"With the help of Pokemon, they captured Arceas and saved Oblivia. Then Ellios and the pieces of the Golden Armor appeared. The Golden Armor got lost in Oblivia and Ellios came back to his mind. So that's how the Pokemon Rangers saved Oblivia!" said Spring. Actually her name was Summer, but she didn't want to give away her identity. She told this story or legend, whatever you wanted to call it, to her children since they insisted. Of course, they always asked the same questions.

"Am I really named after Summer, one of the original rangers who saved Oblivia?" Summer asked.

"Am I really named after Ben, one of the original rangers who saved Oblivia?" asked Ben.

"How come I'm named Kellyn? Kellyn is just a random name!"Kellyn said.

"Why am I named Solana? This name is so not popular!" said Solana.

Of course she always gave them the same answers.

"Yes Summer and Ben are the two original rangers that saved Oblivia." Spring said.

Summer and Ben did their best to look proud, while only Solana was the only one pouting. Since Spring ran through this everyday, she knew that Solana will only feel bad.

"Kellyn is the name of a top ranger. There aren't many top rangers in the world."

Solana pouted more.

"Solana was one of the first rangers to meet Celebi!" Spring tried to act like that was a wonderful thing, but many rangers met Celebi.

"But many rangers met Celebi!" Solana said.

"Now go to sleep." Spring said, "Or you will never be a Pokemon Ranger."

"WE HAVE TO BE POKEMON RANGERS!" they yelled, even Solana. They all wanted to be Pokemon Rangers.