Hello everyone! Here's my new Bart x Lisa Story! :)

If you are repulsed by these kind of story, I suggest that you click the back button.

Please forgive my grammar and stuff. English is not my primary language.

EDIT: I edited this chapter a little bit, the writing was awful ;^; and I changed some dates and added some minor characters.

Blindness: Chapter 1

Lisa hates traffic.

The smell if the taxi was just bad, precious time to do something productive wasted – doing her papers, devising plans to save the destruction of the earth, hanging out with her friends, or eating dinner with the cute guy who asked her out earlier that night.

And to even think about the wasted fuel these tons of cars use by just idling in the road – cursing and honking their horns… Ugh. She just shivers when she thinks about it.

So why is she inside a stinky cab, on the bustling streets of New York?

Apparently, she received a phone call from Milhouse about a Bart. Sulking. Girlfriend.

"Really? A girlfriend? I did not even know he has a girlfriend!"

"Just go here, please. He needs you".

The "he needs you" thing really took her off guard. She doesn't know if Milhouse just said that just to make her go there or he knows Bart well enough to know what he needs, but hearing that cancelled her appointments and made her go on a long trip inside the cab.

College is apparently being awesome to the three of them. They are busy with their college lives but they never fail to hang out with one another. Lisa turned down the Harvard and Yale offer. Nobody knows why, even she doesn't know the reason. She never regretted her decision, she loves New York, and with her brother and Milhouse, she loved it even more.

She's still the bright, well mannered, and adventurous, environtment loving Lisa. She has been popular with the guys – a fact that Bart and Milhouse is not a fan. Speaking of Milhouse, he ditched the glasses and wore contacts, cut his hair, and changed his style a bit - he practically became a chick magnet overnight. (They dated for a while but she's not going to be specific about the details - they are still good friends in the end). Bart didn't really change much, still the mischievous Bart they all know and love, but a bit more mature. The best of friends went to a great school here in New York. She was happy when she heard that they will be studying in a good university - during grade school and high school, she always wondered how their lives would turn out and it looks like it's turning for the better (a miracle as most of people in Springfield thought), they got a cheap but awesome apartment.

For the time being the two lived in the city, fangirls were starting to pile up and started stalking her when they saw her with them but when they found out that she's Bart's sister and Milhouse's ex, the stalking didn't stop but instead of glares, they came smiles (fake noted). She's got used to it after a couple of weeks and some people still kept her sane. Dianne, her roommate, which can be pretty crazy at times and Sophie, Milhouse's girlfriend, a very nice and beautiful girl, not to mention that she is an environmentalist. Bart has a girlfriend too, who she just found out earlier this evening, and she wants to find out more about later.

Which she doubts until this cab move for even an inch.

She's here, finally. And her feet hurt.

It ended up she needed to walk after all. Apparently, an accident added to the heavy traffic. Some insane guy was driving a truck and ran it on a building, blocking the whole street. A guy who saw the whole thing told that the man got down from the truck laughing. Hearing him tell the story sent chills to her spine, and to top it off, the psycho got away. Good thing a nice group of people were also going her way.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Milhouse opened the door and greeted, "Hey Lisa." He looked pretty stressed out.

She entered the apartment, "You look tired Milhouse."

"It's nothing, finals are coming up, and Bart is not helping. He's not eating, he's not going to school, he's not going out and it will look like it will be that way for a long time if we don't do anything."

"More like saying 'I don't do anything about it.'"

Milhouse smiled. "Well, you came."

Lisa chuckled and asked, "How long has he been like that?"

"Four days." Milhouse anxiously replied.

Lisa suddenly panicked, "F-Four? Why did you just call now?"

"He really doesn't want you to know."


Milhouse shrugged.

"What's he doing right now?"

"Watching stuff."

Lisa quickly got up and walked (more like stomped actually) to his room.

Her mind is racing and she's totally mad at Bart Simpson not telling him anything. Why doesn't he want me to know? That he was hurting. That he is practically killing himself?

When she saw him, the feelings and questions just disappeared. He's laying in bed the most pathetic state imaginable. Dirty clothes, unkempt hair, and swollen red eyes. Beside him were tissues, chick flick DVDs and some chips and drinks. She doesn't know if she should laugh or cry seeing him sniffling and being girly while watching 'The Notebook' (her favorite flick by the way). So pathetic.

She coughed couple if times to get Bart's attention. Nothing was working so she walked towards the bed and lied down beside him instead. Bart looked at her with shocked eyes.

"I didn't notice you."

"I was at the door 5 minutes ago."

"So Milhouse called you huh?" He turned his head back to the TV.


"That guy just can't shut his mouth even for a second." Still staring on the TV

"Give him some credit. He shut his mouth for 3 days."


"He said you didn't want me to know."


Come on Lisa! Start a decent conversation!

"That's my favorite movie."

"I know."

"Is that her favorite too?"


"How are you?"


Lisa sighed. With Bart's state right now, nothing will work to make him talk. So she watched the movie with him. It's her favorite movie after all.

In an apartment in New York...

A young woman was sitting in a room full of boxes. "Darn it. I need to unpack these."

"HEY LISA!" A guy suddenly appeared and hugged her from behind.

"Bart! What the hell? You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"You can cure yourself, you're studying doctor stuff anyway."

"I will be studying veterinary medicine. I don't cure people, I cure animals." Lisa said with a lecturing tone.

"Exactly." Bart smirked.

Lisa pouted. "That was pretty lame insult you know. You can do better than that."

"What? You just arrived here in New York and you're already giving me the cold shoulder!" Bart tried to pout but he needs more than that to convince Lisa. A neat freak Lisa Simpson.

"Well just look at the place! I need to clean up! Its messy."

"Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. That's not the right way for you to spend your first night here in New York! Let's go on a tour! I'll be your tour guide."


"Its been a long time since we haven't seen each other and you will just choose these boxes over your brother?"


"Ill help you unpack first thing tomorrow."

"Alright Bart." Lisa smiled.

"Let's go then!" Bart offered his had and she took it.

As they walked out of the building.

"I missed you." Bart whisphered.

"I missed you too." She whisphered back.

Bart held her hand tighter.

She woke up hearing an alarm clock right beside her ear.

"I'm still sleepy..." And turned the alarm clock off then turned to her side.

"Hey sleepyhead." Bart murmured as he poked her forehead.

Lisa opened her eyes and saw Bart sitting at the other side of the bed. "What happened?"

"You fell asleep. Its noon already."

"Noon? Sorry about that." Lisa then got up and stretched. "Did you eat?" Lisa asked. She already knows the answer but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"I had Cheetos. You should eat." Bart said as he opened the TV and DVD player and sat on the bed.

"This might be an opportunity to get him out." Lisa thought and began talking."No. You're eating with me, outside." Lisa demanded.

"I got ton of movies to finish."

"I think four days are enough to have your sulk-athon Bart."

"Just leave me alone."

Lisa felt something in her snap, "Look at yourself Bart! For four days you haven't been eating, bathing, going to school, you have been ignoring Milhouse, you completely shut yourself! You look like a fucking ghost! It's not healthy anymore!"

"I'm asking you one last time Lisa, just leave me alone."

Lisa grunted, "No, if you're not going out, I'm not either." she sat on the foot of the bed.

"Go out and eat, you already skipped a meal."

"I'm not eating unless you go with me."

"Stop acting like a child Lisa."

"Look who's talking. I'm not going out of here until you do."

"Suit yourself then."

"I will."









"Okay let's go." Bart sighed and got up.

"Yes!" Lisa screamed inwardly. "Take a bath, I'm not going out with a smelly old man."

"Wait for me outside." He grumbled.

Lisa felt a sense of fulfillment. He's actually going out! But she tries not to think that he did that for her.

Lisa went to the living room and saw Milhouse playing Man vs. Wild.

"Wow Milhouse, way to spend the time studying finals."

"Do you know the word 'taking a break'? And I got only one chapter to study anyway." Milhouse said while dodging the beaver that was attacking Bear Grylls. A beaver, really?

"You could have gotten a better game. Man vs. Wild?"

"Hey! Bear Grylls is awesome!"

"Awesome? He kills animals for the sake of a TV Show." She hates that guy.

Milhouse, knowing Lisa's "kinship" with nature just sighed. "Anyway, I thought you left."

"I fell asleep while watching The Notebook with him."

Milhouse chuckled. "Did he talk to you?"

"He would just like utter something then there will be this awkward silence, but he did talk to me when I woke up. I think he wasn't very happy about our argument."

"Argument about what?" Milhouse replied, eyebrows tilting, but still focusing on the TV.

"Nah, me skipping meals, and not leaving his room unless he goes out."

Milhouse slammed the controller. "Did you mean, you were able to make him go out?"

"Yep!" Lisa can't help but smile.

"I knew it. I was right calling you."

"Oh yeah, I think Bart will have a talk with you about telling me."

"Meh. It'll be fine." You're really clueless Lisa.

"Lisa, stop putting fries on my plate."

"You're so thin! You need to eat more! You will not be called the "hunk god" anymore."

"So you're there at the apartment telling me that my sulka-thon is not healthy and now you're forcing me to eat all those fries. Wow Lisa, healthy indeed."

"I've known you for 20 years to know that your comfort food is fast food. Just eat. You'll go with me to the grocery store and buy you some vegetables and things. I saw your fridge. I don't know what you and Milhouse are eating."

"I don't feel like it."

"Well boohoo mister, if you don't, I'll call mom. We know how protective she gets. Now eat."

Bart stared at her for a while, sighed, and ate the greasy and salty French fries.

Lisa smiled. For now just make Bart talk and eat, the questions can come later.

"Since how long have you been going out with Kate?"

A couple of days had passed, and Bart has improved - a little. Lisa is currently at Bart's room, watching those chick flicks with him, today, they were watching "Letter's to Juliet." She presented herself to go to Bart and Milhouse's apartment everyday to make sure Bart is okay. The improvement might be slow - but there is improvement.

"Two years."

"TWO YEARS? I've been in New York for a year! Why didn't I know about it?"

"Cause I was spending more time with you." Bart murmured.

"Wait, what?"

"Cause you're stupid."

For a minute there, she thought he said a different thing. She felt relieved but somehow her stomach felt funny.

"Soooo, tell me more about Kate."

"What do you mean?"

"Hmmmm, how did you meet?"

Bart might have not notice it himself, but Lisa notice his face soften and lips curve into a small smile. There was the funny feeling in her tummy again.

"I met her in languages class an- hey! No way I'm telling you about our story." He turned away blushing.

Lisa was surprised that she is more than happy to change the topic. The feeling was there again. "What does she look like? Her personality? Her quirks?"

He described her as he looked at Lisa, the small smile never disappearing. "She's beautiful, sparkling round eyes, cascading blonde hair, smart, interesting, adventurous, and strong willed." He continued staring at her. "Just like you."


For a split second, his eyes had gone wide and his smile faltered. "Uhhh… So yeah, and a lot more."

Lisa noticed but didn't pay it any attention.

Lisa smiled. "That's so sweet Bart. It seems that you love her very much."

Bart smiled back and looked at her, "Yeah, very much so."

"If she goes back to you, would you get back together?"


"Is that too personal? I-i'm sorry about that! I don't know why I asked that!"

"Nah, it's okay. Actually, I really don't know the answer anymore." Bart paused for a while, thinking about something then asked her. "What do you think?"

"I think you two should go back, it really looks like you love her very much." She looked at Bart with a softness Bart can't point out, "I don't want my brother to get hurt."

Bart smiled at her.

The funny feeling in her tummy rised to her chest, and the feeling wasn't funny anymore.


So what do you guys think? :)

I don't hate Bear Grylls by the way, I love him. Even if he drinks pee and everything...