, not bothering with a formal greeting. A female voice, very worried and stressed, as Eliot noted out of habit, filled the kitchen.

"Hello Henry. I'm afraid there is no news, but the agents from the BAU have arrived and two of them are on their way to talk to you. They should be there any minute now," the Chief said and Eliot had actually expected that. That was how they worked and an hour was more than enough to get up on speed on the case and then divide to talk to all people involved and available.

"Okay, thanks for the heads up, Karen. And please call when you learn something new, no matter what time it is," Henry answered and after Vick's "will do" he hung up and looked at Eliot, especially when seconds later they heard footsteps on the porch.

"Maybe you should go and hide upstairs," he suggested. At first Eliot wanted to agree, knowing that it probably wasn't the best idea for him to meet Spencer's team here and now. But when he recognized that it was actually Spencer and Rossi standing in front of the door, a smile came to his lips.

"Don't worry, Uncle Henry, it's Spencer and David Rossi. Dave is the only other member of the BAU who knows about me, well not all about me, but who I am," he explained, glad that he didn't blush when he remembered how Dave had met him a few weeks ago. It had been in a very embarassing situation, because Reid had forgotten that he and Rossi were supposed to meet for a round of chess and the older profiler had used his emergency key to get into Spencer's apartment, like Reid had said he could. And well... he had walked in on him and Spencer half naked, making out on the couch like teenagers. And so Reid had been forced to tell Dave about Eliot, but the older man had promised to keep quiet about them for now.


Henry looked a little dubious, but then he nodded and went to open the door after the doorbell had rung a second time. Eliot simply waited in the kitchen, scanning the pictures spread out on the kitchen table again. And suddenly his eyes caught one little detail and Eliot went stock still, going pale, too stunned to move.

He must have stood like this for a few moments, because suddenly Henry's and Reid's simultaneous, concerend "Eliot?" brought him back to reality. His head snapped up and he looked at the three men in the kitchen, before managing to get out: "I think I know who has kidnapped Shawn and I also fear I know why..."


to be continued...