Ichigo had run off and he was alone.


Few months had passed like a breeze. The mail room job was fairly easy and good pay. Ichigo wasn't complaining, much. Only annoying thing was the actual delivering part. Cocky business men always sniggering as he would come along and dump their mail on their desks. Ichigo had to restrain himself from flipping them off. Smug bastards.

It was currently lunch break on a Sunday afternoon. Ichigo had sat down in the small lunch room, ready to take a bite of his ham and cheese sandwich, when the blue haired bastard stormed in. Ichigo regretted looking up, because he was facing the eye of the blue storm.

"Did you fuckin' take my lunch Ichigo!" Grimmjow bellowed out. It was more a statement then an actual question. Ichigo rolled his eyes.

"Grimmjow, check the fridge." Ichigo sighed out apathetically. He was sick of this stupid routine.

Every week this would happen. Grimmjow would complain that someone had taken his lunch, when an hour earlier he had eaten it, or left it in his bag. Did he have fucking goldfish memory or something?

"You're lucky Ichi, or I woulda killed ya." Ichigo sighed and rolled his eyes as he felt Grimmjow sit next to him. Why was Grimmjow even sitting with him?

Wasn't he feeling awkward about the fact that he was trying to cup Ichigo's dick a few months ago?

Yes, Ichigo was still confused about that day.


A few months back

Ichigo ran.

Oh boy, did he fucking run.

He felt so fucking dirty. Like a cheap tramp who just got paid with filthy money.

He did feel somewhat giddy about throwing a clean straight punch at Grimmjow, but that was slowly washed over by feeling violated by the blue haired bastard.

Violated..that was such a foreign word. Now it was scaring him just thinking about it.

What if Grimmjow didn't stop? That thought scared Ichigo.

Grimmjow had him pinned, like a small animal staring into the eyes of death.

Oh the nerve.

The fucking nerve.

Pulling open the front door, Ichigo ran through straight to his room. He wanted to be alone. He could still feel that prick's fingers ghosting over his crouch.

After stripping off his clothes and throwing them to the floor, Ichigo slid into bed, curling up in the covers. He didn't want to leave the warmth of his bed any time soon.


Present day

"-Are you even listenin' Berry?" Grimmjow huffed and crossed his leg. Kurosaki had been zoned out for a while, which was kinda worrying him. Watching Ichigo shake his head and look over, Grimmjow couldn't help but feel curious. What was the Berry thinking?

"Ichi, what were ya thinkin'? You looked pretty worked up" Grimmjow bit into his sandwich, after finding it half eaten in his bag. He swore he put it in the fridge when he got to work.

"Fuck off, I don't want to talk about it." Grimmjow raised his eyebrows. Kurosaki was acting pretty hostile about it. "Well Berry, you're acting real feral, so what's up?"

"Grimmjow, piss off." Grimmjow cracked a wild grin. This was the fire he'd missed from the Berry. Ichigo was slowly turning bright red, his cheeks puffing out, as he turned and looked at him. Them fiery almond eyes. "Nah, Ichi tell me why you're havin' a sook."

"I'm not fucking sooking! Would you like to be pinned up against the wall and be..fuckin' violated!"

Grimmjow didn't think his eyebrows could rise any higher on his head. He wasn't expecting that. Not at all. Did he really make Ichigo think that?

Well, no shit Grimmjow. Ichigo is looking fucking furious.

He needed to play it cool. Something that'll make him calm down. Grimmjow paused. Was he turning into a fuckin' pansy? He used to love making Ichigo all worked up. The Berry had the best reactions. All violent and hostile. Yelling and swearing. He swore he felt his dick twitch in his pants. Getting a boner right in front of the Berry. What a sick fuck Grimmjow was.

"Teh. Violated. I'll show you violated, Berry." Grimmjow stood up from the worker's couch. The little voice in the back of his head was screaming at him to stop, but Grimmjow's blood supply had already went south, thinking about the red head.

He didn't like that deep feral tone that Grimmjow had used. Oh hell fuckin' no he didn't. Ichigo got up and stepped the fuck did he just say? Did he want a fucking punch in the face again? Sick bastard.

"Fuck off Grimmjow you slimy dirtbag." Ichigo couldn't really think of anything else to say. He was trying not to yell and beat the living shit out of Grimmjow. Also, he wanted to keep his job.

"I'll fuck off all over your face, Berry" Grimmjow couldn't help but grin widely at Ichigo's face as he said it. He was really turning into a berry. "..now stop whining about everything. Wow, I fucking gave you something you liked..where's my thanks?"

Ichigo felt his restraint crack under pressure.

"Thanks? Thanks? You want a fucking thankyou? You should be thanking me for not going to the cops about your sorry fucking ass! Then your father would have found out and you would be even more of a disappointment to him, if that's even possible!"

Didn't that just throw another log on the fire of hatred. Grimmjow could feel the fire on his face from it. Just the mentioning of his father caught up to him. He even went limp in the southern area. That didn't stop Ichigo though.

"Yes, Grimmjow, I see the way he looks at you. You're a fucking failure! All you do is sit around and drink! Get the fuck over yourself, your ego is smothering everyone, you fucking cunt!"

Ichigo breathed out as his eyes widened. He never called someone that. Shit, he felt really bad looking at Grimmjow. That blue giant just sat down and gazed at the floor. He wasn't saying anything!

He probably wasn't going to say anything. After standing, Ichigo headed for the door. Grasping the door handle, he stopped for a brief second.

"...You know nothing." Ichigo just caught the words that rolled off Grimmjow's tongue. His voice was so faint, whispering like a mouse. Ichigo cocked his head around to look at Grimmjow. He was hunched over on the lounge, just looking at his hands, flexing them into it got worse.

"You know fucking nothing! Get the fuck away from me, Kurosaki."

His piecing blue eyes stood out from his unruly teal hair. If looks could kill. Ichigo would have died. Fuck, he felt so bad at the moment. Guilt was eating at him. Shit, he felt fucking terrible. They were finally starting to get along, now thanks to his stupid fucking big mouth, he fucked up. After walking out of the room, Ichigo walked down the hallway. He felt like absolute shit.

With tears brimming in his eyes, Ichigo couldn't help but feel like he was the cunt.

A/N: Finally killed and roasted the plot bunnies!

Had so much trouble trying to think of an actual ending to this story. It seems like it's not really going anywhere.. but don't you worry, it will pick up in the next couple of chapters before the finale of this story.

Reviews are appreciated

Until next time,

Tigglywiggly =^.^=