Decided to start a new series of Zarter one-shots, for the ones that might be a bit mature for "Sweet Surrender". I'm still keeping up with SS, though, so don't worry. These won't be all that bad, though. Promise.

Anyway, moving on. I don't own the Kane Chronicles or "Animal" by Neon Trees.


"…and I won't be denied by you, the animal inside of you…"

[There is an animal inside all of us, hidden in deepest recesses of our true selves.]

She was a lioness; curled, snarling, waiting to spring. For the longest time she had circled him, her amber eyes wary, never coming too close. [Never coming close enough.] Dangerous, never to him, only those who threatened him. [Protecting her prize.] For the longest time it had remained like this, with him trapped in her gaze, fascinated by her every movement, her long, lean muscles flexing under her smooth skin, even as everyone around him—even his own subconscious—told him to run while he could. [Take flight, you fool, while you still can!] She stalked, hesitating, observing.

And then she pounced.

He was a falcon; flying, soaring, detached from everything. He was watchful, too, always observing. [Always waiting for something—or someone—to catch his eye.] Quick to spot; quicker to dive in and take the offerings, when they presented themselves. [Quick to take her, show her what it meant to love.] She sprang, shredding his wings and bringing him to earth, but he didn't mind being grounded by her.

Not when it meant having her so close.


"You're not going to win," she said evenly, spinning and sending a jet of fire from her staff.

"Am I?" he replied, sounding just as blasé as he deflected the flame with his sword. It flew back at her, but she dissipated it with a wave of her hand.

"Of course not. I know something you don't."

"What is that?"

She hooked his ankle with the butt of her staff and sent him tumbling to the floor. "I know how to cheat," she said with a mischievous grin.

He pulled her to the floor, saying, "Nice kitty." She pretended to growl at him.

"You still haven't won," he said after a moment, winding an arm around her waist.

"Haven't I?"

He flipped, pinning her body beneath his, one hand pinning her hands above her head and the other resting on her hip. "Fight's not over," he reminded her.

She gave a low laugh, twisting one of her hands free and pulling him down to meet her kiss.


Is it hot in here? Oh, no, how silly. It's just the Zarter.

So? Did you think it was good? Bad? Horribly inappropriate? Well, probably not the last one, unless you have a severely perverted mind. In any case, you can leave a review. And I'm open to suggestions for new stories ;)

Peace, love, and Potter Puppet Pals.