I own nothing. At all. Really. It's actually kind of sad.
But! This is the first part of my new series. Reviews are always welcome.

Blaine sighed as he shifted in his seat on the top riser in the choir room. It was a week before Thanksgiving break and the glee club's final meeting before the break. Everyone was a little antsy to leave but all sat politely and listened to their teacher talk about God knows what. This time last year Blaine would have subtly tilted his head to the side to glance at his boyfriend and tell him just how bored he was. But that was last year. Blaine was a senior now and his boyfriend was off in New York attending Parson's New School of Design. Blaine sighed again and crossed his arms over his chest.

He missed Kurt.

Kurt was supposed to come home sometime soon but every time Blaine asked, be it by call, skype, text, email, or facebook, Kurt was always very vague and never gave a specific date as to when he'd be arriving. Blaine let his head fall back and thunk lightly against the wall. He just wanted to go home and call his boyfriend. "Does anyone have anything they want to say before we break up this meeting until after break?" Mr. Schuester's voice asked from the front of the room. Blaine didn't even bother looking up, that is, until he heard someone clear their throat from the doorway of Mr. Schue's office.

"Mr. Schue, if I may?"

Blaine's head shot up. He knew that voice. He looked over and his eyes grew to the size of saucers. There he was. Kurt. New York had been good to Kurt, Blaine decided as he looked over his boyfriend with eager eyes. Kurt was leaning against the door way, his left arm wrapped around his waist and his right hand in the air slightly, as he did just ask a question. No one in the room made a sound at first. Until Kurt's eyes locked on Blaine and he smiled warmly. Blaine couldn't move. He was stuck in place. Kurt was home. Kurt was here. Finally, Tina lifted up her notebook and hit Blaine in the thigh. "Go," She hissed at him.

He didn't need to be told twice. Blaine practically leapt from his seat and ran over to where Kurt was standing. He threw his arms around the taller boy's neck. Had he gotten even taller? Blaine didn't care. He buried his face in Kurt's neck and just breathed in his scent while Kurt laughed softly and wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist, holding him there. Mr. Schue must have dismissed everyone, since shuffling and the scraping of chairs met Blaine's ear but he didn't care. He had his Kurt. "God, I missed you so much," Blaine said softly into Kurt's neck.

Kurt felt a tear hit his skin and he pulled away slightly but kept his arms around Blaine. "Hey, why are you crying?" Kurt asked, lifting a hand up to wipe away the stay tears on Blaine's cheeks. Blaine just shook his head and choked back a sob. He couldn't find his voice again. Kurt cooed softly and hugged Blaine closer to his body again. "I missed you too, baby. So much. But I'm home now… okay? I'm here. I've got you," Kurt whispered, his hands running soothing circles on Blaine's back. Blaine pulled away and nodded, wiping away the rest of his tears.

He cleared his throat and bit his lip for a second while he looked Kurt over. Kurt smiled and leaned in to kiss Blaine quickly, "Do you want to go to your house? We can cuddle up and I can tell you just how much I love you and how all I've thought about for weeks was coming home and holding you." Blaine smiled and nodded, blinking away the stinging teary feeling in his eyes, "Yeah… I'd like that."

It wasn't long until Kurt and Blaine were just that. Kurt and Blaine. It was as if being apart for three months hadn't changed a thing. Blaine turned on his iPod and let it shuffle through a playlist that he may or may not have made the day after Kurt left before laying down on his bed next to Kurt. Blaine nuzzled his face into the crook of Kurt's neck and let an arm drape over his chest, holding him close. "I've missed this," Kurt murmured softly, his fingertips running gently over the arm that Blaine had over him. Blaine just nodded and tried to press himself closer to Kurt's warmth. Kurt moved slightly so he was on his side and nose to nose with Blaine.

He smiled and kissed his lips, letting them linger there for a beat, before leaning his forehead against Blaine's. Blaine smiled back and stared into Kurt's eyes while he brought a hand up to card through Kurt's hair. Normally, Kurt would make a fuss and point out just how long it took him to do his hair that morning, but he couldn't find the heart. He secretly loved when Blaine did that. Kurt leaned in again to kiss Blaine. He'd missed the feeling of his boyfriend's lips while he was in New York. He missed Blaine in general, but moments like this had been at the forefront of his pining since he left. Kurt didn't remember opening his mouth but his mind did register that fact that that was definitely Blaine's tongue and it was definitely in his mouth.

Blaine pressed closer while his tongue met with Kurt's in some sort of dance until their bodies were almost flush against one another. Blaine only pulled away from the kiss when it felt as though his lungs would burst from lack of oxygen. He was breathing heavily as he stared back at Kurt. "How-how long has it been since we've had sex?" Blaine asked, his hand trailing down to grab at Kurt's hip. Kurt bit his bottom lip in thought and shrugged, "Almost three months." Blaine groaned and looked down at himself.

"Good, because I was going to be embarrassed for how quickly I got hard," Blaine laughed almost breathlessly before moving in to kiss Kurt again.

Kurt didn't let the kiss get too in depth. He pulled back slightly and smirked at Blaine, "What do you want?" Blaine just shook his head and tried to lean in for another kiss but Kurt firmly planted his hand on Blaine's chest. Blaine knew the look on Kurt's face, he wanted an answer. Blaine groaned and rolled his eyes. "You. I want you," He said quickly, once again trying for a kiss but once again failing. "What do you want me to do?" Kurt leaned in to whisper into Blaine's ear, making the younger boy shiver. Kurt licked his lips and Blaine could almost feel the wet tip of Kurt's tongue touch his ear.

The hand on Kurt's hip tightened and he gasped softly but wasn't deterred. "Do you want me to jerk you off? …Or blow you? Mmm, You could fuck me if you wanted to. Or, I could fuck you. It's your choice, baby," Kurt's voice was like silk wafting over Blaine's ears. He felt light headed and couldn't really think. Kurt smiled and kissed gently at the sensitive skin below Blaine's ear. He works his lips across Blaine's jaw and down his neck to his collarbone. "Do you want to know what I've been thinking about for the last few days?" Kurt mused aloud.

Blaine couldn't speak; he only nodded and made a grunting sound in the back of his throat. Kurt sucked gently at the Blaine's supple skin. "All I could think about was you pinning me down in your bed and fucking me until I screamed, until I was shaking and begging for you to stop… but you wouldn't stop. You'd just fuck me harder, faster… knowing that's just what I wanted. Mmm, baby, you making me come with just your big cock in my ass. Still fucking me after I've come until you can't hold on anymore and come deep inside me."

Kurt lifted his head and looked back at Blaine, whose mouth was hanging open and his pupils were so dilated Kurt almost couldn't see his irises anymore. "Do you like that, baby?" Kurt teased, kissing the corner of Blaine's mouth. Blaine continued to stare at Kurt, his mouth was dry and his brain was completely blank. It'd been so long since he'd had Kurt in his bed, and even longer since he'd been so descriptive with what he wanted from Blaine. Blaine licked his lips and launched himself at Kurt, pressing the older boy down into the mattress before swiftly pulling his shirt over his head, silently thanking anything holy that Kurt hadn't gone full out with his layers.

Blaine didn't even think as he pulled open his shirt, making the buttons scatter over the bed and onto the floor. Kurt gaped at him, "Blaine, your shir-" Blaine cut him off with a kiss. "Shut up, don't care," He breathed harshly before pulling off his undershirt too. Kurt would have said something but all rational thought ran from his head as Blaine attached his mouth to his neck and his hands were deftly undoing his pants. They were yanked down and off his legs before Blaine fully sat up with plump, kiss-bruised lips. "Fuck, Kurt… you're not wearing underwear?" His voice was almost a whine which made Kurt laugh and reach for Blaine's belt. "No and neither will you in a minute," He smirked, pulling Blaine's belt away and undoing his jeans.

In a flash both boys were naked and Blaine smiled wickedly at Kurt. "Turn over," he said, his voice low and his eyes dark. Kurt couldn't help but moan at his words before listening to the order and flipping over onto his stomach. He groaned and closed his eyes as his dick rubbed against Blaine's sheets. The friction was short lived as Blaine's hands grabbed at Kurt's hips and pulled him up so he was on his knees but his head and arms were still on the mattress. "Fuck, you're gorgeous," Blaine whispered, running his hands over Kurt's ass, squeezing harshly, making Kurt gasp.

"Blaaaiinnee," Kurt whined, shifting slightly to stick his ass up further. Blaine grinned and only squeezed harder at the globes in his hands. After Kurt whimpered softly, Blaine took pity and reached to his bedside table, opened the drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube. Kurt glanced at it before Blaine pulled it back to him. "That was a lot fuller when I left… been having some solo fun?" Kurt teased. Blaine wasn't sure how Kurt could find it in him to joke when he was face down in the mattress with his ass in the air, but maybe that was just Kurt. Blaine brought his open hand down to Kurt's right cheek, making him groan and push back a bit.

"You like that, don't you?" Blaine asked, feigning innocence while he popped open the bottle of lube and squeezed some onto his fingers, "You like it when I'm rough with you." Kurt moaned louder and nodded his head helplessly, "God, yes. I love it. Please, Blaine… do something. I need you." Blaine dropped the bottle of lube by his knee and brought his clean hand down onto Kurt's ass again before grabbing the flesh harshly and smiling at the grunting noise Kurt made. Without any warning, Blaine quickly plunged two of his fingers into Kurt, making him shriek and arch his back dramatically. Blaine wasted no time in working his fingers in and out of Kurt, groaning in the back of his throat how hot and tight he was. It'd been too long, Blaine decided, as he crooked his fingers slightly until the pressed into Kurt's prostate. Kurt let out a mix between a scream and a whimper as Blaine's fingers started to assault that bundle of nerves inside of him. He was already sweating and his whole body ached for Blaine to just fuck him already.

Blaine added a third finger into Kurt, making the boy under him grip at the sheets and moan lowly. With a smile, Blaine slapped Kurt's ass again and licked his lips. "Are you ready for me to fuck you, Kurt?" Blaine asked, watching as Kurt fucked himself back onto his fingers. Kurt didn't say anything; he just whined and kept pressing himself back, needing to feel more. Blaine wanted an answer though, so he stilled the movement of his hand and gripped Kurt's hip hard, making him stop moving. "I asked you a question, Kurt," Blaine said lowly, his voice almost a growl.

"Oh, fuck… yes, Blaine. I need you to fuck me. Please. It's been so long since I've had your big cock in my ass, I need it. Fuck me, Blaine, fuckmefuckmefuckME," Kurt was whining and begging and hitting his hand against the mattress by the end of his plea.

Without another word Blaine eased his fingers out of Kurt and wiped them haphazardly on the bedding. He watched Kurt's hole quiver and clench around nothing while he whined and moaned at the loss. Blaine licked his lips and quickly found the bottle of lube by his knee and slicked up his cock, taking a few seconds to just run his hand over his own length. Kurt made an impatient noise and turned his head to glare back at his boyfriend. Blaine let out a small laugh before edging closer to Kurt, letting the head of his cock circle Kurt's entrance before pressing against his slight. "Fuck, Blaine," Kurt whined, folding his arms in front of him and laying his head on top.

Blaine clucked his tongue and laughed softly, "No, Blaine's going to fuck you." Kurt groaned and made a noise of irritation in the back of his throat. "Then hurry up and do it already," He tried pressing back to force Blaine in but Blaine put his hands firmly on Kurt's hips and held him there. "You are such a bossy bottom sometimes, Kurt," Blaine practically chastised while putting more pressure on Kurt's hole. Kurt groaned again, "I wouldn't have to be if you just hurried the fuck up and put your dick in my –HOLY FUCK!" Blaine hadn't waited for Kurt to finish talking, he just slammed his hips forward until he was completely inside Kurt.

He didn't wait for Kurt to get accustomed to the intrusion either; he just pulled back and thrust back into Kurt's perfect ass, moaning loudly. "You're so fucking tight, Kurt. Tight, and perfect, and mine," Blaine ground out as he started to piston his hips harshly against Kurt. Kurt couldn't talk. Each thrust in pushed a small breath of air out of his lungs, the sound vaguely resembling a whine or moan. Blaine swiveled his hips just enough so his cock punched against Kurt's prostate. Kurt bit back a scream as his eyes screwed shut and his hands moved up to grip into the hair at the back of his head, needing something to hold on to.

It was all beginning to be too much and Kurt wasn't sure he would be able to take it. "B-bl-Blaine," Kurt whimpered while the boy behind him continued to fuck into him harder and harder. Kurt's back arched and his knuckles were starting to turn white with how hard they were gripped into his hair. "I can't… fuck, Blaine. It's too much… Please, fuck… I can't," Kurt tried to say, but his breathing was harsh and his voice just wasn't cooperating. But Blaine knew Kurt didn't want to stop, he was just too close to the edge and needed that extra push, so to speak.

Blaine's hands let go of Kurt's hips and reached forward to grab at his arms, gripping just about his elbows and pulling them back. Kurt let go of his hair and let his arms be pulled back, even twisting his hands enough to grab onto Blaine's arms too. Then, Blaine pulled enough to lift Kurt completely off the bed. "Shit!" Kurt screamed, letting his head fall forward. Blaine bit his lip and continued to thrust forward while pulling Kurt backwards, impaling him on his cock. "Baby," Kurt whined, his whole body shaking, "Soon… oh, god." Blaine only grunted in response and thrust in harder, watching Kurt's body jolt with each push. It only took four more thrusts before Kurt's whole body seized up and he was screaming his release, come spurting out over the bed below him.

His body went limp and Blaine let him down slowly, grabbing at his hips again. Kurt was whining again at how sensitive he was and how hard Blaine was fucking him. "Fuck, Kurt, you're so perfect… I'm gonna come. I'm gonna come right in your gorgeous little ass," Blaine panted, feeling the hot coil in his stomach clenching tightly. Kurt moaned and his hands grabbed the sheets below him, "Do it. Please, Blaine. I want it." That was it. Blaine pushed himself in once more until his hips were flush against Kurt's ass and he was coming harder than he had in a very long time. He felt light headed and his vision whited out for a second. He almost collapsed on top of Kurt but threw his arms out on either side of Kurt's head to catch himself.

He slowly pulled out, wincing at his own oversensitivity while Kurt hissed softly. Blaine practically threw himself down on his back next to Kurt, panting heavily. Kurt turned his head and looked at Blaine with a sated smile on his face. Blaine looked back at Kurt and grinned, "Come here." Kurt closed his eyes for a minute and thought about it. His whole body felt boneless and he couldn't feel his legs. He opened his eyes and shook his head. "I can't move. I'm never moving again," He whispered, his voice hoarse. Blaine groaned and reached out to Kurt, pulling him gently towards him until the older boy was lying partially on his chest. "I love you," Blaine whispered, "I'm so happy you're home.

Kurt yawned and nodded, "Me too, baby, me too."