A/N: I'm a little depressed because this story is almost done, but its great! Now I can work on new stories. I hoped you guys liked Poison. I have on chapter left, still working on it. I've enjoyed this story. My first story is finally ending. Took longer than expected because I followed no outline or had any ideas were this story was going... But this was nice. Leave me a review. Let me know what you thought of this story and what you think and all that jazz... Thanks for reading!


"You are the worst friend ever, Soul Evans!"

"That was the worst day of my life, Maka Albarn! I did everything I could! Giving the situation, I think I did okay."

"Okay?! I was dying on Professor Stein's lab table!" I had never felt more insulted before in my life. Glancing around the room to find something to throw at Soul, my eyes fell upon my book collection. I grabbed one of my boos from the bookshelf and hurled it at Soul. He dodged it quickly, his red eyes glaring at me, "Yeah I know! I was there! I was scared to death and was trying to get you the best help I could during that storm! You should be grateful!"

"Grateful?!" I threw another hard cover book at him, which he dodged again. I should be grateful?! That he took me to the scariest place in Death City? That I almost died adn he was just messing with my emotions? Making me believe that he loved me? From the corner of my eyes, the group was there in the living room wide eyed, like frightened children who were witnessing their parents fighting.

Slowly Kid stood from the couch, "Well then... I think we should be leaving now. Liz, Patty lets go -"

"No!" Liz reached up and grabbed Kid's shoulder roughly, pulling him back to sit on the couch, "Things are starting to get good. We have to see this to the end." I turned my head to glare at Liz, who shrunk in her seat and spoke in a small whisper, "I'm sorry... continue."

I groaned, trying to ignore the audience that remained in our living room. I looked back at Soul, crossing my arms. He slid one hand through his hair in an aggressive way and spoke so quiet, I coud barely hear him, "I can't believe this..."

"Can't believe what? That I remembered?" I was raising my voice again, but I couldn't stop. I wanted Soul to feel as horrible as I did, "It's not what you did, Soul. It was what you said. Do you remember? Because I sure do!"

Sou'ls eyes softened slightly. I knew him for a while to know that he was holding his breathe when he made that face. He's probably thinking of an excuse! The sudden crunch of someone eating brought my attention to Black Star. His hand found its way into Soul's favorite chips that were laying on the counter. Tsubaki read the look on my face and whispered, "Sorry." Her delicate fingers grabbed Black Star's wrist and yanked them away from the bag. "What? I'm hungry..."

"Maka." I turned towards Soul again. His expression was a gentle one, his eyes were serious. I had never seen him look at me like that before, it sent chills up my spine. He took a step towards me, placing one of his hands at the center of his chest, "I meant it with every part of my soul... I love you, Maka Albarn -"


Soul and I both turned to see Tsubaki, Patty, and Liz smilling at him. Kid sat there in between Liz and Patty, quietly nibbling on his finger nails. Black Star stood there, his posture relaxed and the look on his face was shocked.

Soul mumbled something and looked back at me, his expression turning soft once more, "I never said that I didn't." I can't believe he is attempting to lie to my face.

"Really? I said in a sarcastic tone,, "What happened to, 'Well Maka, the thing is... you were dying'? Was that a halllucination?"

Loud gasps came from Kid, Liz Patty and Tusbaki. Kid only managed to shake his head at Soul. Tsubaki placed both of his hands between her breasts, as if the sentance was directed towards her and that his words hurt her physically, "Soul, how could you say that?"

"Yeah, man. That's pretty harsh, even for you. How do you put it? So 'uncool'." Black Star joined in with the critisizim, stretching the last word. Patty glared at Soul, looking like a child. Liz only turned to look at me to see my reaction.

"Can't you guys just -" Soul used both of his hands and gestured them to move from the couch to the front door, "- wait outside tilll we're done talking?!"

"I'm actually enjoying this." Kid said with a small smile on his face. He glanced around the room to see if anyone else was enjoying our romance-turned-drama.

"Yeah, this is pretty exciting. Besides, its 103 degrees outside. I'm not going out there, my hair will frizz!"" Liz looked at Kid, agreeing with him a small nod as well.

"I agree with Liz..." Tsubaki chimmed into the conversation. Black Star stood next to Tubaki, smiling at the conversation. He's enjoying this and knows how painful and annoying this is to us!

"Really, Big Sis? That's really hot!" Patty's clueless eyes looked across the couch to her older sister, "Yes it is, Patty. So we are just going to wait in here till -" I groaned loudly. I can't believe this! The one chance to actually clear the air with Soul is turning into a Soap Opera!

"Soul?" Everybody stopped talking and everyone's eyes turned to me. Soul's eyes were pleading for me to understand, "How did I manage to hallucinate that?"

"You didn't hallucinate it." He spoke softly, his eyes were looking straight into mine and he didn't blink once. Everyone in the room shifted to stare at Soul, waiting for his next sentence, "It was... him." Soul's hand went to pull at h\the collar of his shirt to reveal the scar he got from Crona. I crossed my arms, feeling guilty now.

Soul never liked talking about the little demon with anyone else besides me, which was even rare for me. He had told me what happened and what the demon did to him when we fought the Kishin. I didn't understand how bgi of a problem the demon was to Soul till now. He could manipulate the Black Room and tried to trick me like he did during the kishin battle four months ago.

"Who's him?" Black Star asked. That's it! I grabbed the dictionary from my book shelf and lifted it over my shoulder, "Alright, everybody out!"

Less than 5 seconds, everyone ran for the front door. They all pushed and shoved their way through the exit, scared of my Maka Chops. I held the book to my chest after they ran out fo the apartment. It was slightly better, but they left the door open and leaned in the doorway to continue to hear our conversation.

Soul looked at me, looking helpless, "Admit it, Maka. You wouldn't be acting this way if you didn't feel the same for me." I was caught off guard by his statement. The blood rushed to my face as I considered everything. I hugged the book tighter to my chest. I loved those crimson eyes of his. They felt like thery were piercing my soul. I couldn't help but think about how handsome he looked now in his yellow t-shirt and black jeans. His black hair band was gone now, his white hair wild and free. My thoughts then went to the Soul I saw in my dreams that night. How those crimson colored eyes faded away into tears. Despite the hallucinations and all... he looked and acted just like Soul, but something about him was wrong. It was the look in his eyes. The look I could see now. The look in his eyes were missing that night... The softness in them that were always there, barely hidden behind his supposed 'coolness'.

Finally I smiled at him, watching the stiffness in his poosture slowly disappear, "I believe you."

Soul smiled, his grin growing from ear to ear on his face again. I've actually missed his smile. Then my anger returned. Thinking on how it took him four days for him to finally tell me. I hurled the book that was in my arms at him, "Why didn't you tell me sooner, you jerk?!"

A loud gasp came from the group standing in the doorway. Soul dodged it again, "Damn it, Maka! There's no winning with you!"

I glared at him, "You knew what happened for four days and didn't say a word! I almost killed you with my book collection. I could have ruined our resonance and -" Soul growled and marched over to me. He cupped my face roughly between his hands. Before I could register what he was doing, he kissed me.

His eyes closed as he pulled me closer to him. His lips were softer then I remembered. Out of all his kisses he has given me in the past week, this kiss blew them all away. Simply because this was not a kiss on the cheek or on the forehead . Our lips finally met. Also I could finally taste him. His lips tasted like his bubblegum he usually carried around with him. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. He released my cheeks from his tight grip and slipped them around my waist. He lifted me off the ground with a tighter embrace as I moved my lips against his, trying to taste more of his gum.

He finally pulled away from the kiss and smiled at me. Soul's eyes looked directly into mine. I smiled and laughed. My first kiss with Soul... and seconds ago, I tried to kill him with a dictionary. I knew my face was turning red, but I didn't care. Because the kiss was worth it.

I glanced over at the door to see Kid's jaw slowly dropping, his yellow eyes were large. Liz smiled at me with a look that said, 'great job !' She sealed the look with a thumbs up. Patty clapped and giggled, her excitement was getting the best of her. Tsubaki wiped a tear away form her cheek, "Finally!" Black Star stuck his tongue out and covered his eyes with his hands, "Eww..."

I closed my eyes and groaned, pressing my forehead against Soul's. He only laughed, "You should have thrown the book at them instead of me."