"Tick ... tock ... goes the clock. Amy, I'm coming closer ..."

Her breaths were drawn sharp and jagged, raggedy. Just like him. Her old Raggedy Doctor. He'd certainly lived up to his nickname – everything she loved was in shreds.

Her eyes swivelled from the distant light to the dark heap on the floor before her. The motionless bundle that lay at her feet was lumpy and cold. Once, so long ago now, it would have been soft, gentle, warm. It would have breathed her, lived her, loved her. But Rory was dead now. The Raggedy Man killed him.

And he was about to kill her too.

"Tick ... tock ... goes the clock, Amy, here comes the Doctor ..."

His rhyme throbbed inside her head, swirling round and round, threatening to overwhelm her before he had even arrived. She shivered, her whole world spliced with glass shards that cut her with every movement. Glancing once more at the crack of light allowed through by the door, she lowered herself to the ground and reached out for the bundle of Rory. Her shaking fingertips found his still ones, and ice met ice. He had always sworn he would give his life for her. Now, he had.
She brought the two flats of ice to her mouth and tried to breathe life into them, yet life as she knew it was over now.

The crooning resumed.

"Tick ... tock ..."

The sliver of yellow against the blackness suddenly became a pool of gold as the door to her final resting place opened. A bow tie, scarlet as the halo around her husband's head, bright as her hair, was thrown into the pool, creating black ripples. Then an even greater ripple was formed, and the reason for it stepped into view.

She closed her eyes tightly as tears began to flee, running across her cheeks and jumping to the ground, abandoning their vessel before life abandoned it first.

He turned to face her and cocked his head. Lips curled in a sneer, hair hanging over his glinting eyes, his glare burned into her. She felt it, summoned the courage to return it.

"Doctor, please. You're being crazy, Doctor, this isn't you. This isn't" – her voice cracked to a hoarse whisper as he began to lessen the distance between them, the same monstrous sparkle in his stare – "this isn't who you are. Please!"

He stopped, but only to let out a bitter laugh.

"Ah, Amelia Pond. I'm not crazy ... Not completely."

More sobs escaped her lungs as she began to screech. "You like me, Doctor! I'm your friend, and so was Rory! What about River, what about everyone else?"

She trailed off as he drew his face closer, resting his forehead rested against hers, all the while maintaining that wicked glare.

"Oh, Amy." He paused, his mouth contorting into a twisted smile. "I kill the people I like."

A/N: Hope you liked it! Dark!Doctor was surprisingly fun to write, though of course I hope he never becomes canon. If you enjoyed reading this, please do leave a review - makes my day. Thanks:)