So I know it has been like 3-4 years since I last updated. I came across this one and thought I would finish it. Even though it isn't the best ending, it is an ending none the less. I'm sure no one is interested in this anymore but, It needed to be done

One Month Later

Blaine sat with Sam at one of the tables at the Lima Bean. He hadn't had the chance to talk to Sebastian since the boy walked away from the competition, he wasn't even there to support them when they came in second place to the New Directions and ever since Sebastian had been a ghost. He only showed up to do classes and ate. He even kicked Jeff out which left him to move back in with Nick and Blaine. And even though he hated the thought of being back with Nick, it allowed them to sort out the problems, Nick even admitted he was wrong and tried to apologise to Sebastian and get him back on the Warblers only to have the male turn on his heel with a huff and walk back to his room.

Blaine was only sitting at the coffee shop now because he was sick of being ignored, and because he heard from Trent that Sebastian started coming there to get his coffee hit after mentioning in passing that he hadn't been sleeping and needed something to keep him buzzing through the day.

"Are you sure he even comes at this time?" Sam asked looking at his watch.

"Yes...Well I think he does...I don't even know anymore..." Blaine said shaking his head, "I know he doesn't want to see me..."

"You can't be sure he doesn't want to see you" Sam said placing a hand on top of Blaine's that was resting on the table, "I know this must be weird with me dating Kurt and Kurt hating Sebastian and not believing him when he said he loved you but..."


"You didn't know that he came and spoke to Kurt after what happened?" Sam said and by the look on Blaine's face he knew he put his foot in his mouth.

"First I hear that he says my name in his sleep, then he sings a depressing song after hearing him talk to Kurt and then he dry humps me, tells me he loves cuming only to then go talk to Kurt about loving me..." And Just as Blaine was getting into his rant Sebastian walked through the door looking a lot more worn out than Blaine had ever seen him, "I need to talk to him"

"Blaine look at you really think confronting him is the way to go?" And Blaine looked up at the boy who was rubbing a hand through his hair while sighing but, still Blaine needed to do this, it was the only time he had seen him for more than a couple of seconds and before Sam could say another word he was up and walking his way over to Sebastian.

"Blaine...why are you..."

"Why wont you say it to me?" Blaine said cutting Sebastian off as he stood in front of the male, "Everyone knows but the person who needs to know"

"What are you talking about?" Sebastian says rubbing his eyes. Now that Blaine was up close to Sebastian he could see the bags under his blood shot eyes, his once charming smirk a frown and his hair though gelled was messy. The only thing that was neat was his uniform but, even still Blaine was angry.

"Don't act dumb Sebastian it doesn't suit you" Blaine says crossing his arms, "You have told everyone including my ex boyfriend so why the hell can't you just open up and tell me you love me!"

Sebastian looked around the empty cafe and when his eyes locked on Sam's he shook his head before looking back to meet Blaine's eyes, "Fine...Seeing as you already know and I'm already broken I guess it wont hurt...Blaine I love you, I love you so much that it hurts. I have never actually been in love before which is why after we hooked up I said I loved cuming...though that wasn't a complete lie"

"Why couldn't you tell me?" Blaine said, he could see fear in Sebastian's eyes and though he bit his lip to try and stop talking. The way Blaine slowly placed a hand on his shoulder encouraged him, "And why leave the Warblers?"

"Like I said...I've never felt this way before and it scared me. Nick told me about me saying your name in my sleep and I shrugged it off but, after we hooked up I felt even worse. I hated that I could so easily let my feelings slip and when you walked away and Nick came to me..." He shook his head and sighed, "Look Kurt was right, I hurt you and I never thought of you forgiving me because, lets face it, I'm me...A dirty slut who doesn't actually have feelings, so I left the Warblers because it was the only way I could get away from the judgmental stares and you"


"Look...I don't...I don't like feeling like this, I hate that you made me into someone I never wanted to be" Sebastian said and even though Blaine could see anger and fear, the tears that were forming in his eyes broke his heart more than Kurt believing he could cheat and laughing at him as he was covered in slushie and he couldn't stop himself moving quickly, moulding their lips together. It was different from the first time they kissed. This was soft, sweet and he could sense hesitation in Sebastian. When Blaine finally pulled away Sebastian could only shake his head. He had forgotten they were out in public, forgotten Same was sitting there watching them and forgotten to get his coffee order, The only thing he could focus on was Blaine and the way his heart sped up just by seeing his soft smile, "I love you..."


"Don't say it...Blaine don't say something that I know isn't true" Sebastian said taking a step away from Blaine, "I know you still love Kurt...I know loving me is something you can never really do..."

"Your right" Blaine said taking his time to cut off Sebastian, "I do still love Kurt, but he broke my heart and the only person who was there to help me, to same me from myself was you. You were there when I needed you, when everyone else turned their back on me...So you cannot believe me, you can just walk away and never see me again but, I will say it...I love you Sebastian Smythe"

Sebastian closed his eyes and when he opened them Blaine could see relief, a calm come over him and before either could speak Sebastian pulled him in for a long passionate kiss the world around them, the chatter, the cheers of Sam all turned into a blur of nothingness for the two of them and even though explaining this to everyone would be hard and trying to get Sebastian to break down his walls and Blaine had to work at being less clingy, the way their heartbeats moved into one gave them both hope that even though it may not be forever, they were happy to live in the now. Pulling away from the kiss the couple left hand in hand waving a goodbye to Sam with smiles.