But guess what, you know how I said I would update after school ended?


You see

The laptop I use for fanfiction (the only one I have) is school-issued, and at the end of school year during May, the admins come in and delete all of your files and install shit.

So then

I put all of my info on my flashdrive, but then shortly after it broke.

Not in half, just, internally something is off because no computers will read it even though its physically and superficially intact. I have no idea how to fix this, and I still don't even after several months, but there you go. That's why I haven't updated. I didn't forget, I swear. 500,000 words approx are here, literally in my pocket, but not. Anyone who writes fanfiction knows that this is a major ass haul and losing it is a real 'sux to be u' moment. And it is.

So I am and have been hitting up local computer nerds so they can retrieve SOMETHING. But a lot of them are just like, lolol get a new one. Especially I'm not really willing to pay. Sucks not having a job right?

I'm sorry. If I cant recover anything by the New Year, I'm just restarting everything and I will have to re-configure plots and blah blah blah. Probably with a friend of two, because there is no way I'm sitting here and typing 500,000 words by myself again. Noooooooo. Especially because I expect this story to hit close to a million words.

Fuck everything. Except for my wonderful fans who are still waiting.

Again, I am terribly sorry. Please forgive my flashdrive's insolence.