A/N: I really didn't want to update this late. I was planning to update six days ago to celebrate Sonic's 22nd birthday, but I just had to have complications, so…Yeah…Six days late. It just doesn't feel right.
Dark Gaia's PoV
I woke up in an empty bed. I called out for Sonic, but I got no answer. I could hear lapping noises from the bathroom. I got out of bed and sleepily walked over to the bathroom door. It was slightly ajar, so I pushed it open.
"Sonic?" I tiredly called out before releasing a yawn.
"Gah! Th-This isn't what it looks like!" he shouted.
He was still in his Werehog form and he had his clawed hands on the toilet seat.
"Oh God…Were you drinking out of the toilet?!" I shouted repressing a giggle.
"Umm…No…? Yes…" he added shamefully after a brief pause.
His ears flopped down and I pet him.
"Looks like your Werehog form is bringing out the cute little puppy side it has." I squealed.
As if to confirm this, Sonic started scratching himself like a dog. A few dead fleas came out and he started wagging his tail.
"Arf! D-Did I really just do that?" he added in embarrassment.
"Aww. Who's my cute widdle puppy? You are! Yes you are! Yes you are!" I gushed.
Sonic growled in annoyance and he started glowing a fierce lavender.
"Huh? What's going on?" he asked.
"I don't know!" I shouted.
His quills got longer, almost looking like hair. He started getting feminine curves in all the right places, started growing rather large breasts, and his claws shrunk a little. His shoes turned into high heels, and with that, he stopped glowing. Sonic screamed and covered him - I mean - her self up and started whimpering.
"I don't like this. Change me back!" she yelped.
"I actually kinda like it." I commented.
She backed away as I got closer with my arms outstretched to squeeze her boobs.
"Dark, don't do it!" she whimpered.
"It doesn't hurt. I squeeze mine al the time!"
"But mine are new!" she whined.
"I wonder what could have caused this." Sonic wondered.
"Well since I'm a girl, it could be the energy I pumped in you." I mused.
"So does that mean you…?"
"Yup. I have to take it out the same way." I finished.
"C-Can't you just take away my Werehog form?" she asked nervously.
"The energy would still be in you. Sorry, Blue. Bend over."
"Gently please." she whimpered.
She got on all fours and my hair turned into tentacles. I slowly slid them into her butt and pussy and started wiggling them around. She moaned softly and my tentacles started pulsating and throbbing, slowly sucking away the energy I pumped into him…Or her. Sonic slowly turned back to normal and I pulled out my tentacles.
"How was it being a girl for a few minutes?" I asked.
"It was kinda weird." he answered.
"….So how'd the toilet taste?" I asked while giggling.
"Like licorice …We will never speak of that again." Sonic growled.
I giggled and pet him on the head. I heard the door to my room open and I heard the familiar flapping of Light Gaia's wings.
"Hey, sis! Are you in here?" he called.
"In the bathroom!" I answered.
He flew in and closed the door. He looked at us with a worried expression on his face and locked the door.
"Sonic, I've been wondering…" Light Gaia began.
"…Go on." Sonic urged.
"I've been wondering if you would like to marry my sister." he finished.
"Chip - I mean - Light Gaia -"
"Just call me Chip. It's grown on me." Light Gaia interrupted.
"…Chip, are you sure you want me to marry Dark Gaia?" Sonic cross-examined .
"Well of course. You two deserve marriage." Light Gaia muttered.
"Wow…I don't even have a ring yet!" Sonic said with a chuckle.
"Ah but there's a catch."
"Oh no. Light Gaia please, I don't he can -"
"Sis, he beat you, Ifrit, Chaos, Nazo, and Solaris, so what makes you think he can't beat the rest of us?" Light Gaia snapped.
"…You have a point, but still. He'd get slaughtered by Scythe, Ultima, and Mom! Granted, they know what they're doing, but they're not going to make this as easy as breathing!" I exclaimed.
"I know that!" Light Gaia yelped.
"Uhh. Guys, can you fill me in on what your saying? I'm kinda lost." Sonic urged.
"In order for you to marry me, you have to beat everyone in this castle! In other words, you're gonna be a god!" I explained.
"Wh-What?! But what about my friends? Won't I outlive them?" Sonic queried in an incredibly scared tone.
"Except for me, Tails, and Shadow." Light Gaia mumbled.
"You're not helping!" I shouted as I smacked him upside the head.
"Whoa! Wait! Hold on a second! Tails is immortal?!" Sonic yapped.
"Umm..Yeah. He married my sister and had Miley." Light Gaia said nonchalantly.
"…Why did I not realize this sooner?!" Sonic yelled..
"You may be fast on your feet but your brain needs some catching up to do. Eighteen years worth of it." I giggled.
"…So now what do we do?" Sonic asked.
"Well you could fight me, if you want." Light Gaia grumbled.
"You sure? I don't want to hurt you."
"Nah. It's fine. I'm been fighting my sis for God knows how many years! Im sure I can take you on." Light Gaia said calmly as he warped us to a white circular arena with several marble pillars surrounding it.
"Well…Okay, I guess. So when do we - BWOASHIT!" Sonic shouted as he dodged a ball of light.
Five pillars of light surrounded Light Gaia and he pushed them towards Sonic. He dodged it with ease and Light Gaia started firing a barrage of light balls, beams, discs, and put a green barrier around him as he started flying at light speed.
"Sonic, try to penetrate his defenses! He's a glass cannon! He's easy to take down!" I called out cheering him on.
"So then why do I keep beating you? Heh. That's not the only thing he'll be penetrating." Light Gaia called back.
"F…Oh fuck you." I grunted out as a small blush creeped up my cheeks.
All Sonic could do was dodge and make the occasional Homing Attack to Light Gaia's shield which seemed to not take any damage.
"Grrr. How tough it that barrier?" Sonic growled.
Light Gaia said nothing and charged at Sonic with his leg outstretched while lowering his shield in the process. He kept kicking at Sonic at light speeds until Sonic figured out his kicking pattern. With a barely well timed swipe, Sonic grabbed Light Gaia's leg and shook him about.
"Nyaa! Lemme go! You're gonna give me a concussion!" Light Gaia whined.
Sonic kept shaking him and Light Gaia felt the urge to vomit.
"Sonic, please stop! I surrender! I have to go to the bathroom!" Light Gaia whimpered.
With a chuckle, Sonic stopped and let go of Light Gaia. He dusted himself off and warped us back to my bathroom where he promptly threw up in the toilet and flushed it thereafter. I could have sworn that I heard Chaos screaming. Light Gaia left the room, probably to tell Mom the news, and Sonc and I left the bathroom.
"Your brother's no pushover. No wonder he keeps beating you." Sonic commented.
"Don't ever bring that up again." I growled as I lightly punched Sonic in the arm.
Sonic nervously chuckled while scratching the back of his head.
"So is your baby brother that powerful?" Sonic asked.
"Believe me, Ultima's much stronger than us…Not as strong as our grandfather, but still pretty damn strong."
"Huh..So…What is he the god of?" he inquired.
"…We don't like talking about that." I groused..
"Ah…So who's next for me to fight?" he asked for a third time.
"I think it's Yin and Yang, but I'm not sure…We should get something to eat. I'm starving." I murmured
A/N: My brain has failed to find synonyms! Damn you, Thesaurus. com! *shakes fist dramatically*