Summary: The other candidates may have been killed, and he may be Primo's great-great-great grandson, but what exactly led Nonno to choosing Tsuna for the position of Decimo when there was a much more practical option? Why was Sawada "Dame-Tsuna" Tsunayoshi chosen over the oft forgotten great-great grandson of Primo?

SkyGem: This idea came to me when I was in the shower, and it really got me to thinking. Anyways, please do r&r, ne?

Disclaimer: I don't own KHR.

"No…" said the blond man quietly before strengthening his resolve and shouting in a much louder voice, "NO!"

The man on the other end of this shout merely watched his friend calmly.

Taking a deep breath, and fighting off the growl that was threatening to escape his throat, Sawada Iemitsu closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he looked his friend straight in the eye. "I apologize for being so disrespectful, Nonno, but there is absolutely no way in hell I'm letting you drag my son into the underground!"

Nonno, or rather Timoteo, just continued to stare calmly at his outside advisor, not saying anything.

Feeling a bit frustrated at not getting a response, Iemitsu continued. "Tsuna is barely a teenager! He's supposed to live a normal life! He is supposed to graduate junior high and high school! He's supposed to go to college and find a nice girl and start a family! He is NOT supposed to become heir to the bloodiest mafia Family in all of Italy!" Suddenly seeming to lose all his steam, Iemitsu sagged a little, looking years older than he really was. "I don't want him to have blood on his hands…" he said quietly, as if he were desperately trying to hold back tears.

Letting out a long-suffering sigh, Timoteo passed a hand over his face. "And you think I want that? Iemitsu, I've known Tsuna since he was a toddler and love him as my own, and you know I would never do anything to intentionally harm him. Believe me when I say I have no other choice. You know just as well as I do that there aren't any other heirs left!"

"What about Xanxus?" asked Iemitsu desperately.

"Iemitsu, if you think for a moment, you'll remember that Xanxus doesn't have the Vongola blood in him. The ring will reject him."

"Then I'll take over!" he shouted, grasping at straws. "If Tsuna is Primo's great-great-great grandson, then that makes me his great-great grandson! I have the Vongola blood in me! I can take over the family!"

It saddened Nonno to see one of his oldest friends so upset, but his hands were tied. "You know that isn't possible," he replied quietly. "The outside advisor isn't meant to take over the family. He's supposed to remain neutral. If you were to take over the family, there would be all kinds of trouble. Everyone will be opposed to it. And besides, how will CEDEF survive without their leader?"

"To hell with CEDEF!" shouted Iemitsu; he knew there was no way he could change the old Don's mind, but there was no way he could accept that his son would have to shoulder so much responsibility at such a young age. "Tsuna is a thousand times more important to me!"

Timoteo shook his head sadly; he understood Iemitsu's feelings more than the younger man would ever know, but this was a decision even he had no say in.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi will be Vongola Decimo," he said with finality. "Now go and call Reborn. It's time for him to meet his new charge."

SkyGem: Aww, my heart breaks for Iemitsu. How terrible he must've felt…anyways, please do leave a review and tell me what you thought, ne? Ciao~