A/N: I love Ron and Hermione so much, both as characters and a couple. If there was ever such a thing as soul mates, Ron and Hermione fit that term perfectly.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.


Year One:

She was an annoying know it all, that Hermione Granger. Every time he saw that bush of brown hair nearby, or heading toward him, he would groan and roll his eyes. But when she became their friend, Ron would see that mess of hair, smile and call her over.

Year Two:

Ron sat beside Hermione's bed in the Hospital Wing, not sure what to do or to say. Everyone said it was pointless to come to visit her, that she couldn't hear or see him. Yet he and Harry came anyway. It felt wrong not to.

Today he was by himself, at least for the moment. It was early, and Harry was still asleep in their dorm.

On impulse, he reached out and brushed a hand through her hair, bushy has ever. "Gee Hermione, I never thought all that thick hair of yours would be so soft."

Year Three:

She'd cut her hair, making it, if anything, bounce around her shoulders in bushy waves more than ever.

At first, Ron was a little surprised. He was so used to the long mess that he could spot ten feet away in the Great Hall. Now it was a little harder to find her, but he decided he didn't care, he didn't want to talk to her anyway.

Besides, it was her hair, and her business what she did with it.

But when she hugged him for the first time, as awkward as it was for him, he couldn't help noticing that her hair carried the scent of peaches.

Year Four:

She changed so much that year. She allowed Madame Pomfrey to make her front teeth a smaller size after Malfoy cursed her; she became fiercer than he'd ever seen her, and she continued to wear her hair rather short.

She changed her hair for the Yule Ball, for him. Did she think she needed to change herself for anybody? That was wrong, and it fueled his anger towards Krum.

Ron was relieved when Hermione turned up the next day with her hair back to its normal state.

Year Five:

Her hair was now more wavy than bushy, although it was thick as ever.

Ron noticed the way the light from her Patronus illuminated her hair, making it look like bronze with highlights of silver. He blushed and forced himself not to stare, as she looked his way, a brilliant smile on her face.

Year Six:

A while after seeing Dumbledore's broken body in the courtyard beneath the Astronomy tower, all students were sent back to their dorms, with orders to get some sleep, although everyone knew no one would.

Ron and Hermione chose to stay Gryffindor common room, sitting together on the floor, and finally Hermione burst into tears, and Ron pulled her to him, running his fingers through her always thick and still slightly bushy hair. The whole time he smelled peaches.

Year Seven:

It was a crime, her beautiful hair getting all dirty and tangled. She rarely brushed it; she spent most of her time pouring over that book Dumbledore had left to her. Ron wanted to do it himself, but he was afraid to, and on top of that fact, the locket amplified his fear.

After the final battle, Ron and Hermione curled up together on a couch in the common room, both of them still dirty, bloody, and an absolute mess.

After some sleep, Ron asked her if she had a hairbrush. She said she didn't, but she was sure she could find one. She left for the girl's dorm and returned with a silver handled brush, sat beside him, and reached out to brush his hair. Ron caught her hand and shook his head, as she stared at him with a puzzled expression. Ron told her to turn her back to him, which she did, and he ran the brush through her hair.

And Hermione closed her eyes in contentment, and Ron smiled, once again catching a faint smell of peaches.

The End