I own nothing

I am sorry for the late update, I know it is a little short but well I was having white page syndrome. I am deeply sorry. Hope you like it.

Reviews please.


Edward runs to his house, his head full of what Rachel has told him. Could he really kill Bella for Jacob? He didn't see much of a choice into what Rachel has proposed to him. Bella may not be his real mate but she still did give up her life, her family for him. If he decided to kill her: he would be no less than these vampires that kill innocent people. Even if he couldn't bring himself to kill Bella, Edward couldn't even imagine living his life without Jacob. He hoped and wished that his family would find a solution for him without having to murder Bella.

"What took you so long?" asked Alice as Edward entered into the living room. All the members of the coven were waiting for him. Edward just looked at his family and sighed. He told them of the conversation he had with Rachel. Edward closed his eyes and waited for the reactions of his family that never came. They were all silent and deep in thought, the atmosphere was tense but Jasper didn't try to ease the situation. These were the time; he wished that he couldn't read in their mind. He was trying unsuccessfully to block all their thoughts. He didn't want to hear the "told you so" of Rosalie, Alice and Jasper neither the sympathies one that were given by the other nor the scared and angry one of Bella.

"What will happen to me? After all the things I did for you that's the way you thank me! You want to die again for your happiness! That will never happen Edward! Never have you heard me! NEVER AGAIN! ONCE WAS ENOUGH! " screamed Bella. She was livid, all these sacrifices for nothing. All she gets in the end was nothing, heartache at best. She did loved Edward but as soon as she was turned; Bella knew that he was not the one. She could have leaved him and try to find the one for her but she didn't. She had that small hope in her that if she stayed around Edward for long the feeling might change. He might have become the one for her. She was not stupid; she knew deep down that Jacob was the real mate of Edward but she could not find herself to say goodbye to him. How could she? She has long for prince charming since she was a little girl and she has found him into Edward. She was supposed to have a happy ending, the happy even after and not a lonely ending. For she blamed Disney for the beliefs of prince charming, if she has not focus too much on every little details that were wrong with her others boyfriends: she would have been happy right now. Yes, Bella was blaming Disney for the stupidity that makes her change herself to fit into the perfect girl for Edward.

Before coming to Folks, Bella has wished over millions of star that one day she will find the one. The one that will love her more than himself, the one that will protect her against the devils of this world. Then the fairy tale happens; she came to Folks, had a hot boyfriend and became popular. She had all the things she wished for. It was perfect; she was finally happy. For once in her life, she finally finds a place where she could feel loved, protected and secured. She was no more jealous of the others girls, they were jealous of her. All good things have an end they said and Bella did not want it to end. She would do anything she can to prevent it. Poor little Bella they would say She was left for another one; a man nevertheless. She doesn't want to hear these words; she was supposed to be happy with Edward. And Bella will do everything she can for it to not end like that. Edward and Her holding hands and fighting against the world like Romeo and Juliet forever. Tragic ending be damned.

"I'm sorry" it was Esmee would reply "I know how you feel; we won't let her get to you Bella. You are family now. We need a plan!" Esmee has always wanted for Edward to find happiness but she didn't want it to be at the expense of Bella. "Maybe we should call her husband like she said, and asked him to help us?"

"Do you really think he will help us? He is like a dog to her! Whatever she says; he does!" Rosalie said. "We don't have much choice though, I will call him and you Edward please try to talk to Jacob. Maybe Jacob may be able to help us." Carlisle said while standing up.

Edward left the house and started to try to spot the scent of Rachel; that way she was sure he would trace down Jacob. Edward walked down the street and stopped in front of a white house in the neutral zone. He was confused why was her smell so strong here, what were she doing here too, why was the odor of Jacob here too? All the questions were turning in his head while he was knocking at the door. He waited some minutes and knocked again. It was then that he hears some noises inside and a faint "I am coming."


I opened the door and was frozen; Edward was in front of me. My mouth hanged open. What was he doing here? Did he come here to tell me to get lost? My heart was pounding and my eyes started to water. I looked at him through my teary eyes and he was as gorgeous as he used to be. He did not change much and then my eyes stopped on his ring finger where a beautiful golden ring was shining. This was the reason to why he came here: to show me his ring. He wanted me to put to my face his perfect married life.

Suddenly, Edward puts his hands into his pocket and said mutters a thing that sounded like "I'm sorry I didn't." I couldn't bring myself to listen to him. I closed the door in his face and went straight to the bathroom. I needed a shower; I needed to forget everything about him. He did me too many wrongs and whatever he wanted to say to me will have to wait. I could not just get myself to listen to him right now.

The pain that Edward has gifted to me: yes it was a gift, has make me more mature. I was no more a child who sees the world in black and white, there was gray. He did not want my love back then, he threw it away, he did try to break me but I was still up. I looked at myself at the mirror and all I could see was a new me: a mature Jacob who was not afraid to stay without his imprint, a Jacob who was no more scared of the change.

While I was in the bathroom, I said as loud as I could: "I hope you are hearing me Edward. I might forgive all the wrong you ever did to me one day but for now I won't. I will resent you for some time till I will be able to look at you without crying. I wished you a happy married life with Bella. I will be happy Edward, this part I promise you and I will be without you, without anyone. I will be my own happiness. I hope you hear me: I am no more the little wolf who imprinted on you and was building his little life around you. I will heal Edward, I will heal. Edward, you might be my true mate but I won't let you play me nor hurt me ever again."

Edward did hear Jacob and he vows that he will make Jacob happy; he will never hurt Jacob ever again. He will do all that he could to make Jacob forgive him. While walking back to his home, he murmured I am sorry, I will help you heal Jacob I promised.

To be continued…

Did any of you guess who the husband of Rachel was?

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Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuah! :* Kisses