Chapter 1 - it all begins

Looking down into the eye's of a small child, the childs eye's was a sparkling crystal sky blue, the little hair on the head was a light blue/blondish, the baby was no older than at least a day. The woman that was holding the child just smiled down to it, She leaned down and kissed the child up on the forehead as she looked over to her lover who which he smiled back to her. "We still do not have a name for her my love" Spoke the blonde goddess, the male looked down at the child "That is a hard one, she's such a gawgous young baby, just like her mother" He kissed her and stroked the childs cheek.

They both was just overjoyed about having a little one in there family when the male looked to his lover "How about Alexis? our little Alexis" the blondes smile rose on her face and nodded agreeing "Alexis our little princess. It's perfect Sapphire" he smiled and kissed his girlfriend "Just like you are Serena, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise."

Serena and Sapphire had once been mortal enemies in a battle when she was just 14, there had been a war from the future attacking her home world tokyo, As she was a young warrior of love and justice. Saving the world from evil against the negaverse along side her sailor scouts, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. Once Wiseman and the future was saved everything began to pick up the world was once safe again. When she was that age she had another lover, a prince from her past back in the silver millenium named Darien. One day she was taking a walk with her prince and found out that most of the members of the dark moon kingdom had been re-incarnated and given a second chance, Sapphire, Rubius, the four sisters had been healed by sailor moons crystal. Unfortunatly Diamond was unable to return, his will power wanted him to stay in the world beyond to pay for his punishments from when he was alive.

After finding out Sapphire was alive, Serena and him had met on a occasion to catch up, find out what each other was doing, unfortunatly one day she came home to dariens apartment to find him in bed with another woman, to make things even worse that woman was none other than her best friend Rei. Which that had crushed her heart, Darien had tried explaining to her it wasn't what it looked like and he still loved Serena, but the young princess did not buy any of his lies, he had mentioned to her plenty of times on how he would have liked her in bed. Unfortunatly she turned him down every time saying she wanted the moment to be special. So after finding out that she ran to the first person who wouldn't judge her for being a cry baby and treated her like a normal teenager. Sapphire, he was extreamly loyal to her after she helped him out once finding out what Darien had gone and done. He immidiatly wanted revenge for him hurting such a innocent girl.

Serena did not want any fighting over the incident, so she had convinced him to just let it go, After her boyfriend had cheated on her, her friends had already been corrupted by Rei when she had turned to the scouts saying that Serena was an unworthy leader, an should just be kicked out of the scouts, they even tried to take the silver crystal of her, but Serena kicked off and ran away straight into the four dark moon sisters, who found out what was going on. An quickly stuck by the princess protecting her with there lifes against the scouts. The scouts soon left her alone when they had realised that they could not get anywhere near her.

Her parents then began getting on Serena's back about her grades on how they were slipping because of everything, when they found out she had been kicked out of jubin high school, her father was that furious he made sure he had nailed it into her that she wasn't going to be let off easy, after getting kicked out he did not want any connections with her, he even made his wife chose his side with the choice. Once it had been made he kicked his own daughter out onto the streets, Serena, carried a duffel bag to the park sitting down under a tree, It had been raining but she did not care it was muddy, grabbing some sharp glass of the grass, she was about to end her own life when a familiar red haired man stopped her, He soon became familiar with her situation and decided to take her in instead. Rubias had become Serena's guardian after wining the case in court against her father for custody of Serena, she soon became Rubius daughter and settled into a new life with him. Although she never once called her father even though he did not mind that.

Her new life had been going well, she soon fell in love with Sapphire when she hit 17 they had been dating pretty seriously, he had just finished his degree in being an animator as she had just started her college education to become a kindergarden school teacher. 3 months threw her 17th year of living, both her and sapphire found out they were expecting a child. Both of them agreed to keep it and they couldn't have been happier, When they had told Rubius and the sisters, all they could do was be 100% Supportive, After 9 months a week before Serena's 18th birthday, she began to get strong contractions while lying in bed with Sapphire, quickly they got her to the hospital and after being in labour for 7 hours and 53 minutes a young life was brought into the world. An that is the child that is with them now.

Her name is Alexis Serenity Moon. A perfect mixture of Serena and Sapphire.