Hello people of America, England, Ireland, and any other people in any other country reading this! I am sorry about coincidental, but I just wasn't feeling it! Sorry to disappoint! But, it was becoming a burden to write. But I am totally feeling this story! Here it is!

Because Coincidental was cancelled, this story is also dedicated to Sibuna-Club-Fabina-Forever4569!

You know how it goes with me. First chap it a intro and rather short.

Nina's POV

"Uncle James!" I shouted through his tire shop, "Uncle James!"

"Back here, honey!" he yelled in response.

I made my way to the back of the shop, my old worn out converse squeaking as I went. I dusted off my old jeans with the holes in them and shook out my gray V-neck. I released my hair from its ponytail prison and let out a long, tired sigh.

"I'm gonna head back home. I have to watch Tommy tonight." I smiled at my uncle.

"Sure sweetheart." He smiled at me, "Just wash the grease from your hands first."

"I was actually going to take a shower." I laughed.


"You know you don't have to worry." I smiled, "I'll be home early, Tommy's parents aren't really party animals."

I heard Uncle James laugh as I walk out to my bike. I coast down the roads and wave to the people of Blairstown that I know. Blairstown, New Jersey. A small place, not really known by most people. But I loved it anyway.

"Aunt Jen!" I yelled walking through my doors, "I'm home!"

"In here darling!" she called in her lovely British accent.

Aunt Jen was English. Her mom and my mom's mom still lives there I think. She doesn't visit much, but it's always a pleasure when I get to see her.

My parents died when I was ten years old. I always wondered how life would be if they were still with me. I have nothing left of them, well nothing that means something. Just money and stuff. They drove their car into our one story house when it spiraled out of control. It happen when backing out of the garage and it destroyed the house and everything inside. I happened to be walking our dog, Finn, when it happened. I was left unharmed and they were left dead. My Gran had custody, but she said I'd rather live in America with my aunt and uncle than in England with her.

So here I am. I'm Nina Martin, I'm 15 years old, and I'm happy in life.

I work three jobs. I help out at my uncle's tire shop, I'm a babysitter, and a party helper. What that is, is like a person who helps set up before parties, during, and cleans up afterwards.

"What's for dinner?" I asked.


"I'm gonna have to grab something quick, I have to watch Tommy tonight." I sighed.

"No, I called and cancelled." She smiled, "We have to celebrate something tonight."

"We do?" I asked.

"Yes," she sighed, "It was your mother's birthday today."

I put my head down.

"You look just like her you know," she told me, "Those blue eyes and long curly hair, but you just have your father's Hispanic look as well."

So that night, I stayed home. We had dinner and they brought me to the living room and handed me a small box.

"What's this?" I asked.

"You're mother received this 25 years ago today when she turned 15." Aunt Jen told me, "And it's yours now."

I lift the top of the box and reveal a heart shaped necklace. It had a small gemstone in the center.

"It's an opal," Aunt Jen spoke, "It was you're mother's birthstone. It means purity."

I felt like falling to the ground and crying, "I love it. Thank you."

That day I vowed to never take it off. Ever.