Me: And the long awaited 4-Stones is here!

Ella: So get on with it! People don't want to wait any longer!

Drew: For once I actually agree with her.

Asher: Ella and Drew agreeing? It's the first sign of the end of the world!

Me and May: LOL! ROFL! LMFAO!

Me: Ok, I'll start in a second but I have a couple of things to say first. First of all Ella is an OC based on me, but I won't speak through her. She is a character and will be treated as such. Second Asher is in no way Ash I just like the name Asher. And he is based on someone I know. Topaz do your thing!

Topaz: Fprmr1 doesn't own Pokémon.

Me: On with the fic!

.:} 4-Stones{:.

May's POV:

Breathe in, breathe out. Align your chakras and all that yoga crap sensei taught you.

I was in the training room of the school, trying to get in some last minute training before they call in the students for the opening ceremony. As you can probably already tell, I'm nervous. It's my first year at the school, and I'd be assigned to a team of people that I don't even know a shred of information about.

First of all, I'd like to say a couple of things. My mane is May Maple and I'm an assassin in training. Oh and I can control the element of air. I was sent to Spy High to "enhance my abilities, skills and powers." that and I had nothing better to do this year except go to normal school. So I went with Spy High.

Will all students report to the auditorium.

Normal POV:

The students of the school after hearing the announcement went straight to the auditorium, every one of them wanted to be the first to get their assigned team. After the auditorium was full of chattering and nervous trainees, a loud cough was heard and everyone paid attention to a short woman on stage.

"I would like to congratulate you all for making it into Spy High!" the lady said. A loud and deafening applause was provided from the crowd. The lady then paused and continues. "I am your principal Leila Fox; I have been trained by the FBI, the CIA, and an organization so secret I've already spoken too much about it. So don't even try to pull one over me."

Some of the students chuckled at this while other s just grimaced, it was clear who the new recruits were and who were returning from the previous year. On e thing was for sure though, don't mess with the principal.

Mrs. Fox then continued. "As usual new recruits will be assigned to incomplete teams from last year, and complete teams from before will still stand. If you look at your laps now; you will notice that we placed files that contain information on your team." Everyone looked and saw that it was true.

"As for dorms this year they will be co-ed and each dorm will hold one team. In the dorms you will find your personal items and other necessities. Each dorm has 1 kitchen, 1 bathroom, 2 bedrooms, 1 training area, 1 weapon arsenal, 2 pools indoor and outdoor, 1 room for Pokémon, 1 entertainment center, and a room for relaxing or how you young folk say "chilling out". That is all, report to your dorms and meet your team, training begins tomorrow. You are dismissed." And with that everyone read their files and left to meet their teams.

Ella's POV:

Okay first things first, I need to check out my files. I know that Asher will be on my team because he was on it last year, but who will the other two be? I opened the files and started reading.

Team Name: 4-Stones

Agents on Team:

Name: Asher Williams

Codename: Peridot

Powers: none

Age: 17

Years of Experience at Spy High: 1

Areas of Expertise: Endurance, Pokémon training, Pokémon combat, human combat, adaptability

Positions on Team: Field spy, the muscle, researcher, and one of the two main breeders for the team.

Reasons Why: He is a good at taking orders and following them so he is a perfect spy to send out in the field. Very athletic and will serve as the muscle of the group. Is well-read and can research with the best of them. Has a special connection with Pokémon and can handle them well. He was trained by the monks in the Himalayas in the art of Tae-Kwando, Karate, Ju-jitsu, and modern combat. Vey experienced in fighting and will be a very useful field spy because of that.

Personality: Easy going, playful guy. Is smart but doesn't like to show it. Loves making jokes and teasing others (Especially Ella). Easy to get along with and good tempered. Like a nice big brother. He will even joke around when it's time for a mission; Ella sometimes gets annoyed with him for not being more serious at times like these. Other than that a very useful person on the team. He is very caring and will take care of both people and Pokémon when there is a problem with them. Loves to meet new people, and makes friends very easily because of his good and caring nature.

Pokémon: Jolteon, Charizard, Pikachu, and Salamence.

Name: Drew Hayden

Codename: Emerald

Powers: none

Age: 16

Years of Experience at Spy High: 0

Areas of Expertise: Espionage, The art of persuasion, weapons, poisons, Pokémon training, Pokémon combat

Positions on Team: Master Spy, The bait, Master Poisonist, Assistant assassin, Back-up leader

Reasons Why: He was trained by the CIA and the Navy SEALS and is the most experienced in espionage. He is no doubt handsome and will be used as bait on female targets when trying to get intell from them or secretly assassinate them. With his knowledge of poisons he can concoct lethal injections and poisons that will kill anything. Good with weapons and the art of killing but May has more expertise in this area.

Personality: He's good looking and he knows it, comes off as arrogant when you first meet him but after time will be loyal to his teams and such. Also loves teasing though not in a playful way like Asher. Easy going once you get to know him but will be hard to earn his trust and respect. Will sometimes put himself first for he is vain, but with time learn to put the team first. Is very intelligent and likes to show it too. Can get annoying after a while but you'll get use to him or he will learn to be a little modest, hopefully.

Pokémon: Leafeon, Flygon, Roselia, and Snivy

Name: Ella Rogers

Codename: Amethyst

Powers: Mind Control, Telekinesis, Transporting, Visions of the Future, Can Fly

Age: 17

Years of Experience at Spy High: 1

Areas of Expertise: Leading, Powers of the Mind, Master Strategist, hand to hand combat, weaponry, the art of persuasion, Poisons

Positions on Team: Team Leader, the brains, Master Strategist, Field Spy, The Bait, Tech Master, Assistant Poisonist

Reasons Why: She is a natural born leader and her mind controlling powers don't hurt when she's trying to get someone to do something. She is abnormally smart and is quick to find an answer to a problem her team may have. Her intelligence helps her plan the team's actions and is good at planning for missions. She has a lot of experience in the field, but no where near the amount of experience and knowledge that Drew has in this subject. She has exotic delicate looks and will be the bait when there is a male target, she and Drew will switch places when this happens and Drew will be the leader of the team for those missions. Her telekinesis is vital when operating spy tech, she will be able to fix anything that goes wrong with the tech. Her knowledge in poisons is good but again, is nowhere near Drew's expertise in this certain subject.

Personality: She is good looking but unlike Drew is modest about it and will never comment on her looks. She is very playful and is quick to have a comeback when she is teased. She is good tempered and is patient but when you push her over the edge you better look out. Once you gain her trust she will become fiercely loyal and put you above everyone else in her mind. She always puts her team first, even before herself and that sometimes leads to wounds and injuries on her part. She is very friendly and easy going, but when it's mission time she turns serious and has no time for jokes.

Pokémon: Espeon, Dragonite, Emolga, Gardevoir, and Victini

Name: May Maple

Codename: Sapphire

Powers: Can control the element of Air, can fly, and is abnormally fast

Age: 16

Years of Experience at Spy High: 0

Areas of Expertise: Assassination, The art of killing, advanced weaponry, Powers concerning air, Speed, Agility, all types of combat

Positions on Team: The Killer, Master Assassin, Combat trainer, Assistant Tech Master, Speed and Agility Trainer

Reasons why: She has been trained her whole life as an assassin and is the best at what she does. While training as an assassin she was taught 101 ways to kill people, enough said. Also during her training she was taught how to use many types of weapons even the newest ones and has a lot of mastery with weapons. She will serve as the trainer of the group when it comes to combat; the only one that is excused from this training is Asher as he has already been trained enough. With her knowledge of advanced weaponry comes the knowledge of newer tech too, she will assist Ella when there is a tech malfunction. Because of her training she is very agile and fast and will try her best to train the others in her team to be agile and fast.

Personality: She is very kind and caring though she does have a temper, don't push her over the edge if you know what's good for you. She cares about her Pokémon a lot and wants what is best for them. She usually works alone so she will be a little shy but after getting to know her team better will be open and friendly. She loves to eat and she can get away with it too because of her special assassin training that keeps her slim and fit. She is known as a hothead so when she blows you better watch out. Other than that she is very easy to get along with and is very friendly. She puts the team first but is also aware that she is important to the mission and won't go as far as Ella does when putting the team first.

Pokémon: Glaceon, Altaria, Beautifly, and Swanna

Well one thing is for sure, this year's team is going to be very interesting.

I went to our assigned cabin number 007. Hmm that sounds familiar, oh well it'll come to me eventually. I inspected the girls' bedroom and liked what I saw. The walls were a lilac purple color with whit accents that looked like delicate swirls and flower vines. The furniture was white and it looked cubed, they also had deep violet accents. The room looked modern and futuristic and I liked that style. In one corner was a very high tech computer that looked like it was the latest model from apple. A couple of feet away from the beds was a black flat screen TV. There was a cool looking violet in one corner that seemed like it was the reading corner or something because it had magazines and books tucked away in a bookcase.

I then went to the weapon arsenal and started researching my teammates on the wide database that the school provided when you connected to its interface. I must have been really interested in the information of my teammates because I didn't hear the front door open.

Asher's POV:

Someone is already here. I thought. I could hear the sound of someone typing, probably in the arsenal since that's where the main computer is. Then it hit me, it's Ella in there no doubt researching up on our other teammates. Just like Ella to put research first instead of taking a deep breath and relaxing for a bit. Should I go bug her? I decided not to, it is the first day and I didn't want her on my case the rest of the week so I decided to check out the room that would be Drew's and mine's.

When I stepped into the room my first thought was whoa! The walls were a mixture of yellow and green. The beds were green with yellow zig-zagged stripes on it. On the far side of the wall was a giant flat screen TV with a sweet sound system. Underneath that was a shelf full of the greatest movies of all time. It was like I was in heaven. On the side wall there was a white desk with a new computer from apple sitting on it. The chair was lime green and modern looking and there was a bright yellow circular rug in the middle of the room that really completes it.

I was feeling kind of hungry so I decided to go to the kitchen first then annoy the heck out of Ella after eating a snack. Drew must have beat me to Ella though because as I was about to enter the hallway I heard Ella scream and yell "Hayden you bastard!" I decided that I wouldn't interfere an angry Ella is not a kind Ella.

Drew's POV:

Jeez, could that girl scream! I swear I think they could hear us all the way back at the school. All I did was sneak up on her and now she's calling me bastard and stuff. I decided to turn on my charm and 'persuade' my way out of there.

"I'm sorry I snuck up on you, I was just so distracted by your beauty that I forgot to say anything. I just had to meet you." I said in my most seductive voice.

"Really? Well I don't mind then, I wanted to meet the great Drew Hayden too." She said just as seductively as me as she scooted closer to me. Was it hot in here or is it just me?

She then put one of her hands on my arm and said "I didn't mean to scream so loud, I was just startled." I wanted to get out of there, but something in my mind kept me from getting up and out of that room.

She put her lips on my ear and whispered "Nice try Hayden, you're still in so much trouble! Don't forget that I can be the bait too. Oh and your mind is very easy to control." And with that she left the room with me in a stupefied stun.

"She's not the leader for just anything you know." A new voice said. I assumed this was that Asher kid I read about in the files.

"Crap! That was Ella! I thought that was May!" I said out loud like an idiot.

"Yup you Grasshead that was Ella and you just pissed her off. May's the brunette chilling on the couch in the entertainment room. The exotic beauty you just pissed off was Ella and when I say she'll get you back trust me she'll get you back." Asher said with a smirk.

"So basically, I'm going to have to watch my back for an entire week right?" I uncertainly asked.

"Nope, she won't torture you physically; she's all about mind games. And from what I heard you're pretty easy to control, so you'll be doing a lot of stupid and dangerous stuff this week. I speak from experience. After that she'll cool down and stop torturing you." He replied.

This week is not going to be pretty.

May's POV:

So far I met our team leader, she seems nice. She explained all the rules of the school to me and our schedules are exactly the same; I'll at least have one familiar face in all my classes. I decided to try to find the rest of the team.

I heard talking in the weaponry and decided to go in and see what was happening.

"You've basically signed your own death note!" A voice said with a hint of humor in his voice.

"I know I'm an idiot. Get over it." Another voice said. The second one seemed familiar, but no it couldn't be!

"I can't get over it you Grasshead! You're such an idiot! You have made an enemy of your own team leader! She'll probably make you do all the grunt work!" The first voice was now bursting with laughter.

Grasshead? Ok that's definitely Hayden, so the other voice must be Asher. Time to make my entrance.

"Hey guys. What's up?" I asked

"Oh, the idiot on the couch over there signed his own death note. That's it I guess." Asher teasingly replied.

"I am a dead man." I heard Drew mutter under his breath.

"What did you do this time Oh great Grasshead?" I asked

Drew didn't reply instead Asher did the talking.

"Oh he sneaked up on our team leader; scared her, pissed her off, and tried to get out of the situation by seducing her and failed I might add."

"Drew didn't you read the file? She can be just as seductive as you, she's the other bait you know that right? But she makes a better leader than you too so don't question her. You can be such an idiot sometimes. Where's the smart and annoyingly arrogant Drew I worked with that one mission?" I asked.

"I still have jet-lag, I'm off today. I'm going to bed." He replied.

Instead of getting up and going to bed though he started punching himself and started chanting why am I hitting myself? Why am I hitting myself? It took me and Asher all we had to not burst out laughing right then and there.

"Oh yeah, making me punch myself real mature Ella!" He yelled.

"Just doing my job!" We heard Ella reply.

This year is going to be fun!

Me: So what do you think?

Ella: I'm awesome!

Drew: I hate you!

Asher: Putting these two under the same roof was a great idea!

May: I almost peed my pants!

Topaz: Uhh, May TMI?

Me: So my darling readers, was it what you were expecting? I will post the second chapter to 11 wishes next or tomorrow. Whenever I have time. Please leave a review dear readers, it makes my day, PEACE!