Disclaimer: Oh how I wish I owned Pandora Hearts, alas, I do not. ~

"Lacie…Lacie, I miss you. Do you miss me? Lacie, Lacie, I really miss you. I wish you were here."


"Hey Oz, what's wrong?" Alice inquired; as he had spaced off for a moment.

"No, nothing. I think Jack is worrying about something; 'coz I can feel it. Oh well, it's probably nothing." Oz shrugged, snatching a cookie off the plate and popping it in to his mouth.

"Hey, Lacie? Lacie, can you hear me; wherever you are? I hope you can. Because I love you. I love you, Lacie. Lacie, your existence was everything to me. Absolutely everything. And when you were sacrificed to the Abyss…I lost it. I miss you so much! The anniversary of the Tragedy is getting closer. And every second, I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about all of our memories. Remember when you first found me? I was nothing, until you found me. You were so kind to…find me…Lacie! I remember when I looked in to your red eyes. They were beautiful. I love everything about you, Lacie. Remember all the times we had; laughing, smiling, talking? You were the only one Lacie. The only one I needed. Glen was my best friend, that was true. But you, Lacie, you were my everything."

"Ah, geez. Jack's giving me a headache!" Oz muttered; a pounding in his head was making everything unbearable. He grabbed another cookie and ate it; trying to get the headache to go away.

"Hmph. Well the stupid Seaweed Head over there is giving me a headache!" Alice huffed hotly.

"Shut up, you Stupid Rabbit!"

"Make me, you annoying chunk of seaweed!"

"Lacie, I worked really hard to get myself to such a rank that I could see you again. I did what you suggested, and I was able to see you. The earring you gave me, I never took it off. Because it possessed your essence. My wonderful, beautiful, lovely Lacie. I never forgot you, Lacie. B-Rabbit is close to me; it used to be your Chain, right? Oz is the Contractor of it; so I'm always close to the B-Rabbit. It sounds pathetic, huh, Lacie? That's what you would say, right? It's pitiful and pathetic for me to be so desperately trying to be so close to anything that was once yours. But I can't help it. I love you so much, Lacie. I love you so much that it hurts. It's hurting, but it doesn't matter, because every time I think of you, I start smiling. I remember that time when you summoned B-Rabbit, and absolutely slaughtered those men who tried to sell you to nobles. Haha, how stupid of them to underestimate you, Lacie. Lacie, you were always so unpredictable. It's so pitiful of me to be so desperately clinging to the B-Rabbit; just so that I can be close to your memory. But I love you too much to let go. You were my savior. You brought me out of the darkness, and I just fell in love with you. That sweet melody that you always sang…it's forever in my heart. You sang it so beautifully, Lacie. Your voice is so wonderful. Whenever you said my name, I just kept of falling deeper in love with you. Lacie, Lacie, I love you. Every moment that I'm without you is so painful. Whenever I think about the Tragedy, I think of how angry I was. I was angry that you were sacrificed. Why? Why did you have to die, Lacie? Lacie, my savior. Lacie, my eternal love. Lacie, I love you. I love you, Lacie."