Chapter Five

"Wake up. Wake up, Isabella, you're safe. It was just a dream."

"But Emmett," I sobbed. Emmett was dead and nothing would ever be right or normal again.

I pulled away from the arms encircling me and opened my eyes into the gloom of a darkened bedroom. My heart was still thumping and I put my hand to my chest to make sure that there wasn't a wound pouring blood. It only took a second to realize I had been having another bad dream and I was embarrassed that my new boss was comforting me in the dark.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Masen. I didn't mean to disturb your sleep."

"Call me Edward, and don't sweat it." He leaned over and switched on the new lamp on my new bedside table and flooded the room with a warm glow. I was safe, tucked into a bed in Maine. "It's just a dream. They can't hurt us."

My gaze shot up to meet his in surprise. "Do you see them? Did you see Emmett?"

"I have, yes." It seemed like the words were forced out of him.

"What about Marie? Do you see her, too?"

A change seemed to come over him, then. "We can't talk about that right now."

I tried to tell him that is was past time to discuss what was happening. That my entire life had been ruined because of these stupid and horrible dreams, but he put his hand over mine and gave it a squeeze. "Can you trust me for now? I promise I will explain everything I know, but not right now."

Trust him? I didn't even know him, but I looked into his eyes and agreed to put my questions on the back burner.

I nodded and looked around the room. I wanted to get out of here; it didn't feel like this was my room.

"Do you want some coffee? That usually keeps me alert until morning." I gasped as his words sunk in. He had these dreams, too! Without another word, I stood up and followed Edward down the stairs.

Even with all of the weirdness going on, I was still struck by how comfortable I felt in the house. I found myself moving through the rooms as if I had done it a thousand times. Even with my throat was still clogged with tears, the spaces around me were almost soothing. I was jolted when we got to the kitchen and I encountered all brand-new things. I had half expected to see avocado green appliances, strange since I had never actually seen green appliances outside of television.

I sat at the kitchen table and watched as Edward—I could actually think of him as Edward instead of Mr. Masen after the scene upstairs—ground the coffee and filled the pot. He stood in front of the machine without talking, and as soon as enough coffee dripped out to make two cups, he filled them and carried them to the table without a single word.

I couldn't take it another second. "What's going on? Why am I having these dreams?"

"I don't know, but I've been having them since I bought the house."

Hearing him say the words opened a floodgate inside me. "Who are these people? Everyone thinks I'm crazy. I think I'm crazy. I can't sleep anymore." I felt the need to tell him everything. "Do you know that I was in a mental hospital?" I noticed the shock in his eyes. I guess his background check hadn't revealed that.

"It's because of the dreams. I tried to jump off of the roof of my last job. I was screaming for Anthony and a guest tackled me to the ground right before I jumped from six stories. I probably should have disclosed that before I accepted the job, and I'll understand if you don't want me working for you." I braced for him to tell me that he had to retract his job offer. I was disappointed about losing my fresh start, but I seriously couldn't blame him for terminating the contract. I had known that this could happen.

He should his head. "No. I'm not going to fire you. Something is happening that I can't explain." I waited for him to elaborate, but he didn't so I sat there and took a sip of my coffee. Things were so strange now; anything he said would make sense. I just needed answers.

"I don't know how much more I can take. I dread sleep, I always feel like someone is looking over my shoulder. I'm at the end of my rope." I was mortified to realize that I had tears running down my face, but I was so worn out from trying to suppress my "crazy" side, that even crying in front of a stranger wasn't the big deal it had been in my old life-the life where I had fun and friends, and I could sleep through the night. That life seemed so long ago that I couldn't even identify with it anymore.

Edward reached out and laid his hand palm-up in front of me. I don't know why, but I placed my own hand in his. He gave me a squeeze and I felt safer and more secure than I had felt in longer than I could recall.

We sat in silence until I felt a pulsing in my hand. I tried to draw away, but Edward tightened his grip and wouldn't release me. A shaft of fear went through me as I looked at his face. He seemed to change in front of my eyes and his voice cut right to the heart of me.


I jumped out of my seat and tried to pull my hand out of Edward's, but his grip was like iron.

"I'm Bella. Let me go!" I tugged but he wouldn't release me.

"I've been waiting for so long."

Oh god, this couldn't be happening. Maybe I was still dreaming. "I'm Bella. I'm Bella." I finally jerked my hand away and retreated to the other side of the room. Now what? I was in the middle of nowhere with a crazy person. I wondered if I could make it upstairs and to my phone before Edward caught me.

"Edward. Mr. Masen, please. You're scaring me."

His eyes cleared almost instantly and he blinked before getting to his feet. "I apologize, Isabella. I'm sorry for what just happened." He started to walk toward me and I panicked.

"Stay away from me!" I screeched at the top of my lungs.

"I can't."

Bella has found herself in messed up situation. Is she crazy alone or does Edward have his own mental baggage?

Can't tell you, yet. :)