Cause Of Death - Regrets Chapter 9.

Previously on "Regrets." Carlito was about to shoot Ken when a gunshot was fired. When the smoke cleared the person who was shot was Carlito as Oscar fired the shot, which killed him. Meanwhile Natara was awaken by the devastating sound of Mal's machines going off. While Ken is trying to talk Oscar down but has he been pushed too far? Or has Mal lost his last fight and has Natara been to late?

And now ...

Chapter 9 - Life Or Death, Love Of A Hero And Lies Of A Criminal : Finale.

Everyone one makes mistakes in their lives that they regret and say things which they don't mean. Sometimes you can move on and mend your mistakes, but not always, it's just not that simple. And in some cases it's just too late, to say sorry because before you know it the damage has been done: that can't be fix that is unrepairable...irreplaceable.

Sometimes you think to yourself maybe it is easier to lie to the ones you love the most, to try and protect them. But in theory you are actually exposing them to more pain than you think. The truth always comes out in the end. No matter what type of mistakes you had made in the past, no matter how hard it is for you to deal with, you move on. Because you can never change what you have already done, because in life you can't go back in the past, you can only go forward.

Sometimes bad things happens to the people who we care about, that can't be explained because they is no telling what the future might hold. One day you might be here and the next you might be gone. That's just life: we experience life and death everyday. But we carry on and live our life's and then we die.. That just life. We live and then we die. we meet new people and then we lose them. But that's what makes us stronger. Because no matter how much we miss them, they will always be in our hearts and we will never forget them. Because we will always remember the good times that we shared and the memories we made with them. They will always be with us no matter what or where we are because the heart always stores the people we love the most.

You are now Doctor Matthew Thompson.

You hear Miss Williams screaming as she hears the same devastating flat tone of Mal's heart machine constanly playing the same as you do. You once again start compressing on his chest, desperately trying to get: a pulse, a heartbeat...anything. You yet again grab the defibrillator, and shock him for a third time.

The sound burns through your ear drums and that's when the heartbreaking memory of that night comes haunting back to you. You are once again back in the ambulance with your wife Emily. Her machine goes off...You're losing her.

"Matthew...Matthew! Were losing him. Do something? Matthew." a distance voice yells in the background, then suddenly fades away.

All you can hear is that same echoing flat tone sound from her heart machine as you frantically compress her chest but it's too late. She has already gone...

You are now Natara Williams.

You watch helplessly in the corridor as the doctors try to desperately save Mal. Your hearts feels like it going to burst into pieces. Your whole world has been destroyed and you don't know what you are going to do without Mal. He is one of the most inspiring, caring, warm hearted people you have ever met, he has really changed your life and without him it just won't be the same.

Who's going to tell you all them funny jokes that always brighten up your day. Who is going to make you feel safe and always be there for you when you need someone. Who is going to be there to make you feel loved and who are you meant to spend every minute of every day together with.

He can't go...You can't lose him he means everything to you and losing him will kill you inside. He has made such an impacted in your life and you can't bare the thought that he might never be apart of it anymore. You slide down the wall in heart wrenching - sorrow it's all to much, as you begin to cry your sorrows out.

As you cry into your chest, the piece of paper that has your name on it, falls from your pocket. You pick it up as them words Matthew said replay over in your mind.

'No matter what happens, he will always be there, I know whatever is on that piece of paper means a lot to you. But when the right time comes you'll know when to read it.'

You stare at the piece of paper that is your hands, allowing tear drops to gently pat off it. You then start to unfold the piece paper, with every bit you unfold the more you begin to shake. You finally finish unfolding and you open it, as you begin to read it.

'Dear Natara,

Well I guess if you are reading this then I have already left San Francisco. I know you are probably mad at me right now for not telling you in person and you have ever right to be. But I have never been the best person at saying goodbye's.

You could say that I am a coward and you are probably right, I am a coward for not being man enough to tell you. And I am an even bigger coward for not having the courage to tell you how I really feel about you.

You might wonder why I suddenly left, and I know you might want answers to these questions that you ask. But it's for the best: the only thing you need to know is I did this not to hurt you but to protect you Natara. That's all I have ever wanted to do.

Believe me this wasn't an easy decision for me to make, and I have been in two mind about it. But you've got to understand I never left because of you. Your happiness is all I 've ever wanted to see and me doing this will able you to be happy. Maybe you don't understand this now but soon you will know why I did this and why I left. You don't know how many times I wrote this letter, so this is the one I chose. I have never been the one to open up my feelings so here it goes.

I have been meaning to tell you this for a while now, how I feel towards you but I was to chicken to do it. Natara you mean everything to me, you are everything to me. You are so beautiful, intelligent, funny and so much more. You're an amazing person and you should be so proud. Because I know I am, to have met someone just like you. You're are a special person Nat and a very dear person to me and I don't know where I would be if I never had you by myside. You stuck by me through thick and thin.

Even since we kissed that night I can't stop thinking about it and I can't stop thinking about you. I know I shouldn't be feeling this way towards you and that we are partner's but you're always in my head and constantly in my thoughts. I care so much about you and what I am trying to say is..

I love you Natara, I love you with all my heart and where ever I may be, you will always be right here beside me. I have always loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you. I love everything about you: even that freakish thing you do when you read my mind. Your the reason that I get out of bed for in the morning, the reason my heart beats for. The reason that the last puzzle piece fits together that makes it complete. You always put a smile on my face and inspired me in so many ways.

So thank you Natara, thank you so much for everything. It has been a honour to work with someone like you. You have really touch me in some many ways and without you my life wouldn't simply be the same. I want you to not blame yourself for any of this and to keep going because I know you can go very far in life and reach for all of them stars.

You have been my best friend and my partner and I will treasure our friendship always. I'll never forget you Natara and I will miss you terribly, you're always be in my heart. And if you ever need me call me and I will always be their. Maybe someday our paths will meet but for now goodbye Nat.

I will always love you and never stop loving you till the day I die.

Love you always.

Your partner and your friend.

Mal xx

You are now Detective Ken Greene.

Oscar's foot hangs over the edge of the the building, you get closer. "Oscar you know you don't want to do this. We can sort this out, just please don't do this." your voice pleads.

He looks at you, tears run down his smooth tanned faced. "Ken I have no other option. Their is nothing left for me here anymore it has all gone. Everywhere I go, everywhere I turn, do you know what I see? I see Mal being run down over and over again. It won't leave me alone, it just keeps haunting me: I can't take it anymore, it killing me inside. Am sorry for all of the pain I have caused... Am sorry for everything. But their is no hope left for me now. It's just too late."

You see Oscar move his other foot toward the edge of the building.

"No!.." you try to scream but it's...just to late.

He has already fallen off the edge of the building.

You are now Doctor Matthew Thompson.

"Matthew, Matthew. Stop... He has gone." the sound of someone shouting and the bright lights flashing: hitting against your face brings you straight back into the present. You are still compressing on Mr Fallon's chest, but still there is nothing.

Your friend Chris grab you and softly says. "Matthew, I am sorry. I am so very sorry. It's to late he has already gone."

You look at him, your heart races quickly, tears form in your eyes. "No! We can't just give up. I am not giving up on him." you go to grab the defibrillator when Chris blocks your way. "Am sorry, we did everything we could for him. I know this hard for you, but you have to let him go."

"Chris, do you know what's it like to lose your wife right before your eyes? To watch her slowly slip away from you, to see the sparkle in her eyes slowly fade away? To wake up in the morning and see the person you used see in the morning gone? My wife told me to keep fighting in what you believe in and never give up no matter how hard it is. So I am not giving up and I am going to save him, for Miss Williams but also for Emily. So could you please pass me defibrillator."

Chris smiles. "Of course buddy we can does this together."

For the fourth time you shock Mr Fallon, their is silence for a long moment before...

"Beep...Beep...Beep." the sound of his heart beating once again and his pulse rising: forming a strong and steady rate. He has come back, you have saved him.

You sigh in relieve and take your photograph out of your pocket and you kiss it softly. You whisper so only you can hear. "Thank you Emily. I couldn't of done it without of you."

Chris looks over to you and nods approvingly. You smile knowing exactly what he is thinking, before you wheel Mr Fallon away to the recovery room.

You are now Natara Williams.

You finish reading Mal's letter, you feel tears fill up in your eyes, but these tears are different to the one's you have already cried. These are tears of happiness knowing even though he was leaving that he loves you...Like you love him to. And how he knows how to make you smile even though you are feeling so much pain.

You wait in the corridor once again, you feel calmer since reading Mal's letter and you try to think positively, even though the chances of you seeing him again are very slim. But Mal would want you to keep strong, and not to beat yourself up about it. Because you know even though he isn't right here beside you, he is always in you're heart.

You see Doctor Matthew Thompson come out of the door his facial expresson is unreadable. This is it..Your heart thumps out of your chest rapidly, as you start to loose your composure and you start to feel like your crumbling into a pieces as he gets closer.

He approaches you. "Miss Williams."

You start to shake and feel sick to your stomach. You can't seem to form a sentence, you're an emotional wreck.

"Matthew, please don't say this is it, please tell me is going to here be tomorrow and the day after that and... the day after that. Please tell me I will get to see him frowning when he is annoyed. And please tell me I will see him smiling again when he is happy. And please tell me I will get the chance to tell him I love him. Please don't say it's to late...Don't say I am to late." you say as all of your emotions flood out of you.

Matthew grabs your arms gently as a smile forms on his face. "Miss Williams, I have good news Mr Fallon is going to be okay, and he is currently in the recovery room. He is out of immediate danger and he should recover slowly but surely. But the only problem is, that the accident has left him paralysed from the waist downwards and their is a great possibility he could be permanently in a wheel chair for the rest of his life."

Even though Mal is paralysed you're just so happy he is still with you...Still apart of your life. You hug Matthew tightly, as tears of relieve run down your face. You hug for a brief moment before you whisper. "Thank you so much Matthew you don't know how much I am grateful for this, how much this means to me. You're wife will be so proud of you. You are a great doctor never doubt that."

You pull away and he smiles, then he leads you to the recovery room.

1 month later since the accident.

Doctor Matthew Thompson was promoted as head of the crash and accident unit. And he is very much carrying on with his life with two his children. He has never forgot Miss Williams and her words that he keeps close to his heart and their is never a day where he doesn't forgets them kind words that inspired him to keep going.. He also has started a support group for people who have lost family members and friends to drunken drivers. He has dedicated the group to the memory of his wife Emily. (Emily Elizabeth Thompson's Support of Love and life of Family Members And Loved Ones Who Lost Their lives Foundation. Emily Elizabeth Thompson 2009 – 2011 : A loving wife and a dedicated mother to her two children who she adored.)

Oscar and Carlito both died on the night of the accident.

Meanwhile Mal is currently in a wheelchair and goes to rehabilitation sessions everyday with Natara by his side. He still works at the Police Station but only doing paper work. Natara stills has nightmares about the accident and has currently moved in with Mal to help and support him everyday: helping him grow stronger each and every single day.

Even though everyday is a struggle for Natara, she knows that she has Mal right by her side..Always.

A/N Hey guys! Well am afraid that it is for Regrets. We have finished my first story Whoop! Am sad to end it but it has been fantastic writing it, and reading all of your amazing reviews I hope you all have enjoyed reading 'Regrets.'

And I gotta say a huge thank you to all of you that took time out of your day to read my story and all my followers and reviewers for being so fantastic with your support. I love you all seriously! It means a lot to me. :D

I also want to inform all of you that their will be more stories from me to come. And also I might be doing a sequel to this. Of Mal being paralysed from the accident and how him and Natara try to deal with it.

So tell me what you guys think about the sequel idea whether or not to do it? And I would love you guys thoughts and comments on that one. And Thanks Again for reading "Regrets." And Happy Valentines Day everyone ! :D xx